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Baby name help--Margot?

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We have baby #5 coming soon and we're stuck on names. We like the name Margot (our last name begins with M and we think it sounds cute) but we are losing our nerve because we haven't liked it very long--only a couple of months.


Do you like Margot? My concerns are silly--1)we aren't French and I feel a little like a poser and 2) also don't want dumb people to read it phonetically.


My other kids are Audrey, Clark, Alex, and Elle. (I'll probably delete their names soon.)

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Love that name! Love! Love! Love! Unfortunately, my dh does not :(. I would love to name my next girl Margot, but he really hates it. To me it feminine, but not girly, and a little bit sultry, and even better, not overly used! I think it's fantastic, but most people I suggest the name to do not like it much.


I wouldn't worry about it being overly French. The pronunciation, well, people might pronounce it wrong reading the name, but I'd they hear you or your daughter say it it's a simple enough name to get right.


Ultimately, name your child what feels right for you and don't let a friend or extended family member talk you out of it.

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I love the name Margot, but I'm guessing about half to three-quarters of the people who read it will mispronounce the name. I would use the English spelling Margo to avoid that issue.


I spend a lot of time in waiting rooms because of youngest DD and it seems like almost every time I have to cringe at a butchered pronunciation of some name.

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Well, I do think it goes nicely with the names of your other children. My concerns would be the same as yours, though:). I have a couple names that I love that we didn't use because of the poser-status;)...and people mispronouncing the name would drive me NUTS (possibly because that's been my whole life with my own name!). For *me*, those concerns would be enough to nix the name regardless of what others thought. If you love the name and can keep from apoplexy when people mess it up, go for it:).

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Margot Frank comes to mind. She was not French, fwiw. I've always loved the named Nicholas, but the Russian revolution thang always kept me from it. Bergen-Belson was my first thought when I saw the name in the header.


I have a very dark side.


What about Margaret, and call her Maggie or Meggie.


I also like Margo. That seems an entirely different name to me. My mind doesn't go to bad places with that spelling.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I just learned something new. :001_huh: I never knew it was a French name and therefore pronounced it with the /t/. Every time. Sorry!


In my defense, my family is German, and I do know someone who calls herself Margot pronounced phonetically.

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I take it you don't pronounce it Mar-get...like an abbreviated form of Margaret? And your youngest dd, how do you pronounce her name, and what's its origin? I would have thought French.

People pronounce one of my dds' names as if it were French, but that isn't what we say. And now she goes by a completely different nickname in public...and her siblings call her something completely different from that.

Now that I think about it, all my dds names are almost always mispronounced... But we're getting by! So, I'm with the name her what *you* like group!

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Guest submarines
I love the name Margot, but I'm guessing about half to three-quarters of the people who read it will mispronounce the name. I would use the English spelling Margo to avoid that issue.


I spend a lot of time in waiting rooms because of youngest DD and it seems like almost every time I have to cringe at a butchered pronunciation of some name.


I wouldn't worry about names being mispronounced in waiting rooms. :confused: It is friends and family who matter.


Margo looks unfinished to me. :tongue_smilie: Doesn't have the same weight to it.

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The name is very cute, but you will have to embrace the fact that people will pronounce it wrong a lot. I have a son with a slightly unusual name and it gets butchered or people look askance at me often. FWIW, it doesn't bother me. I knew that would happen and I don't mind.

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I like it. I think most people would know how to pronounce Margot and if they don't then you can tell them.


I would not worry about anyone calling her "maggot". I think it's unlikely. Also, if kids want to pick on someone they can do that to any name, or decide to call a kid some other mean name.



Gorgeous, classy, strong name.

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We have baby #5 coming soon and we're stuck on names. We like the name Margot (our last name begins with M and we think it sounds cute) but we are losing our nerve because we haven't liked it very long--only a couple of months.


Do you like Margot? My concerns are silly--1)we aren't French and I feel a little like a poser and 2) also don't want dumb people to read it phonetically.


My other kids are Audrey, Clark, Alex, and Elle. (I'll probably delete their names soon.)


I love the name and the spelling! I have a cousin named Margot, and we're Irish-American. :D


People may misread and mispronounce, but who cares? If you like it, use it.


We had a name picked out for our daughter, but weren't crazy about it. Just before she was born, we completely changed it, and she totally matches the meaning of her first and middle names.


A friend of mine told me the other day she didn't even name one of her babies until she was about three weeks old. You've got time to decide what you like. But yes, I agree that Margot is a classy name.

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We have baby #5 coming soon and we're stuck on names. We like the name Margot (our last name begins with M and we think it sounds cute) but we are losing our nerve because we haven't liked it very long--only a couple of months.


Do you like Margot? My concerns are silly--1)we aren't French and I feel a little like a poser and 2) also don't want dumb people to read it phonetically.


My other kids are Audrey, Clark, Alex, and Elle. (I'll probably delete their names soon.)


I LOVE it!

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Thumbs up from me. I don't think it's a difficult name to pronounce, and it goes nicely with your other kids' names.


I have a French name myself (my mom had a thing for French names), and I used to get people asking me sometimes if I was French. And oddly enough, my married last name is French too, so they go together well. But I have no French heritage whatsoever.

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