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Would you...

Would you wash bathroom towels and kitchen towels together?  

  1. 1. Would you wash bathroom towels and kitchen towels together?

    • Yup! The detergent and hot water will get them clean.
    • No way! Gross...
    • Other, for those of you who need an other :P

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I voted No way gross - but with this exception: I will wash my kitchen handtowels with my bath towels - I always use a little bleach too, btw, but my "rag" towels - no way, ewww, gross. My rag towels are walmart bought bundled white towels that I use to wipe down the bathroom, the floor, the kitchen counters at night, the cabinets, the dog... you get the idea - and they get their very own, special hot water bleached to the max wash load.


btw - I go through a ton of those towels a day - I can't even imagine how many paper towels/trees I've saved by going the towel route - although, the amount of chemicals I use to wash them may balance that out - I just can't win with my "carbon footprint" :tongue_smilie:

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.


:iagree: exactly.

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Separate them? really? I do a towel load twice a week and gather up all the towels from everywhere to do that. The water is 90 degrees (I don't know what that is in your measures). There's detergent. They hang in the sunshine too. What's to worry about?

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So, are bathroom towels ones that you clean the bathroom with? Or ones you dry off with? Because how is a towel I dry off with grosser than anything in the kitchen?


:lol: This was my thought too! I was trying to figure out which towels would contaminate which. We have a bath mat, which gets washed with the fabric shower curtain and whatever chemical-cleaning rags I've used that week. Other than that, I don't do any towel separation.

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I get separating laundry because some things are brightly colored, or delicate, or need more washing because they are caked in mud. But I don't get separating things because they are somehow differently dirty. The only reason why putting your body towels in with your foody towels would be a problem would be if you're not planning on actually getting them properly clean. Since I'm not going to use anything again until it's clean, I don't care what it mixes with in the wash. And for people who do wash everything separately, do you clean and sterilize your washing machine in between loads?

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.


Me, too!

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.



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OP here...the reason I asked, my family vacationed at my brother's beach house this year. My parents came to the beach house to vacation on the day we left. As I was cleaning our things up and trying to get out the door, I realized that I had a couple of bath towels (that we used to dry our bodies) and kitchen towels (that I used to wash dishes) that were dirty. I told my mom that I would just throw them in the washer and asked if she would mind to fold and put them away for me (since she was coming and we were going). Oh. my. goodness! She said no way and that she would wash them separately herself!!!


Now I wasn't going to be using bleach, but I figured that they should get clean in the washer/dryer, even if they were being washed together. I began to wonder if I was crazy for feeling that way!


Thanks for making me feel better, Hive! :D

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I get separating laundry because some things are brightly colored, or delicate, or need more washing because they are caked in mud. But I don't get separating things because they are somehow differently dirty. The only reason why putting your body towels in with your foody towels would be a problem would be if you're not planning on actually getting them properly clean. Since I'm not going to use anything again until it's clean, I don't care what it mixes with in the wash. And for people who do wash everything separately, do you clean and sterilize your washing machine in between loads?


This is my philosophy too.

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.



I don't sort. I do use hot water.

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.


I do bleach all towels once a month along with all other whites. We have never gotten sick. I also use cold for weekly washing and hang dry.

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Unless the wash water is boiling for a time, I doubt it's going to kill much. It's the dryer that does stuff in. I think the only reason for using hot water is to lift off grease better.


This is true of lice too. Most hot water heaters don't produce water hot enough to kill lice, so washing in hot water is a waste of time and money. (I don't know how hot the water gets if a washer heats its own water, though.) It's the dryer that will kill lice.


Anyway, my guess is that any human diseases are going to spread by human to human contact within a household. Sterilizing towels won't help with that. And as far as truly nasty diseases go, things like salmonella and E. coli are more likely to be on the kitchen towels than the bath towels. More of the chicken that comes into a household is going to be contaminated than the humans.

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I do them seperately even though I don't really believe it's a problem. I just feel like I should, lol.


This is me. I wash them seperate but not because I'm concerned one will contaminate the other - I just don't like my microfiber clothes in the kitchen to get bath towel fibers on them. Gotta keep 'em seperated.

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I throw everything in the washer without sorting it. I wander the house, gather all the laundry and I don't even stop to worry about what I'm putting in the washer together. We haven't gotten sick from it. The only time laundry gets it's own special load is when the children are sick or the clothes are brand new. I figure that the dryer will take care of anything that the washer misses.



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