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I'm in shock.

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It is going to be really difficult for me to pony shop, because I already own the prettiest pony on Earth.


Ha! You can do it. I own the three prettiest. Love them. I've been buying ponies for grandbabies since before I had a grandbaby.


It'll be great. Another baby!!

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My period is one day late. I took a test because I monitor these things, and there were 2 lines, as dark as anything.


I'm 46, and I've had 4 miscarriages, so while I'd love another baby, I am seriously scared.




I'm 45 years old and 26 weeks pregnant. I'll turn 46 the month my baby is due. I can identify with so much of what you are feeling. When I found out, I wanted to get excited but I was so scared at the same time. Since then, people have come out of nowhere to encourage me with stories of how their grandmother/aunt/mom had a healthy baby late in life. I think it was much more "normal" through most of history. PM me if you want to "talk".


:grouphug:and prayers for you and baby.

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Congrats! How very exciting and terrifying all at the same time!

I have a friend in her 40's who had baby #5 yesterday after some very late miscarriages (one at 17 weeks & one at 22 weeks.) I'm praying for you to have a wonderful pregnancy. Babies are such a blessing!

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Thanks everyone.


My husband is on a plane, so I can not tell him. Fortunately, he loves babies, and is number 7 out of 8 children, so he will be unfazed.


I'll tell Miss Good today when we are delivering a goat, and the other kids are not around. She will be beyond thrilled.


I think I'll wait until 15 weeks to tell the other kids. I don't need to get their hopes up in case it does not stick.

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My period is one day late. I took a test because I monitor these things, and there were 2 lines, as dark as anything.


I'm 46, and I've had 4 miscarriages, so while I'd love another baby, I am seriously scared.


:D Congratulations!

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