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Hypothetically speaking, of course

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totally normal, I never know when he will gets a message as he often leaves his phone in the car or has it off or cannot get a signal. He usually cannot get much of any signal at work anyway and isn't supposed to be on his phone as it is.

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totally normal, I never know when he will gets a message as he often leaves his phone in the car or has it off or cannot get a signal. He usually cannot get much of any signal at work anyway and isn't supposed to be on his phone as it is.



I actually sent an 'I love you' message to the wrong person once and had a client a little weirded out, lol. Of course I didn't know what I had done for a couple days so it just seemed to me that my dh wasn't answering again (which is normal).

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If you (or your SO) send a text to each other (just saying something along the lines of "love you, have a good day") and you DON'T get a quick response or even one at all, what are the thoughts going through your head?



Me? Nada. Doesn't bother me.


There was a time when dh would get all upset and think I was ignoring him or something. I set him straight :) Now he doesn't care.

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I typically don't think about it after I send the text. I don't really expect an answer back. Now... this has bothered me in the past when I didn't feel appreciated or noticed. So, at least for myself, the expectation kind of goes hand in hand with how secure I'm feeling in the first place, but that's just me.

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If you (or your SO) send a text to each other (just saying something along the lines of "love you, have a good day") and you DON'T get a quick response or even one at all, what are the thoughts going through your head?


I don't expect a response to a text like that. If he does respond, that's nice, but that's not a text that *needs* a response.


Plus, my dh is a BUSY guy when he's at work. Sometimes I can't get a reply to *important* stuff, you know? So yeah, no response would be actaully my expectation.

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Plus, my dh is a BUSY guy when he's at work. Sometimes I can't get a reply to *important* stuff, you know?


That is how it is at dh's work, he is very hard to get ahold of, even if I call the company he cannot usually hear the page so I have to ask someone to hunt him down so I only do that if it is something really important, ie someone died, I'm in labor or a kid is sick enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. If something is going on then he will try to call during the day to check but often he's so busy it is hard.

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FYI, *I'm* the one not responding quickly enough.


Hypothetically, my dh knows I don't usually respond. I'm busy and have not had my cellphone surgically implanted. I have told him if he needs an immediate response to call me, and I'll pick up if I can or call him back when I can. It took him a few years to quit taking it personally when I don't respond - okay maybe he still does, but at least he quit telling me about it. I also don't leave voice mail messages or listen to them either.

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We don't check or answer texts while driving... so I'd assume he's still inside the building at work or driving. He can't have his phone past the foyer of the building (they have lock boxes to put them in so you don't have to leave them in your car) so he never responds unless out for lunch.

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If you (or your SO) send a text to each other (just saying something along the lines of "love you, have a good day") and you DON'T get a quick response or even one at all, what are the thoughts going through your head?


That he read it?


My DH doesn't respond to emails or texts unless it is brief and an actual question. It would be out of character if he did!

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"Did you get my text today?" is our near equivalent to "How was your day?" Neither one of us has much chance to sit around texting back and forth most days, and certainly not at matched up times that would enable quick responses! :001_huh:


I might be in the garden.

I might be bathing a kid.

I might be hanging laundry.

I might be in the shower.

I might be walking the dogs.

I might be ON the phone, talking to someone.

I might be in the middle of a discipline issue.

I might be trying to teach some kids some stuff, lol.

My hands might be in the sink. Or on a dirty diaper. Or squishing meatloaf mix.


And if I didn't hear it come in, I probably won't see it until I go to make a phone call, or when dh walks in and asks "Did you get my text today?"

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Dh knows my phone is on vibrate more than half of the time. Eventually I'll get back to him.


I know that dh does a semi demanding job. Lots of hurry up and wait. If he is in a hurry up situation, he will get back to me during the wait.

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Him: busy, in a meeting, on the flight line...whatever


Me: uh...where IS that cell phone anyway? I can barely remember to take it when leaving the house (and often don't), let alone having it near me while in the house.


:iagree: This is us. I would assume he was busy, if I thought about it at all. He would assume I've left my phone somewhere and haven't seen it. :)

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If you (or your SO) send a text to each other (just saying something along the lines of "love you, have a good day") and you DON'T get a quick response or even one at all, what are the thoughts going through your head?


Nothing at all. Wouldn't phase me a bit. "love you have a good day" is a final word/goodbye or sorts. If I were talking face to face I'd expect a "thanks you too. " or something similar, but over a text, wouldn't bother me if I didn't hear back. I assumed they read it, smiled and got busy with their day. No big deal. :)

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I just assume that the person is either in the middle of something that prevents them from responding or maybe they didn't hear/see that they had another text. DH sometimes doesn't hear his because he has bad reception at his office. Mine doesn't chime if my text screen is up and the phone hasn't gone back into standby, so I sometimes miss something.

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Dh and I haven't even been married for 2 years....and we text A LOT. Especially for the last 6 months when we've been apart during the week.


Totally get how it is sometimes hard to answer a text. I would take his complaints about it though and use it as a chance to show him he is important enough to me for me to make a conscious effort to do better in that area.

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I'm the one like the OP who gets in trouble for not texting back immediately. I've tried. But I don't carry my phone around in my pocket, and if it's not in the room I'm in, I don't hear it. If I have a dishwasher running, or a kid asking questions, or I'm cooking, or pretty much any other reason, I won't hear it. I've changed my notification sounds, turned my ringer full blast, etc etc.


I don't text all day. My DH has had to get used to this concept. He sleeps with his phone. I'm lucky to remember I have one.


So, yeah. If someone didn't respond immediately, I'd figure they were like me, and not glued to their phone. :D

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I assume he's busy and will respond later. He assumes I've left my phone somewhere. Again. :tongue_smilie:




My phone seems to be wherever I am not. Upstairs, downstairs, the car, the bedroom, the bathroom, the laundry room. Just pick the room I'm not in, and you'll find my phone. Everyone in my family knows that. I also keep the ringer off at all times, so if it is in my purse when I'm out, I may not notice it vibrating.


For Dh, if we are apart, that means he's at work. I don't assume he can interrupt work at my whim, but I do expect he'll get back to me when he has a minute.

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I'm not much of a texter, but DH usually gets back to texting me pretty quickly. If he doesn't then I assume he's busy. If I really need something I'll call him, which can be frustrating as his phone doesn't always ring. I have to laugh at the timing of this thread though because my DH had sent me a similar text several hours ago and I didn't even notice I had it until he sent me another text recently.

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