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Do you/would you wear the F word on your clothes?

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No link b/c then this might be considered political. But if you're curious you can google "t-shirt bfd".


I realize the F word is now ubiquitous. But do folks (you!) wear it on your clothing? Is it considered less crude if it's just an acronym?


I'm just :001_huh::confused::001_huh:

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I saw one of those just the other day! I was shocked by it. I'm pretty hard to shock too.


Badlands, Roosevelt Park, July 2008 was memorable. Worst one I ever saw in my life was a young man, about 15 or so..walking around the store with his mom, who was in appearance, super-duper-mooper clean cut & manicured.


On his tshirt was the acronym for something close to "milk" - it was totally obvious the mom had zero clue, she'd probably of grounded him within an millimeter of his life if she knew what it meant.


I felt bad for her, but wasn't my place. It was obvious he was wearing it for the shock value.

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No link b/c then this might be considered political. But if you're curious you can google "t-shirt bfd".


I realize the F word is now ubiquitous. But do folks (you!) wear it on your clothing? Is it considered less crude if it's just an acronym?


I'm just :001_huh::confused::001_huh:

Of course not. Nor would my kids.


That's just obnoxious.

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No link b/c then this might be considered political. But if you're curious you can google "t-shirt bfd".


I realize the F word is now ubiquitous. But do folks (you!) wear it on your clothing? Is it considered less crude if it's just an acronym?


I'm just :001_huh::confused::001_huh:


Uh, no.

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No I would not, no way no how.


I'm clueless here as to what bfd means. I know what the middle letter stands for but can you help me out?


big deal.


Okay. Thanks for the responses. You're all making me feel a little better.

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No I would not, no way no how.


I'm clueless here as to what bfd means. I know what the middle letter stands for but can you help me out?


Big .... Deal. This is a comment made by an elected official that was caught on tape a while back. I better not say anything else because it will become political. Google will help you out with the details.

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No. Never. I followed your google hint and... that is just beyond the pale. No class whatsoever.


It doesn't matter to me how ubiquitous a word becomes. There's got to be a line.


Sadly, the line was erased a long time ago.


Just when I think I've seen it all, I see more :confused:


Now if I observe (will remain nameless) folks allowing their daughters to wear those shirts I will be shocked.


If you can't wear a piece of clothing in front of your kids (or mother) you might want to make it into a grease rag!

Edited by dmmosher
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No. Never. I followed your google hint and... that is just beyond the pale. No class whatsoever.


It doesn't matter to me how ubiquitous a word becomes. There's got to be a line.

Exactly! :iagree:Wholeheartedly.


I don't tolerate hearing/seeing the F word. I'll get up and leave, log off, or stop reading.

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No, and I don't care for it, regardless of the politics. I saw an ad that came out by the other side that had f****** in it and I didn't like that either. But I know I am losing the argument, at least in my family. I am the only one here who only very, very rarely will say bad words. It is my regret that I couldn't get my dh to change his language (not that he does it all the time but enough that all the kids picked it up to use when angry or frustrated). My youngest did tell me that she was doing it a lot less when her brother and sister, both with very impulsive ADHD, weren't living at home. (Her brother has moved out to his own apartment now and sister is home for the summer but will go back to college in less than 2 months).

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Nnnnnnnnope. I don't have a problem with anyone saying it (including elected officials... I believe in using the whole language) but I do have a problem with walking around with sentiments that are sure to inflame/offend written on one's chest/back.


I have a George Carlin show shirt that has something that would be offensive to many - as he was - and never wear it outside of my yard. I love the shirt, which is from one of the last shows before he passed away, and very Carlin, but I think it would be rude to wear out and about.


(I did lol at the BFD shirt further down the page on Zazzle. What an unfortunate acronym for a fire department)

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Oh. My. WORD!!! I had to google it, and that is just vile. No, I wouldn't wear that shirt, or any other that had that word or *the letter* on it. I know people who would, though. Not for the cause, but for the shock value. I consider them somewhat mentally dull.

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No, I wouldn't wear one or let my kids, but I have to confess to two things:


One, there was a sparkly tee-shirt at a winery that said, in pink rhinestones, "Wine takes the b**** right out of me." I totally :lol: and wanted the shirt, but I couldn't wear that in front of my kids so...no dice.


Two, there was a writer's column in which the advice given to combat writer's block was, "Just WRITE! Write like a mother******!" Now, I NEVER use that word, but there is still something hilarious to me about this as a quote. There are coffee cups with that on it and, in my weird fantasies, wherein I own a little cottage out back that is my writing studio, where kids don't come and a multitude of cats hang out, I maybe would keep the cup. It's true. I have a dirty streak buried deep within. :tongue_smilie:

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I hate it and I think it's horrible when I see people out in public with it. I am embarassed for my daughter. I am not hesitant to say that when I see someone wearing a shirt with profanity on it the thought "no class" instantly comes into my mind.


When DD was in elementary school, there was a car there in the dropoff line every day with a bumper sticker that said, "I hate Barbie--that b**** has everything".


I don't see why that would be considered free speech when I had to sit in my car behind her with my 7 year old.

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I just complained about this at Wal-mart only it was a tatoo. This person was not a Wal-mart associate - he was doing some sort of inventory work - but he appeared to be an associate as he had on a navy shirt and khaki pants. The "F" word was tattooed on his lower arm. I complained to the floor manager. I said he needed to be covered up. By the time I left the store (about five minutes later) I saw him out front on a cell phone - probably asking someone to bring him a long-sleeved shirt.


ETA: I have heard Furman University has "FU" t-shirts. This is funny to me. Maybe I am a hypocrite.

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I probably wouldn't wear it because political t-shirts (or anything with a slogan, really) just aren't my thing, but I don't think it's a big deal or particularly shocking. It doesn't actually have a curse word on it, just the letter F. Wouldn't bother me at all to see it on someone else.

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I think the letter F as part of an acronym is definitely less crude than the word itself. It wouldn't bother me to see someone in a bfd or wtf shirt.


I remember seeing a SILF shirt with a picture of a sandwich on it. I would feel silly to be offended by that.


That reminds me, on the People of Walmart site there was a guy wearing the same shirt except it had a sheep on it!! :lol:

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Under normal circumstances, no. I generally think swearing is a sign of a small vocabulary, but because in this case, I strongly agree with the sentiment, I would wear it.


edited to add: For anyone curious, the LA Times has an article that addresses it--and also a tweet that made lol.

Edited by deacongirl
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Can't you agree with the sentiment without using that particular terminology?




Under normal circumstances, no. I generally think swearing is a sign of a small vocabulary, but because in this case, I strongly agree with the sentiment, I would wear it.


edited to add: For anyone curious, the LA Times has an article that addresses it--and also a tweet that made lol.

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Can't you agree with the sentiment without using that particular terminology?




Sure, absolutely. But I think while there are usually better word choices, in this case, (IMO), it was exactly that. Honestly I wouldn't buy that particular shirt because I don't like the design. And I actually do not have the chutzpah to wear it in my neck of the woods even if I did. But, I still wouldn't be offended.

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