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Let me tell you about my husband.......

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7 years ago, when I was a struggling single mom, I met him.



He respected, and supported, my rules about dating as a single mom. He respected my rules about intimacy. He respected my rules about dating (only when xh had the kids and some other stuff).


When introducing him to the kids was possible (met my criteria), he cried that I had given him the honor. Right there in CiCi's, he cried.


He was over at the house one weekend. He was trying to help with outside projects. I didn't have the correct tools/stuff. He took the boys, went to Home Depot and returned with the boys ;) and an outdoor broom, a quality rake, and some basic tools.


He taught the boys how to build, fix things, take care of tools.


He coached baseball 4 seasons, for both boys.


He earned money purposely to buy a keyboard for my dd (who can't do sports).


He went to my dd's JRA Doctor's appointment.


He took my dd to see Taylor Swift.


He made me watch sappy movies that made me cry (Christmas shoes? What's the POINT of all that emoting?)


When financial burdens were imposed on us, he took any and all odd jobs he could. He designed alarm systems. He put siding on a home. He ran firework stands. He drove school buses.


He planned family outings: a fishing contest, a trip to Six Flags, a trip to the amusement park in Houston before it closed, a trip to Schlitterbahn. Movies.


He taught me how to play Texas Hold Em.


He is THE REASON I am a therapist. Once, when he was listening to me on the phone counseling a woman about parenting, he asked me incredulously why WASN'T I DOING THAT FOR A LIVING. Finally, we made things happen to make me getting my Masters a priority. He supported and cheered me on every single day I was a student, including my final semester in which he was getting very sick.


He began his own Masters. He was going to be a Chaplain at a hospital, nursing home, etc.


And, tomorrow, he goes in one.

I'm so very sorry.

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Wow what a beautiful and moving tribute to the man you love. I'm new here so I don't know any of your details, but I am truly sorry that you are going through this. My heart breaks for you but at the same time, those memories that you just shared are yours forever. :grouphug:

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Your tribute was heartfelt and heartwrenching. I simply cannot fathom just how many collective hearts and minds are absolutely aching with you tonight. We love you and we are here. May God give you strength and peace to cope with yet another unimaginable burden.


:grouphug: You grace each other.





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You are an inspiration to those around you and it sounds as though your husband has been that, too. Thank you so much for being you and for sharing with us. What a day you are having and I will think of you all day. I will think of your husband, too. My meditation today will be centered on you and your life...and his. Please know I am sending peace your way.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. You have been, and continue to be, in my prayers.


May I suggest you print this for your husband's room? I'm sure the staff will benefit from knowing what a wonderful man they are caring for.


May God bless you in this difficult time.

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:grouphug: I'm so sorry. You have been, and continue to be, in my prayers.


May I suggest you print this for your husband's room? I'm sure the staff will benefit from knowing what a wonderful man they are caring for.


May God bless you in this difficult time.


What an incredibly great idea.

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Beautiful, brings tears to my eyes. What a wonderful person your dh is and what a wonderful example you both are to what a marriage truly is all about. His example and your mutual love will be forever imprinted upon your kids. And all that you do, dear lady, will be through him in some small way. I am sorry for your pain.:grouphug:

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He sounds like an absolutely amazing man!!

My heart is touched & blessed by your tribute to him!

Joanne, I am just so sorry life is this challenging for you all right now.

You, your wonderful husband, and your precious family will be in my prayers!


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