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A final update from Julie in MN

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Again, just copying/pasting from her Caringbridge Journal:





Written 1 hour ago


Shane went to be with Jesus last evening. Many loved ones surrounded him. Even doctors cried with us. We will have a funeral to celebrate Shane's life some time after Monday, when my parents get here.


Shane taught me what it means to love one another,

to look with wonder at creation,

and to open our Bible together as a family, not just by myself. (Or we'd listen to an audio like bible gateway.) The last chapter we read together as a family was last week, Acts chapters 1-4,

Jesus is

“‘the stone you builders rejected,

which has become the cornerstone.’(Psalm 118)

12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.â€


Shane got his siblings together last year to put up a gravestone to mark his mom's gravesite. The verse we chose was one we've seen at old historic gravesites we've visited, from I Thessalonians 4:13, We grieve, but not like those without hope. I'm trying to remember that today.


Thanks for listening all these years, and letting me cry on your shoulders here. I'm sorry I haven't answered all the sweet messages we've received, but know we are blessed by them. I just need to cry for a while.


I want to close the Caring Bridge with a smile for Shane. Yesterday when I had Anthony on my lap next to Shane and was explaining how he knows his Papa has been sick, but now our precious Papa is dying, in between his tears, he looked up at me with concern and said sincerely, "But you'll have to cook, Nana.". We'll miss so many things about you, Shane.


Love, Julie

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Saddened by the news, crying here. I pray that God will hold you and lift you up and be everything you need Him to be for you now as I know it must really hurt.


It has been a privilege to be able to pray for your family in the past, Julie, and it is a privilege to be able to continue to lift you up now and in the future.


We all learned a lot about caring, loving, and being patient reading the Caring Bridge updates over the years.

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For Shane; no more sorrow, no more pain. Face to face with Jesus,wow.


For Julie and family; praying for the Lord to shower you with all the grace, strength and mercy you will need to face the coming days. That you will receive the peace that passes all our understanding. That you will feel His presence and know that His promises to never leave you or forsake you are true. :grouphug:

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