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Do you still use an iron board?

Do you still use an iron?  

  1. 1. Do you still use an iron?

    • I iron quite often, at least once a week.
    • I iron 1-2 times a month.
    • I don't iron at all.
    • Obligatory other.

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So I'm organizing our tiny laundry room. I have an ironing board and iron that have been used maybe once in the entire time we've lived here, which is almost a year. I'd like to just get rid of it, but knowing dh he would tell me not to "just in case" we need someday. So I'm going to store them in the basement.


This makes me wonder who actually still uses an iron on a fairly regular basis.

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So I'm organizing our tiny laundry room. I have an ironing board and iron that have been used maybe once in the entire time we've lived here, which is almost a year. I'd like to just get rid of it, but knowing dh he would tell me not to "just in case" we need someday. So I'm going to store them in the basement.


This makes me wonder who actually still uses an iron on a fairly regular basis.


I do. At least once a week. Mostly dress shirts for my 4 guys. And dh's clothes for work. Dockers, etc.

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I iron when I have to sing on stage at church. Otherwise I live in yoga pants. My husband's clothes are dry-cleaned. I have a steam setting on my dryer, but I still iron a few times a month.


BUT- I don't use my ironing board. I just throw a towel on the floor or dining room table. I only keep it around for sewing projects.

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Dh wears non iron dress shirts, but they often still need to be lightly pressed. All the guys wear khakis to church or, for dh on casual Fridays, and I press these. I have a few pieces of clothing that need to be ironed to look their best. Sometimes I iron the tops of sheets because I like how that looks and feels, and I have dishtowels and cloth napkins that are better pressed.

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I had to vote other since we only iron for holidays - DH and DS have some dress shirts that need it. Maybe once every 3-4 months?


Toss the iron board and use a towel on the counter. Keep the iron because you never know when iron-on t-shirt transfers will be in fashion again. :D

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I couldn't get rid of my ironing board.


I have a couple of things which must be ironed, although I try very hard not to do that. Mr. Ellie also has a couple of shirts which must be ironed. :glare:


I iron when I sew, which isn't very much any more, but still...

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We do the "iron only" option at the dry cleaner's... I take them the clean shirts, etc, and they press them.


Small tangent: DS has had periodic allergy testing all of his life. When he was 5, he came home and performed "allergy testing" on DH and me. We were marked with markers, "pricked," and DS read the results. DH was allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. I, on the other hand, was allergic to vacuuming and ironing!!!!


After we learned of my allergy to ironing, it was easy to retire the ironing board. :tongue_smilie:



ETA: we do still have an ironing board, but it is DH's territory, not mine.

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Between dh's work shirts and my sewing projects, I always have something to iron. Also, I hang many of dd's cotton dresses to dry so those have to be ironed. Thankfully, I never have to iron anything of or ds's or my own. We're "Casual Friday" all week long. :tongue_smilie:


I don't have a regular-sized ironing board or any kind of station. I just have a small portable board that I can use in whichever room I need to be in.

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I voted "I don't iron at all", because I don't. I absolutely hate it and don't see the need. If I take clothes out of the dryer quickly and hang them, it isn't usually necessary. If something is wrinkled, I throw it in the dryer for a few minutes with a damp towel and that takes care of it.


On the rare occasion (maybe 3-4 times a year max) that dh, ds or both need dress clothes ironed, they do it themselves. If they want to look that good that badly, they can suffer through the process. Personally, I'm not that picky ;)


So yes, I do own an ironing board and iron, but I don't personally use them.

Edited by AHASRADA
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My husband needs either 5 or 6 ironed shirts for work every week. Sometimes I let the ironing build up and do it all once, but more often I iron a handful of shirts every couple days. I hate ironing, but I learned early in our marriage that I hate the idea of paying someone else to do it even more.

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I iron as I fold laundry. I like natural fibers, but not looking like a used hanky. When I hang the clothes out, it softens them, if there's no breeze. And I press sheets.


To that end, I have an extra-large ironing board that I love. My kids got it for my birthday last year. :D Sorry I missed your inquiry, Stripe. I think they got it at Walmart.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
Typos. Sooooo many typos.
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We iron sporadically--when I'm sewing (too rare these days) or when dh needs a dress shirt (he's a minister, but doesn't dress up except for funerals & weddings), or for some other special occasion. I think the last thing I ironed was ER's graduation gown earlier this month. Before that, I don't really remember.

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I only iron a few times a month, but my dh irons E.V.E.R.Y. day. I hang his clothing up right from the dryer just like mine, very few wrinkles but he likes his things pressed, so he irons everything, everyday. I have one adult son who does this also, the other two may have never turned an iron on.

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I iron when it's necessary, which is not that often. For example, the iron was just out today - dd's ballet recital outfit needed a press. I have been known to sew things from time to time, and one must press seams. Or some nice outfit has been squished in the closet or folded in a drawer too long (as it's a rare occasion that I need a nice outfit) and needs freshening. These occurrences aren't anywhere near 1-2x a month, but more often than never, so I chose "other". :D


I have a board that flips down from the wall, so it doesn't take up any space, attract clutter, or even need to be set up, but it's there when I need it.

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I have an old pull-down ironing board built into an upstairs room of this old house, but it is behind other stuff and can't be used. So on the rare times when something needs to be pressed, I plug in the iron and layout a towel on the kitchen counter to iron.


Hubby's work shirts either get pulled, still hot , from the dryer and hung up asap (60/40 blends ) or sent to dry cleaner (100% cotton).

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