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How old were you when you first got married?

How old were you when you first got married?  

  1. 1. How old were you when you first got married?

    • Under 18
    • 18-21
    • 22-25
    • 26-29
    • 30-35
    • After 35
    • I have never married

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I am always curious. I have friends who married at 19. I was nowhere near ready to get married at 19. I did marry at 29 and sometimes I think that was pretty darn young.


Oh, and if you are divorced or on a 2nd marriage, please vote according to your first marriage.



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I married at 20. It was three weeks after I graduated with my music degree. So though young, I was the age of the typical college graduate.


My parents were 18. Both of my grandmothers were 16. :001_huh: I would have made an awful wife at 16!!! :lol: I'm not certain how great I was at 20 either. It's a good thing dh fell in love with the piano part of it and didn't mind the inability to do "wifey" things like cook or manage the bills. I was absolutely ridiculous as a domesticated person. But, I sure could play some mean Rachmaninoff. :biggrinjester:


DD is 21 and unmarried. There is a boy and I think he's serious. However, she's ever the pragmatic and refuses to have a discussion of such magnitude until he graduates and is employed...he has one year of school left.


My boys....I don't predict them being worth marrying until they are 30 or 40...people tell me there is hope. But, I'm not sure I believe them. ;)


Oh I forgot to add, we will be celebrating our 24th anniversary in June.



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I was 18, DH was 21, and we've been married 11 years this summer. :)

Oh, and we were always the 'settling down' types, too. I get that some people are different - but I look at my friends from high school who are JUST NOW getting married and I'm like, Finally!? And the ones who are still partying it up, I'm thinking...yeah, grow up. ;)

We were the first of our friends to get married, and all of them just started having kids in the last 3 years or so.

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I got married at 19. I would say that I wasn't really ready. We were both immature, but also very committed to making it work and our relationship has lasted and we're happy together. I don't regret it though if I had it to do over, I would have waited a couple years. :)

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I was 30 & dh was 31. We got married on the 10th anniversary of our 1st date. We just had our 22nd wedding anniversary so have been together 32 years. It's been a wonderful life so far with a lot of beautiful moments and several struggles. I truly love him with all my heart and hope we're blessed with another 32 years.

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Well, I guess I'm the oddball that answered "Under 18." I graduated high school a few months after I turned 17 and my parents wouldn't let me move in with my boyfriend unless we were married (which, btw, was fine with me since I was convinced I wanted to marry him anyway. I don't want to make it seem like I was coerced into something I didn't want.) They signed the papers, we had a small wedding, and we lived together briefly. The whole thing was ridiculous. Of course we were divorced a few short years later.


I married Dh when I was 24 and everything was much better that time around. We've been together 10 years and going strong. Thank goodness I had the presence of mind to NOT have any kids with the first husband.

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Three months after my 18th birthday, I ran away to another state with a 37 year old man I'd met on the internet. I married him at 19. Within the first month after we got married he became violent. I think he felt like he owned me then. I called my mom and she came up to get me and took me home with her. I was divorced a year later.


I married my dh at 22.

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I was 24, almost 25. I was SO reluctant to tell anyone I was engaged. I felt so young and couldn't believe that I was actually going to get married that young. DH and I had been together for 3.5 years by that point, so it wasn't that we were rushing things, but still...

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I w18 and dh was 21. We were very young but wanted to get married. The first year was tough but we both grew and matured so much in that year. We've been blissfully together for 9 years. We don't regret our decision.

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I was 19 and DH was 31. If anything, DH and I waited longer to get married than we would have liked... I don't think (and really, anyone that knows me well doesn't either) that I was too young and I have friends/family that I don't think 18 or 19 would be "too young" for... but on the other hand I have friends and family that would definitely be "too young" at that same age. I think it is really a personality/maturity thing more than actual years.

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I was 30, almost 31. I didn't meet anyone before then that was a suitable candidate (or who thought I was a suitable candidate :lol:), so though I would have loved to marry in my mid-20s, it wasn't much of a possibility. I did get to do a lot of great stuff (travel, got my master's degree, learned some great skills) though when I was single and I don't regret that at all.

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I was 18 the first time, divorced the ex at 21, married again at 29, still married at 41.


Eta: And just so as not to be held up as an example of how young marriages don't work, I should note that Iarried the first one because we had an unplanned child together, because I didn't want to wonder if I'd done her a disservice by not trying to provide her with a two parent household. I had happily scraped him off before I discovered I was pregnant, only told him because people (my mother) insisted I should, and I never had any delusion we would be happily married or stay so for the long haul.

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Right before my undergrad graduation at 22. Dh had graduated the year before and was 23. It was a busy time... We got married, 2 weeks later I graduated, 2 weeks later we moved across the country.


18 years married tomorrow :)


Met when I was 16 and he was 18.

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I voted 22-25 but that is a bit deceptive.


We started dating at 18, were living together at 20 and had already made an offer on a house together at 21. We just didn't want to spend the little bit of money we had on a wedding. We offically got married at 22, when we found out we were going to need a yard for kids to play .....:D in that house.


We have been married 18 years.

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I got married at 18. DH was 24. We were very committed to the relationship but made mistakes because of our youth/inexperience. We've been married for 15 years and are each other's best friend. :001_wub:


I used to think that maybe, just maybe I shouldn't have married the first guy I had a serious relationship with, but the more I talk with friends who dated around, the more grateful I am that the powers that be gave me him first.

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