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What do your kids do when they first wake up?

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animal chores.

I realize I probably should have been more specific.

1)My daughter(12) walks the puppy, feeds then rewalks the puppy. While that is occurring my son is getting dressed and gets hay for all 3 rabbits.

2) son(7) then plays with the puppy and works on training for a few minutes. daughter feeds 3 cats, cleans their litterboxes and the upstairs bathroom then she gets dressed. She will also check and feed/water her gerbils at that time.

3) daughter then lets out the other dogs, feeds and medicates them, then lets them out again.

4) daughter then makes breakfast for herself and her brother.

5) daughter then feeds bunnies and cleans their litterboxes.

6) then off to cardio kickboxing and karate.

This is the Mond,Tues,Thursday schedule. On Wed and Friday we do not have morning karate so schoolwork is started earlier and daughter does a fitness dvd and both children practice katas together.


Somehow all of that connects in my mind to animal chores :P

Edited by vettechmomof2
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After their mad dash to the bathroom.


Ds13 pops on his xbox if no one is using the tv. dd12 lays in bed reading. Ds8 pulls out the lego or cars. dd4 crawls into my lap for "snuggle buggles".


It stays quiet for about 10 minutes and then the bickering starts at which time I know it is time to feed the troops and get on with the day.

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dd4 crawls into my lap for "snuggle buggles".




My dd says the same thing. Too cute. My kids stay in their rooms until 7. (Sometimes they are up playing at 5:30, ugh!) Then, they come out and snuggle for a few. Our daily conversation follows the pattern of: "Can we have breakfast?" "No, let me finish my coffee. Go get dressed and ready if you are bored." Lol.

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My oldest eats breakfast, does his chores, and checks the daily schedule to see what's going on. If there's something fun in the afternoon he'll start work right away, if not he'll putter around and watch a bit of tv until our normal start time.


The toddler eats, cuddles with daddy, follows him around while he gets ready for work, and then settles in for Blue's Clues.

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My oldest will spend some time on the computer if I'm off of it. If not, he'll have breakfast. Middle son exercises 3x a week and does that when he first wakes up. The other days he plays on his iPod for a bit. Youngest will either play on his iPod or read a book.

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DD4 is the first up every morning (after dh who leaves for work very early). She runs right to the bathroom and when she comes out there needs to be her red fleece blanket laid out on the couch so she can sit on it and I can tuck it around her. The tv will be on Nick Jr and I give her a Pediasure so she pulls her arms out of the blanket to drink it, then cuddles up and watches tv. I go back to bed (I can see the couch from my bed).


After about 30 minutes, she decides she wants to go back to bed and goes into the room she shares with ds and usually wakes him up. He's a lot slower to wake up so takes longer to drink his Pediasure and he usually switches from Nick Jr to something dvr'd. It only takes him about 5 minutes to ask if we HAVE to do school that day or if he can play computer right away.

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They are not allowed to turn on the TV.


They play together, my 4 & 5 year olds make various crafts (and often make a big mess), and my 9 year old usually stays in his room reading or playing.


They usually get themselves breakfast too.


Waking up and discovering what they've been up to can be an interesting experience.

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Mine are older... but I've never had them wait for me to eat breakfast. When both were still home: Usually, one went for eating as soon as his eyes are open, then showers, reads, gets on his computer, whatever. The other does not wake up until I practically push him out of the bed. If he does get up earlier than me, he usually plays on his computer or ds, eats, gets himself ready. These patterns started fairly young.

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My kids get their own breakfast, read, play with Legos, run around hitting each other with Nerf swords, and climb into my bed to snuggle. I'm not actually asleep during this time, but I always wish I could be. I usually get up when I can't stand all the elbows and knees wriggling around in my bed anymore. :tongue_smilie:

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The youngest is up first. He eats breakfast and then listens to an audio book and draws and plays with legos. When the elder boy gets up one of two things will happen. Option 1: he wakes up in a good mood and plays with his little brother. They might play some imaginative game with costumes etc. That is a good morning. Option 2: elder boy remembers he is now 12 and doesn't feel like playing an imaginative game. He decides to sulk instead. Younger boy weeps and begs. That is a bad morning.

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Get dressed, and start getting breakfast. They usually get cereal, yogurt, and fruit on their own and eat together while I am doing exercises or taking a shower. Then they brush their teeth and hair. We have a deal if they get all of that done before 9 then they can go out and play, but that only happens about once a week.

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I'm up way before them.


When the 11yo wakes up, she reads. When the 7yos wake up, they make silly noises and fight amongst themselves. At some point I call them down (or they come down on their own) and everybody eats and starts school.

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The boys usually wake up while I'm out running and they'll either get themselves breakfast or wake SO up to make them something. Then, they watch TV or play lego until I get home and while I shower and get dressed. Molly sleeps in and lies in bed until someone forces her to get up.

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Ok, the purpose of this thread is because I want some ideas as to how to wake up without watching TV.


We are late eaters. None of my kids want to eat when they wake up-I make breakfast about 2 hours after we've all gotten up. We are all very mellow in the morning--except for the TV. I get up a few hours earlier than them, and I watch the news/knit while I drink coffee.


They will watch some of the news with me and we do discuss stuff.


It's the cartoons I hate. It just changes their whole...I don't know what, but it does. And I hate it. So I'm trying to think up about five activities they can do in the morning while we wake up. Something easy, but calm.







(I don't mind cartoons in the afternoon-it's just for some reason they suck the mojo out of everyone if I allow them on in the morning)


I do plan on asking them for ideas, too!

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It rarely happens, but if it does, my youngest will bring me coffee in bed so she can cuddle with me while I have my first cup. If my oldest is up before me, she does her morning exercises, gets dressed, makes herself breakfast, starts reading and hopes everyone else will sleep late so she can read more. It is mostly what they do when they get up if I'm up and working already.

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Ok, the purpose of this thread is because I want some ideas as to how to wake up without watching TV.


We are late eaters. None of my kids want to eat when they wake up-I make breakfast about 2 hours after we've all gotten up. We are all very mellow in the morning--except for the TV. I get up a few hours earlier than them, and I watch the news/knit while I drink coffee.


They will watch some of the news with me and we do discuss stuff.


It's the cartoons I hate. It just changes their whole...I don't know what, but it does. And I hate it. So I'm trying to think up about five activities they can do in the morning while we wake up. Something easy, but calm.







(I don't mind cartoons in the afternoon-it's just for some reason they suck the mojo out of everyone if I allow them on in the morning)


I do plan on asking them for ideas, too!


We used to turn the TV on every morning, and finally I just told them that we weren't doing it anymore (except for Saturdays!). After a while, it became normal for them to get up and find something to do. They don't even ask to watch TV anymore in the morning. You can do it! ;)

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The oldest showers, does a few quick chores, and heads to work or school. Sundays he showers, picks up his grandma for church, and goes to church. Days off, he sleeps til noon. :glare:


The younger is very rarely up before me. If he happens to beat me by a few minutes, he's usually eating his breakfast and hanging out with his cat, maybe with a book or Legos. Most days, he gets up, dresses, feeds the cats, eats breakfast, brushes his teeth, then chills with his cat for a few minutes. That gives me time for another cup of coffee :D, then it's time for school. On Saturdays he's allowed TV first thing in the a.m., usually with above cat. Then it's quick chores and whatever else we have planned. Sundays, he's up last. Dresses, teeth, out the door. He usually eats on the way to church.

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My 7yo has taken to waking about 6. She opens her door to let me know to get her when I get up at 6:30 to take the dog for sale long walk. We get home about 8 and wake 10yo who stays in bed listening until the morning's reading is done. By about 8:30 she is capable of civil discourse. The kids usually play in their room or read while I make breakfast, after which is school.

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Ds11 and I exercise, either walk or swim.


Dd16 gets ready for school.


The other two boys occasionally do their chores before breakfast instead of after. Usually, whichever boy wakes first goes out to let the chickens out of the coop. Otherwise, they play outside, sleep in, play with Legos, read, build things together. Basically free time stuff.



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We are late eaters. None of my kids want to eat when they wake up-I make breakfast about 2 hours after we've all gotten up.


This is us too -if I make breakfast any earlier they sit and stare at it :D


2 yo usually calls out for his "mook" (milk). The other 2 usually head straight for the craft table and start making a mess.


DS goes to Kindy 3 days a week so we have to be ready by 8.30 - the kids usually only wake up half an hour before this so we race around getting dressed and out the door.


DD and DS2 eat breakfast when we get back from dropping DS1 off. I usually read aloud while she eats breakfast and that signifies the start of the school day. When she is done we clear the table and pull the school books out.


I don't do tv or computer before school - it makes the kids attitudes stroppy and we don't get much done because they sulk that I turned it off :glare:


None of us get up early though - usually between 8-9 - so we pretty much jump straight into dressing and doing school.

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We eat breakfast first, so the older children help with that and the younger ones play Then, we start school.


We do not watch tv, except an occasional dvds from the library, but we never start our day with one. They know that they can play, read, color, or draw. The older children always begin school. They start with Bible work, which they can do independently while I clean up after breakfast.

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DS7 steals my iPad and plays stupid games that I keep meaning to ban, but back out on doing it. When I'm making them not use electronics, he showers and gets dressed, whines to me to make him breakfast (usually, he winds up making it himself), walks the dog, then waits for me to be ready to start school. DD4 sleeps longer than everyone else, wants to snuggle when she wakes up, asks for breakfast and never eats it, and watches tv. DD2 wants milk and tv. The baby is a baby. :D Me, I just want coffee, breakfast, and to check computer stuff before getting dressed and doing school.


I'd really like to do without tv in the morning as well. Sadly, DD2 is the biggest problem because she will throw a huge fit which I am NOT prepared to deal with at 7 AM. :glare:

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Wee Girl: runs down stairs so as to be the first to parents, thrusts book at me and demands I read to her. While making breakfast.


Middle Girl: bounces down stairs, fully dressed, singing, finds book, tries to read while distracted by joyousness of another wonderful morning.


Great Girl: drags herself down stairs, throws herself face-down on couch, snarls at Middle Girl for being annoyingly cheerful, asks if breakfast is ready yet.


Wee Girl: thrusts book at Great Girl's head and demands she read to her.


This takes care of the half hour between wake-up and breakfast. Then we get on with lessons.

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the oldest eat breakfast, shower and text friends. DS(12) gets dressed, eats, packs his back pack, gets on the computer and reads. DD snuggles with me, gets dressed, eats breakfast, maybe watches a show, plays, reads.

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