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If you've ever been so sad/despondent/emotionally upset that you could not eat...

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How did you pull out of it?


I ate a piece of chicken yesterday, wait, no...it was the day before yesterday, so nothing yesterday. The day before that I ate a piece of chicken also.


Intellectually, I know that even though I have tons of weight to lose, this is not the way to do it, and I know that I have to eat, but...every time I think of food, I gag. I'm nauseous pretty much all of the time, and I've slept less than 6 hours total in the past 5 days.


How do I get over the sick feeling? I need to eat, and I need to do it without throwing up. :confused:


ETA: I know I need to get past some of the emotional upset that caused this, and I'm working on that. For right now though, I need to figure out how to choke something down without throwing up. A sip of juice yesterday turned sour as soon as it hit my throat, and I had to gag it back up. Maybe if I took an antacid or something and then tried to eat or drink?

Edited by Julie in CA
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Just keep up your fluid intake. Beating yourself up about one more thing isn't going to make for a more positive outlook. You will eat when you are ready.




(That's the extent of my lecture). ;)

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You know you always hear about emotional eaters. Some of us are just the opposite, and can barely choke down food when upset.


Can you eat fruit? That's what I was able to do when I've had emotional upset and couldn't eat. It will give you fluids, fiber, and good carbs, as well as just something light to have on your stomach.

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:grouphug: Julie, you've been in my thoughts a lot these past couple of days.


I also lose my appetite when I'm very upset. I try to drink milk, hot chocolate, and force down a little something small, calorie laden, and delicious when I can.


I'm so, so sorry.


Please take good care of yourself. This will pass, and maybe things will change for the better.





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Honey girl, that's a sign of depression. Not the kind of depression where you can go buy a new hat and feel better, but a real, clinical depression. You might consider seeing a doctor.


You're going through a really bad time right now. That you are clinically depressed is not surprising. I did that once, when my marriage to an abusive adulterer was coming to an end. I lost weight such that I, who am 5'8", weighed only about 115 (he told me I wasn't eating because I was lazy. :glare: ) Happily for me, that was when I became a Christian, and I made a complete recovery--met Mr. Ellie, got married, had two children, lived happily ever after, weigh much more than 115 now :D .


So I guess I'd also recommend some spiritual support and encouragement, if you don't have that already (I can't remember if we've ever had that discussion here. My bad.).



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Honey girl, that's a sign of depression. Not the kind of depression where you can go buy a new hat and feel better, but a real, clinical depression. You might consider seeing a doctor.


:iagree: This is how my PPD manifested itself. I couldn't eat without gagging and sleeping was difficult. I would go see someone. When you can't sleep or eat, that is just a vicious cycle that's hard to get out of.


I would make an effort to feed yourself something (at least) 3X a day on a schedule. Even if it's just a smoothie.

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Honey girl, that's a sign of depression. Not the kind of depression where you can go buy a new hat and feel better, but a real, clinical depression. You might consider seeing a doctor.


You're going through a really bad time right now. That you are clinically depressed is not surprising. I did that once, when my marriage to an abusive adulterer was coming to an end. I lost weight such that I, who am 5'8", weighed only about 115 (he told me I wasn't eating because I was lazy. :glare: ) Happily for me, that was when I became a Christian, and I made a complete recovery--met Mr. Ellie, got married, had two children, lived happily ever after, weigh much more than 115 now :D .


So I guess I'd also recommend some spiritual support and encouragement, if you don't have that already (I can't remember if we've ever had that discussion here. My bad.).

We are seeing a Christian therapist today.

I've been treating my depression, but this is sort of a jump to "crisis mode", kwim? I just have to get something down now, because I'm getting dizzy, unsteady on my feet, and I realized I'm starting to feel cold when I shouldn't be. :001_huh:


Small, teeny sips of water are the only thing that stays down, and other liquids just come back up before I'm done swallowing.

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I'm glad you're seeing the therapist today. I don't have any practical advise for you. When this happened to me, I'd let it come back up and keep trying. I finally got chocolate milk to stay down. And maybe a piece of toast? But, it took me 3 or 4 days to get that down.

I think worse for you is no sleep. Honey, you need to get some! Try Valerian Root or heck, a couple Tylenol PMs. Hang in there! This, too, shall pass, even if it doesn't seem like it will right now. You are in my thoughts.

I hope today goes well.

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Just keep up your fluid intake. Beating yourself up about one more thing isn't going to make for a more positive outlook. You will eat when you are ready.




(That's the extent of my lecture). ;)



:iagree: This is what I was going to say. As long as you stay hydrated, your body will be fine. If you can manage drinks with any kind of nutritional value, do that - but otherwise, even just drinking water is ok. If you start to feel funny, your blood sugar is probably off, so try to take in some sort of heavier fluid.


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Maybe see a medical doctor who could give you some anti nausea meds temporarily?



The bummer is that I had a regularly scheduled appointment with my doc for this morning, that I'm going to have to cancel in order to go to the marriage counselor. :sad:

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Maybe see a medical doctor who could give you some anti nausea meds temporarily?




This is what I was going to suggest.


I've been praying for you, dear, and will continue to do so.


I've gotta say, I realize I don't 'know' you, really. But what I *do* know of you, your current situation has shaken me.


I think sometimes we (ok, at least I know *I* do) get the idea that certain things can never/will never happen to us. Your sharing in your pain has been a sobering reminder to me that I shouldn't think that way.


Please pm me if you need/want to.



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:grouphug: Just keep up your fluid intake. This will pass. I've BTDT on two occasions - I never knew that "heartache" could be felt so literally. I completely understand the term now. Once I realized that I could not eat much, I decided to treat the episode as a fast. So, lots of prayer and fasting...and eat whenever and whatever...don't worry about quality (if a big fat slice of german chocolate cake sounds good, go for it :))



I pray that your situation will resolve or that you will be overcome with peace about it. Our heavenly father is kind. Once I arrived on the other side of the situations, I realized that the outcome from the situation was far better than any kind I could have foreseen.

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The bummer is that I had a regularly scheduled appointment with my doc for this morning, that I'm going to have to cancel in order to go to the marriage counselor. :sad:


Can you call and tell them what is happening and maybe they can call in a prescription for you?


If that's not possible, I agree that you at least need to keep up your fluid intake. Maybe try sucking on some popsicles or something.

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I never knew that "heartache" could be felt so literally.

Yes. This. It feels like I'm dying. I have to tell myself, literally, to breathe in and out, because sometimes I'm forgetting, then all of a sudden I realize I need air.


I have to eat soon, and I have to get more fluid in. I'm down to visiting the bathroom once a day or so, and my head knows that's not ok, even if my stomach doesn't.

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Please stop worrying about eating for a while, at least today.

Keep trying to get in some fluids - popsicles like someone else suggested, or may be ice cubes.


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Please stop worrying about eating for a while, at least today.

Keep trying to get in some fluids - popsicles like someone else suggested, or may be ice cubes.


Oh, good idea. I think chewing on ice actually sounds good.

Thank you.

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:grouphug: Many hugs to you. I'm not sure exactly what you're going through, but I can guess. I've been married 20 yrs almost and have gone through something similar and very unexpected in the past 2 yrs. It literally shook me to my core.


I get the feeling that in order for you to be able to eat better, that you're going to need to let some of your emotions out. For me, the thing that helped the most was going to my own counselor (in my case, marraige counseling was traumatic). Some things that helped me the most from my therapy may help you: journaling to get all the feelings out, cry when you need to, talk to someone in order to let it all out (for me it was my mom), meditation and yoga helped a lot too. If I go without exercise for more than a few days, I get really irritable, and I hate exercise.


I pray for healing for you both. If you know how to do meditation or relaxation breathing, you may be able to get yourself to a level where you feel settled enough to eat.


I'm so sorry you going through such a hard time, life can be so hard. :grouphug:

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Hey Julie, just one more thing.



This is totally normal. Also, while now it feels like there is no tomorrow, there actually is. Everyone's story is different, but never quite the tragedy we imagine on the other side. It's very, very difficult to endure, but I can't think of one person who's gone through what you're going through (myself included) who didn't emerge on the other side of this trial in a much better place. Go bravely! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug:You may want to call your dr. back and speak with someone, because you may already be dehydrated.


Yes. This. It feels like I'm dying. I have to tell myself, literally, to breathe in and out, because sometimes I'm forgetting, then all of a sudden I realize I need air.


I have to eat soon, and I have to get more fluid in. I'm down to visiting the bathroom once a day or so, and my head knows that's not ok, even if my stomach doesn't.

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Hey Julie, just one more thing.



This is totally normal. Also, while now it feels like there is no tomorrow, there actually is. Everyone's story is different, but never quite the tragedy we imagine on the other side. It's very, very difficult to endure, but I can't think of one person who's gone through what you're going through (myself included) who didn't emerge on the other side of this trial in a much better place. Go bravely! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Yes, this, absolutely. Although we can tell you this, please try to believe it too, don't ever lose hope of that better place.



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I have no idea what is going on with you, Julie, but I hope for strength and peace beyond understanding as you travel down this difficult path.


Not sleeping is going to make horrible situations even worse. Trust me, I had insomnia for 30 years. I can NOT allow myself too many sleepless nights. I think where you are in so much turmoil, herbs probably won't work for you. I would suggest Unisom, and ONLY the blue pills work for me. Pkease get something to make you sleep. It will help you cope better.


I am so sorry.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Have you tried something like some watered down chicken broth? It has a bit of something to it, but is still liquid if it does come back up.


If you like Gatorade or Propel water, try to drink one of those. They have electrolytes in them, which can help with the dehydration.


When I was very nauseous last year due a medication I had to take, I would try to force my self to eat one Luna Bar a day. The lemon ones would go down okay, I would just have to chew it a lot to make sure it wasn't rough coming back up. I lived on them for a few months. I would just take a bite here or there throughout the day, until I got most of one down.




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Sweet Julie :grouphug:

I have experienced something very similar. My throat would not allow me to swallow food for several days, period. I would gag trying to make myself eat. So, I drank protein shakes and gatorade/powerade (Doctor's advise). I didn't even feel hungry. I kept my doctor in the loop and he did prescribe me an anti-depressant for sleep and appetite, which I took for about 4-6 months.


:grouphug::grouphug: Hang in there, hon.

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Sips of broth and ensure.


If you have a doc who knows you and knows you are not a "drug seeker", a wee bit of ativan can go a long ways. I've been told that a wee bit of MaryJane will give grieving people the munchies, too,


After I made the decision to let my mom die in my home while caring for her, along with Hospice support, I had a total panic night, worrying about everything under the sun. I was terrified. ativan is what got me through.


I was also going to suggest buying both chicken feet and beef bones and boiling them, seperately, with spices (for better taste) and just taking small sips frequentlu. Both are HIGHLY nutritious.



ETA: i think the lack of sleep is causing your dizziness more than anything. When I am going through trials, my appetite is the first to go.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I have many food aversions and often a general food aversion. I find that for veggies, pureeing them helps a lot. Pureed roasted broccoli is really delicious. For fruit and carrots, juicing them helps a lot-- if you have a juicer. When I'm in a "bad food phase," plain bread (especially freshly baked), whole oatmeal cooked with water and raisins, and cookies can usually get down the trap pretty easily. You could also try eating small spoonfuls of peanut butter. It's 120 calories a tablespoon.


You need 1200 a day for basic body and brain functions although you would probably be ok on 1000 (in terms of survival) if you stay well hydrated and aim for nutritious selections.

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:grouphug: Just focus on keeping hydrated. It's extremely common in this situation to not be able to eat. As/if you can moving to broth and on to meal replacement shakes or similar can help. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Edited by sbgrace
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Been there. :grouphug:


Try sucking on hard candies. Any kind that appeal to you even a little. Also, watered down broth might help. When I went through something similar, I would take a dose of Emetrol (OTC nausea medication) before trying to eat something small. Eventually I saw my doc and she put me on Klonipin for a while. I didn't like it, but it did help me.

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I didn't see the other replies, but get some liquid meals in, protein shakes and just be kind to yourself. You will be okay without food. You are grieving, this is a death. Be kind to yourself and get a counselor. :grouphug:

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Guest submarines
I called my mom and asked her the name of the "mind numbing medication" she took when her life seemed to be crumbling and she couldn't function. I think I'm gonna go to the doctor and ask for it later this morning. The can't eat but throw up anyway diet stinks. I have 100 pounds to lose but this isn't how I want to do it.



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I didn't need to loose weight at the time, I tried to drink juice. I just really didn't care and lost enough weight that I then had to go buy new clothes. I would say about a year after the upsetting time and weight loss I had gained it back.


(((Hugs))) I am so sorry. I hope you are able to feel better.

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Just keep up your fluid intake. Beating yourself up about one more thing isn't going to make for a more positive outlook. You will eat when you are ready.




(That's the extent of my lecture). ;)


Yep. Just drink water, and you'll eat when you're ready (assuming there's not an underlying medical condition, of course).


I often go without eating when I'm upset about something. My stomach is the first thing to respond to anger or depression.

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Hmm...just realized I might do ok sucking on a Lifesaver or something.

When I'm out today I'll stop in and get some. I only keep sugar-free in the house, but I think I'm looking for the calories & sugar right now.


Sips of broth and ensure.


If you have a doc who knows you and knows you are not a "drug seeker", a wee bit of ativan can go a long ways. I've been told that a wee bit of MaryJane will give grieving people the munchies, too,


If you have a camping store near you, ours is REI. They have high calorie gel packs for hikers.


Chicken broth or another type




It's more food like, but small spoons of peanut butter. Are there any nuts you like. Just one at a time, its small, but nutritionally dense.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry about what you're going through.

I have the appetite issue when I'm stressed as well, and understand how you feel. What I've found to help is having lots of protein bars around and making myself eat one as part of my daily routine. They're usually out of my budget, but when it's all you eat....well I guess it balances out.


It's been a while since I've had that problem, so these might be dated--they might still be around, but Slim-Fast bars were the most affordable ones I liked, and if price wasn't an issue there are some really tasty ones made for athletes I used to buy at the gym. Will try to remember the names...I tried to force myself to forget because they could really break the budget if you ate them regularly. Muscle Milk is a ready-made drink I could sometimes tolerate.


I agree with the others about making sure you stay hydrated. I know in myself, being too dehydrated makes me mentally fuzzy and judgement-impaired to some degree. You've got to stay clear and in control.


Hope this helps. Glad you've been able to get support on the board.:grouphug:

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I had insomnia and no appetite for a while after my son's muscular dystrophy diagnosis. I lost a little too much weight, but I did gradually improve as I adjusted to the shock. I think it's a normal reaction, but do take care of yourself as you ride this out. Maybe stash some green smoothie 'kits' in the freezer so you can just toss them in the blender for quick nutrition.

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Just keep up your fluid intake. Beating yourself up about one more thing isn't going to make for a more positive outlook. You will eat when you are ready.




(That's the extent of my lecture). ;)


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Just keep up your fluid intake. Beating yourself up about one more thing isn't going to make for a more positive outlook. You will eat when you are ready.




(That's the extent of my lecture). ;)



I lost 30 lbs when my mom died....I couldn't eat without puking. It took a while....

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