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I refuse to go all the way through this thread again just to find the pictures of the football players. So, imagine those pictures here:



I think she should dress like this and then when she sees CSL coming she gets down and does a Tebow.

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I think I would be at the point of just saying, "Look, it seems as if something's bothering you. Have I done something to offend you?"


Otoh, it is fun of thinking of other options. Maybe not a good idea, but you could out crazy her. How about this?



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I think I would be at the point of just saying, "Look, it seems as if something's bothering you. Have I done something to offend you?"



No disrespect Woolybear, but that's the last thing I'd say. I hate that whole "offend" reasoning as if Jen somehow is at fault by doing something. I know that's not what you meant, but hell would freeze over before I ask her that.


I'd be more apt to say, "Are you a b*tch to everyone, or is it just special for me?":tongue_smilie: Either way, we know why her dd doesn't give up.

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I'm pretty non-confrontational. But goodness, at some point this just gets rediculous. I'd probably say something the next time you see her in class, right in front of the teacher, hopefully embarassing her into behaving.

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I just spent the past hour reading this thread and it is cracking me up.

I would like to request that you please do a combination of my personal favorites of the suggested responses.


The following, in this order, as rapidly as possible, please:


1) As she approaches, kneel down to tie your shoe, first placing your handbag (loaded with a cement block) strategically placed before you on the sidewalk for defense. You can sort of half-smile in a friendly way in acknowledgement of her presence.


2) As she bumps your handbag, begin snarling, snapping, and barking like a dog while lunging toward her knees. Try to froth at the mouth if you can.


3) Stand up abruptly, smile composedly, and hand her a large, warpped homemade cookie.


4) Then stare at her as if seeing her for the first time and ask loudly, "Are you drunk, ma'am?" Add a brisk, "tsk, tsk" and walk away rapidly.

:lol: :smilielol5:

My kids have a few ideas for you.

1. Stand your ground and yell "We can do this all day!" N-age 8


2. When she veers over toward you, you say Howdy and shake her hand real hard and ask her if she wants to come over to your house E-age 7


3. When she veers towrd you, stare her directly in the eye and ask her "Why are you doing this?" and if she doesn't answer you kick her stroller N-age 12


4. whisper into a walkie talkie loudly "That is the one I told you about" M- age 10


5. When she hits you, yell real loud "There she is officer!"

Your kids are awesome!


4 and 5 were my favorites as well! Can't wait for the tomorrow's installment of the continuing saga As the Stroller Veers.

Forum threads are my new daytime soap opera.


I recommend this perfume to douse her in should she get too close again. :D




I was in such a rush this morning I forgot about all your great ideas!



As she was walking towards me I walked in the middle of the right hand 'lane', and smiled at her as she approached. She scowled at my chest area and crossed over the line to breeze by about an inch away from me. So, at least she didn't hit me!


Is it possible this lady is just plain rude but is having the urge to pass on the left? I don't think she's from originally from the US but not totally sure. Rude because she's not doing it to anyone else (that I see) and not acknowledging what she's doing.

Maybe she's jealous of your bust line?? ;)


I refuse to go all the way through this thread again just to find the pictures of the football players. So, imagine those pictures here:



I think she should dress like this and then when she sees CSL coming she gets down and does a Tebow.


She now has her own acronym!?! I aspire to such greatness.


I'm off to read the crazy dinner guest thread! :001_smile:

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No disrespect Woolybear, but that's the last thing I'd say. I hate that whole "offend" reasoning as if Jen somehow is at fault by doing something. I know that's not what you meant, but hell would freeze over before I ask her that.


I'd be more apt to say, "Are you a b*tch to everyone, or is it just special for me?":tongue_smilie: Either way, we know why her dd doesn't give up.

I see your point, but CSL seems pretty unhinged. I wouldn't want to make her snap.

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I see your point, but CSL seems pretty unhinged. I wouldn't want to make her snap.


Perhaps, but "I'd" have lost it by now. :lol: Jen must be a saint.


I think we should all go meet Jen and all walk with her side by side...the Hive...and play "Red Rover" with this stroller woman. Then we can go have coffee. ;)




Oh geez, now I'm thinking of scenarios.

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I think we should all go meet Jen and all walk with her side by side...the Hive...and play "Red Rover" with this stroller woman. Then we can go have coffee. ;)




Oh geez, now I'm thinking of scenarios.


:lol: *snort* :lol:

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Truly, what we need to be asking is how Mr. Bean would handle this situation! (Also, I think I need that mask.)


:lol: Clearly he'd BE the crazy lady with the stroller. If he can do what he does to a three-wheeled vehicle, Jen walking on the sidewalk would be no match!!! :lol:

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Perhaps, but "I'd" have lost it by now. :lol: Jen must be a saint.


I think we should all go meet Jen and all walk with her side by side...the Hive...and play "Red Rover" with this stroller woman. Then we can go have coffee. ;)




Oh geez, now I'm thinking of scenarios.





Absolutely. Jen needs backup. And if we did this for a few days, I think the crazy lady would back off.


And as far as thinking up scenarios, you wouldn't believe how much of my is devoted to this.....:tongue_smilie:

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Absolutely. Jen needs backup. And if we did this for a few days, I think the crazy lady would back off.


And as far as thinking up scenarios, you wouldn't believe how much of my is devoted to this.....:tongue_smilie:


I am truly touched by the show of support. But it is getting late and I'm getting confused...am I supposed to be wearing a Mr Bean mask with football padding and a kilt? And a big bag and a walkie talkie and a big orange something or other?

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I am truly touched by the show of support. But it is getting late and I'm getting confused...am I supposed to be wearing a Mr Bean mask with football padding and a kilt? And a big bag and a walkie talkie and a big orange something or other?

What if next time she veered near you, you look all concerned and say something like, "Excuse me, I can't help but notice that you seem to have an equilibrium problem. If you like, I can provide you with a list of AA meetings, or the names of doctors that specialize in balance issues. I'm sure it must be an embarrassing problem, but let me assure you I would only tell six or seven hundred of my closest internet buddies. Anyway, just say the word and I'll have a list by the next day. Have a nice day!"

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I think you need an airhorn.


After she jumps out of her skin and says "Why the heck did you do that??" You can tell her that she seems to need help being made aware of your presence on the path...since she acts as if you are hidden by fog.

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Did you know that if you are driving in the desert or in a snowy area and you can see very little, you will likely veer off the road and crash into a telephone pole if you see one. The eye/mind is drawn to what can be seen.


You are the telephone pole!?


Be the snow storm. As she approaches way your arms around and make swooshing noises. Wear white. Then point to the nearest tall object.


That should do it.



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I think I would be at the point of just saying, "Look, it seems as if something's bothering you. Have I done something to offend you?"


Otoh, it is fun of thinking of other options. Maybe not a good idea, but you could out crazy her. How about this?




OMGoodness! Could you imagine actually seeing this? I would die laughing!!! :smilielol5:

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I am truly touched by the show of support. But it is getting late and I'm getting confused...am I supposed to be wearing a Mr Bean mask with football padding and a kilt? And a big bag and a walkie talkie and a big orange something or other?



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I'm stuck on the paint theme. Just stroll down the sidewalk with an open bucket of paint. When she gets too close, act like it's a big surprise. Dramatically jump aside while spilling paint on the stroller. "Oh my goodness! You caught me completely off guard. I thought you were going to hit me!"

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You could also get the most obnoxious bike horn you can find, or a loud whistle, and as soon as she starts to veer toward you, start blowing it at her. :lol:


Oh! Or show up carrying a huge Super Soaker water gun and when she starts to veer toward you, point it at her and go "Don't even think about it!"



:smilielol5::smilielol5: I'd pay money to see this happen! A whistle! Bwa ha haaaa!!

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Maybe it's time to start practicing your boxing and kickboxing techniques as you walk. Make sure your arms and legs punch and kick in all directions. Sing "The Eye Of the Tiger" to yourself as you walk, kick, and punch. Look her in the eye while you do all this. She'll probably give you plenty of space.


Or you could go to the pet store and do some shopping. Put a snake around your neck. A rat in your pocket. A tarantula in your hand. When she gets close go, "Hey, lady! Wanna see my pets? Can the baby pet my spider?" Figure out which one freaks her out the most and then make sure you bring that one with you each day. Of course, this only works if you aren't scared of these things!


(And I still think you should cough on her while acting really sick, as many times as possible).

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Maybe it's time to start practicing your boxing and kickboxing techniques as you walk. Make sure your arms and legs punch and kick in all directions. Sing "The Eye Of the Tiger" to yourself as you walk, kick, and punch. Look her in the eye while you do all this. She'll probably give you plenty of space.



:lol::lol::lol: The song part cracks me up. Oh, the visuals from this thread.......

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Or, could you somehow get a hold of a Really Big Magnet (think Wiley Coyote)? Then, when she starts veering toward you, you could hold it up toward her and start shouting, "It's Working!!! It's Working!!!"


It would have to be a Really Big U-Shaped Magnet though. :)

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Or, could you somehow get a hold of a Really Big Magnet (think Wiley Coyote)? Then, when she starts veering toward you, you could hold it up toward her and start shouting, "It's Working!!! It's Working!!!"


It would have to be a Really Big U-Shaped Magnet though. :)


Awesome. :lol::lol::lol:

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I am truly touched by the show of support. But it is getting late and I'm getting confused...am I supposed to be wearing a Mr Bean mask with football padding and a kilt? And a big bag and a walkie talkie and a big orange something or other?


Yes!! And have a boxing glove on a hinge ala Little Rascals!

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I have not been keeping up with this thread, but I just sat down and read it out of curiosity and am laughing so hard I am crying. The amount of creativity and just plain.... something.... shall I say orneriness... is staggering. Absolutely staggering. :D

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Now here is where that Mr. Bean mask would come in handy.
These, behind some sunglasses might do it... very Village of the Dam*ed (original... I can't abide the remake).




They freak *me* out every time.

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What if next time she veered near you, you look all concerned and say something like, "Excuse me, I can't help but notice that you seem to have an equilibrium problem. If you like, I can provide you with a list of AA meetings, or the names of doctors that specialize in balance issues. I'm sure it must be an embarrassing problem, but let me assure you I would only tell six or seven hundred of my closest internet buddies. Anyway, just say the word and I'll have a list by the next day. Have a nice day!"



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