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s/o trolls. What do you think is one of your most troll worthy stories?

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ok, here's mine, which I haven't shared online- I might come back and edit this...


sorry, I did edit it- juicy story but I would feel bad if a family member found it..I left it up a few days to entertain y'all :D

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He was found innocent, so there was nothing to appeal. It will be on his record though showing he was arrested for the crime. Since it is a felony arrest, it could also be used against him in any court cases he is involved in in the future.

No, that's not true. What a lousy case-- sounds like the DA should have been quick to simply voluntarily dismiss it.

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Good grief, you are my hero. You sound like my sister. Do you have a sister?


:D Thank you. My own family and friends were :eek:. They still can't believe I pulled it off. I was like James Bond. Cool as a cucumber. Oh and another funny part....XH is a programmer. He couldn't find the keylogger even after he knew it was there.


It blew up part of my family though....I exposed my cousin for the scumbag she is and it pretty much destroyed the relationship her parents and mine had. Her husband divorced her, she lost custody of her dd....yeah, it was bad.


I do have a sister. That is another story that sounds trolllike. We were 'lost' to each other, thanks to controlling relatives for 28 years. She found me via FB in November of 08 and we are now very close.

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Oh where should I start. So many crazy stories that it's hard for me to believe I am not a troll and I haven't even posted everything that has happened because some of it really was just a little too private.


Of course, I was an unmedicated bi-polar teen so those years were pretty turbulent but after I got married I settled down a bit and after my married my current husband I had 15 years of a perfectly norma life. And then everything just fell apart and the last five years have been pure hell. I honestly can't remember most of '09 through '11. The cloud have just really started to clear this year. I am think about going back through all of my post and trying to recreate a journal from my most important posts.


The one thing that a lot of people have a hard time believing is that I posted about my mother's heart attack as it was happening. I was home alone at the time and didn't really know what to do. Everyone was in transit on the way here and I didn't have a way to talk to them. This group has always been my support group so it seemed perfectly normal to post so that you guys could help get me through until someone else showed up to help.


If anyone can remember anything else I would love it if you refreshed my memory.


I just glanced over my old threads for the past few years because some of it is fog like to me as well!


I totally get posting through a crisis.

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I posted her years ago asking for help dealing with a family I called X. Their story was nuts. I never updated on the ultimate resolution. Grandma X and Grandpa X live local, but they're shut-ins now. Mom X succumbed to cancer. My sister was the last visitor she had at the hospital. Mr. X served his time for making and distributing drugs. He was released early, because Mom X's daughter, his wife, died of an od shortly after her mother's death leaving their daughter in the care of her disabled grandparents. Mr.X and daughter moved in with his mother.


All in all, it was one of those sagas you end up watching, because the authorties just could not believe it.

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Yeah, I've thought I must seem like a troll, particularly with such a low post count. I used to be active on the WTM yahoo high school list when eldest was in high school ('03 through '06) and a few posts on the old boards, but just joined here to post when a social group was formed that I needed info from.


But the fact that my three youngest have an immune disorder that, among other things, means that for the first part of their lives they're allergic to all food (my youngest is 5 1/2 and was allowed his first food at his 5th birthday - he still has only 4 "safe" foods) but which doesn't have a name . . . to me that sounds made up. We have military insurance, though, and while our immunologist did what she could to get a diagnosis, the expensive things like sending for genetic testing and such the military won't pay for. They're content with a vague "unspecified hyper-IgE disorder, not Job's Syndrome". I would feel bitter except the stuff they HAVE paid for is - gosh, don't know what we would have done.


And then in November I got a fairly rare cancer. So seriously? For someone with under 200 posts *I* sure wouldn't believe me. Sounds like an attention seeker big time.

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My entire life seems troll worthy.


Esp dealings w/my mom and MIL.


This, and for at least one similar reason.


My first marriage to an NPD'ed person played out for about 7 years online on homeschooling boards. It seemed normal(ish). I didn't know about NPD or (non physical) abuse. Coming to those realizations and understandings served to re-write history in a way that could be suspect (troll-worthy).


The 6 year custody battle? The goings on? Troll worthy.


The working multiple jobs, being a student? Unlikely.


Remarried to a man who was revealed to be chronically, if not terminably ill? Troll worthy.


Daughter with a chronic autoimmune? In context of the above, troll worthy.


Ungoing, unrelenting financial burdens in spite of seeming hard work? Troll worthy.


The 18 months of trying to use the Making Homes Affordbable program and those details? They were SO bizarre, *I* didn't believe them! Troll worthy.

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>>"have you ever been arrested of a felony"<<


Most things you fill out will ask if you have ever been convicted of a felony, and to that, he can honestly answer, "No."


My nurse cousin had this problem when he was applying to schools...he had to send a cry letter explaining why he was 'arrested' for a felony (immediately released and dropped...I honestly can't remember the details)...It was ultimately ok...he got into the school he wanted to become a PA....but it just caused a bunch of stress and red tape.


I have zero confidence in the judicial system.

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This, and for at least one similar reason.


My first marriage to an NPD'ed person played out for about 7 years online on homeschooling boards. It seemed normal(ish). I didn't know about NPD or (non physical) abuse. Coming to those realizations and understandings served to re-write history in a way that could be suspect (troll-worthy).


The 6 year custody battle? The goings on? Troll worthy.


The working multiple jobs, being a student? Unlikely.


Remarried to a man who was revealed to be chronically, if not terminably ill? Troll worthy.


Daughter with a chronic autoimmune? In context of the above, troll worthy.


Ungoing, unrelenting financial burdens in spite of seeming hard work? Troll worthy.


The 18 months of trying to use the Making Homes Affordbable program and those details? They were SO bizarre, *I* didn't believe them! Troll worthy.


You've always put too many details on line to be a troll. Too many people on here know you or have met you IRL.

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would be my youngest dd's teen pregnancies and losses (and all the drama associated with it), and my 4 ectopics (since 3 were in such a short period of time).


I also had some drama with my middle dd some years back when she ran away and threatened to move to CA (at 17).


Who knew they'd both wind up sane and fairly normal, and that middle dd would be a wonderful wife and mommy?


Unless I am missing other dramatic incidents that I've posted, which is possible because my memory stinks, that would probably be it.

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I think my recent thread about finding my son's bio sister seems troll-worthy. What are the chances we would live in the same area and have some of the same acquaintances?


I even hesitated posting it because it sounds so unbelievable.


I remember that! But I have my own UNbelievable 'finding birth sibling' story...not mine to tell on a public forum, but WOW.

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>>"have you ever been arrested of a felony"<<


Most things you fill out will ask if you have ever been convicted of a felony, and to that, he can honestly answer, "No."


I don't want to share too much online but my cousin had a rough couple of years as a teenager and made some poor choices. Very poor choices related to drugs. Nothing violent but still felony worthy and he was convicted. He's now been an upstanding member of society for a long time - volunteers, sucessful businessman, great father. He has had the things from when he was a kid expunged and the only way anyone it can be found out it is if the FBI runs a background check on him. Stuff like that won't haunt him for his whole life. :grouphug:

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Either the time I received a death threat over a golden dollar or the story of Sylvia's arrival. Or the story of how one of my best high school friends got jailed for a gruesome murder.


The golden dollar, I was working at a music store. People chronically returned things and I hated it. I was an assistant manager, so I was the highest ranking person at the store. Some guy bought something then turned around and wanted to return it. Of course I had to go through all the paperwork. I took his ID and everything and gave him his money back. Well, one of the dollars I gave back was a golden dollar, and that set. him. OFF. He threw it back over the counter at me, but I wasn't going to have that and refused to open the drawer back up to switch it out. A golden dollar is perfectly legal tender. He stormed out of the store, went to another store in the mall. My co-worker and I were standing outside the store when he came back and got in my face and said, "I'm going to cut you in two," making a cutting motion at my forehead. :001_huh: Over a golden dollar. I filed a police report only to find out that he OWNED a store just around the corner IN the mall. So I had to go to work every day fearing for my life, go out to my car in the parking lot scared as hell... it was awful. I pressed charges and had to see him in court, where he lied, lied, lied. He ended up with anger management classes and his store closed.


Sylvia's birth, I have told this story many times, but I had complete placenta previa and ended up with a severe hemmorhage. I was on the floor in the hallway begging DH to call 911. We have never called 911, not even close. He drove me to the hospital 45 minutes away and I nearly ended up with an emergency C-section at 32 weeks because they had trouble finding Sylvia's heartrate and it was decels. I ended up in the hospital on bedrest for a month before a scheduled C-section at 36 weeks. And that's why I am very pro-ultrasound and pro-hospital, because we both would have died without those things.


My friend from high school, I'll call him S. He was quite well-off and had a Range Rover shortly after we graduated. I met up with him and some other friends to go to the movies and he took us for a spin in it. (NO, he was not a "friend" like that!) A couple of years later, I received an odd email from someone saying they were writing a book about S. He had apparently been arrested in connection with a murder at his college where the body was dismembered. :001_huh: I never, ever, ever would have thought he was capable of something like that, but I followed the case as much as I could and he ended up pleading insanity. He did have the dismembered body in a garbage bag in the back of his Range Rover... the very same Range Rover I had been in. :001_huh:


That's all I got.

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I was called a troll, and in retrospect I can completely understand why.


Here is the short version: I asked for advice on adjusting to a having a temporarily large family because I was soon to be watching my sister's six kids (including the 5 month old) for almost 2 months while she traveled to the-country-that-could-not-be-named-for-some-strange-legal-reason. Her reason for leaving ... adopting three more kids. Oh, and to add to the drama, all of the kids in question were under the age of 10.


Yeah, not very believable, but true. Seriously, it is true. Check out her blog if you don't believe me. :tongue_smilie: http://fillingthehousewithblessings.blogspot.com/

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An extremely famous person lives in the house directly behind mine. I see him in his underwear a lot. :D He likes to sit on the back porch and smoke in the mornings. He came down and introduced himself after his dog went crazy barking and growling at our kids and dog who were playing in our yard.


Nice guy. BAD reputation, but he seemed fairly nice. Our neighborhood is not exactly for the rich and famous, so it's very odd that he would choose to live here. Certainly gives us a unique conversation point when we have a cookout, though!

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I remember that! But I have my own UNbelievable 'finding birth sibling' story...not mine to tell on a public forum, but WOW.


My DH has a similar story which I've typed out and then erased on multiple occasions. Not my story to tell, but too good not to!

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This is probably not so interesting...My SIL's hubby has been attending junior college for 12 years. That same SIL was in 3rd grade with Saddam Husein's niece.


My power professor from college is now the interim prime minister of Libya.


As a teenager, my sister dated a guy who's mother wound up on the show America's Most Wanted.


My mother and sister used to sew up break away clothing for strippers....

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He was found innocent, so there was nothing to appeal. It will be on his record though showing he was arrested for the crime. Since it is a felony arrest, it could also be used against him in any court cases he is involved in in the future.


We may be able to get the record sealed, but we won't know until we contact an attorney after he is 18. Even sealed it will still be viewable by certain agencies, it won't go away.


In Illinois, you can petition to have a record expunged. This means, basically, it didn't happen. But i know in some places that certain people (law enforcement, judges) may still have access. But employers wouldn't, and he would be legally allowed to say it never happened. I would look into that now, because I can't see why he would have to be 18.


Pardon is different - it forgives a person for the crime and means they don't have to be punished. But the conviction stands.

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I have many many stories about my dh's ex that would be troll worthy. They are so crazy that I learned many years ago that they just cannot be told because I appear to be making them up. That's right, they are so nutty that I am viewed as a liar if I tell any of them.


One thing about her: She really wants cancer. A lot. She goes around constantly hoping to have cancer. The stories around this are insane as she keeps trying to get diagnosed with cancer. Any one of these stories is troll worthy. Yuck.


Because of her lack of work ethic she was always claiming ssi or cash assistance for my step dd who lived with us. The stories of dealing with AFS or Support Enforcement are only believable to people who have had similar problems. Other people refuse to believe that those agencies are as horrible as they are and wont believe the stories I have of them. Those stories are true, and crazy, but in black and white very few people would believe them.


Heck, last year I posted about my nieces school failures and people on a home school board didn't want to believe her ps was that bad. I asked my SIL some clarifying questions that posters here had asked but the answers were insane and I knew no one wanted to hear them so I dropped the subject. I think many of those people thought I was a troll then.

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This is probably not so interesting...My SIL's hubby has been attending junior college for 12 years. That same SIL was in 3rd grade with Saddam Husein's niece.


My power professor from college is now the interim prime minister of Libya.


As a teenager, my sister dated a guy who's mother wound up on the show America's Most Wanted.


My mother and sister used to sew up break away clothing for strippers....



My mom went to the same school as Garth Brooks.


Two of the girls dh dated before he met me ended up commited. Not in a relatioship commited, but nice young men in their clean white coats commited.


Oh and every man in his family tree back to the early 1700s has been illegitimate, which means his tree contains way more women than men, mother's maiden name means nearly nothing, and it's sorely lacking in information. The boys are the first legit men in over 300 years. Which also means that I got the best one :)

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Oh and every man in his family tree back to the early 1700s has been illegitimate, which means his tree contains way more women than men, mother's maiden name means nearly nothing, and it's sorely lacking in information. The boys are the first legit men in over 300 years. Which also means that I got the best one :)




That is way cool!

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My brother once went to school with one of the people who created X-files. My brothers name his honest to God on his birth certificates name is.............Fox. I named my son after him, so many people asked if I liked that show I told them nope they liked my big brother! Who at 40 something years old is way older than that show lol.

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My most unbelievable true story is that I thwarted a kidnapping when I was 6.


I was playing at the park across the street from my house w/my 4-year-old sister and her friend. It was the late 80s in military housing and it wasn't unusual for kids our age to be out alone. The two little girls were playing on the see-saw near the road while I was swinging further into the park. I didn't notice a car pull up to the curb until I saw the girls on the sidewalk talking to a man in the car. I quickly jumped off the swing and ran over to see what was going on. As I approached, I saw him leaning out the window and heard him say, "...and we can't find our puppy anywhere! Will you come help me look?" I could tell my sister had completely bought his story. I had been taught about possible ways someone might lure you away, however, and was naturally skeptical anyway, so I saw right through it. He visible stiffened and sat up when he saw me then drove off immediately without renewing his request for "help":glare:.


I grabbed the girls' hands and told them we were running home RIGHT NOW! My sister protested, saying she wanted to keep playing and it wasn't time to leave yet. I said, "That man was trying to KIDNAP YOU!" I was scared and my heart was pounding. When we got home I was mad at her for arguing with me because I had been trying to memorize his license plate but I forgot it while I was talking to her. I also remember thinking he wasn't a very smart grown-up because he used one of the exact situations I'd been warned about!:lol:

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My life is fairly boring, but my one odd group of stories involves all 3 car accidents I've been in. Two were my fault, but the other driver in each was arrested. One for no license (I think she was an illegal), one for a suspended license and outstanding warrants, and one because she stole gas (that accident was her fault - she ran into me in her rush to leave the gas station). So don't get into a car accident with me - you'll get arrested!

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I have been accused of being a troll for this story of my mom's.


She won a drawing for a pony at a rodeo in Idaho in the 1960s when she was 11. The celebrity who presented her prize and posed for photos with her was Michael Landon. He was a complete jerk to her--she always hoped he was just having a bad day out in the heat. He basically ignored her then made a snide comment about her thick cat-eye glasses, saying to the photographer, "Get those ugly things off of her." She was mortified and it totally ruined her brush with celebrity.


Rabid Michael Landon fans insist he had a heart of pure gold and loved children and thus would never be rude like that. I figure even he was awesome, we all have bad days!


The pony ended up being completely obnoxious and basically unridable, but it did provide good anecdotes later about how her uncle was thrown into a ditch.:001_smile:

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Not my own story but one of a regular poster here. I don't know that I'd call her a troll; maybe one who likes to embellish details. She told her great story of woe and I believed her. Then I used it as evidence of a particular bad thing. Only problem was, the person I shared it with knows her and her story irl and was able to totally contradict it. I have no reason not to believe my irl friend. It was sad because I realized she lied and that it put me in a very bad light with my friend. :glare:


My own stories, I just don't post them. Astrid helped me through the past four months of dog woes. Not sure they would've been believed if I had posted them, but thankfully, Astrid had my back and now we have a healthy dog. :)

Edited by Alenee
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Here's my best can't-believe-it-happened story.


When I was 25 (lo some three years ago), my father died suddenly of a heart attack.


My father's family walked out of the funeral as a group -- his mother and father, two of his siblings, and so on. They were offended by some choice or another in the funeral programming. Nothing offensive happened, but it wasn't their style. Or something. They said my grandmother was tired. So tired she left in the middle of her son's burial :confused:

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Pardon is different - it forgives a person for the crime and means they don't have to be punished. But the conviction stands.


Yea Texas is backwards. It is almost impossible to get a record expunged so if that doesn't work a governor's pardon would do the trick. I still think its stupid you have to get a pardon for so many things in Texas because expungement is almost impossible to get.

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I would not believe this story if it hadn't actually happened to ME, so here goes. My only troll-ish worthy story would be the time two friends and I got stuck in the mud on a newly built gravel backroad. It was a rainy, wet, cool spring and we were going out to see my one friend's horses. This was before cell phones. We turned off the highway on to the backroad and got about 1/4-1/2 mile down and got stuck. Stuck. S.T.U.C.K. The more we tried to push out, the more stuck and muddy we got. :001_smile: We tried getting unstuck until we boiled all of the coolant out of the rad.


Anyway, the closest farm was 2 miles further down that gravel road, so we walked there to get help or use their phone. They decided to help us. The two brothers at the farm had a little argument about which tractor to take to pull us out, but they finally reached a decision and one brother drove us back to the car on the tractor- we rode in the bucket. He got the tractor turned around, hooked the tow chain on to the car, put it in gear and pulled the car all of about 6 inches when the tractor ran out of gas!!


Luckily, he had first brought the small tractor because he then walked the 2 miles back to his place to get the big four-wheel drive tractor to tow both the smaller tractor and the car down the muddy road. When we got to their farm yard, which was right at the intersection of another, older and drivable in wet spring gravel road, the two brothers got into a huge fist fight! My one friend S, and I jumped into the car and locked the doors and left T standing outside the car.


I had stopped by my house after school on the way out to see the horses and told my Mom we'd be back in an hour. When I walked in the door at 9:00 that night she was ready to read me the riot act...but she couldn't see me because I was just a large mud statue. She did make me strip right in the porch so I didn't drag the mud all through her house, though. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh! Does anyone remember about my dad and my adopted Ugandan brother and his sister (not adopted, was already an adult) and the money mess and the elderly abuse mess and the drugs mess and the living in squalor mess and the emotional attachment mess and ....



Not going to recap but yeah, that was some serious troll material :glare: . It gets worse but it is only midday and too early to drink.

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I have been accused of being a troll for this story of my mom's.


She won a drawing for a pony at a rodeo in Idaho in the 1960s when she was 11. The celebrity who presented her prize and posed for photos with her was Michael Landon. He was a complete jerk to her--she always hoped he was just having a bad day out in the heat. He basically ignored her then made a snide comment about her thick cat-eye glasses, saying to the photographer, "Get those ugly things off of her." She was mortified and it totally ruined her brush with celebrity.


Rabid Michael Landon fans insist he had a heart of pure gold and loved children and thus would never be rude like that. I figure even he was awesome, we all have bad days!


The pony ended up being completely obnoxious and basically unridable, but it did provide good anecdotes later about how her uncle was thrown into a ditch.:001_smile:


His jerkish behavior was well-documented; I guess the power of denial overshadows the facts.

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>>"have you ever been arrested of a felony"<<


Most things you fill out will ask if you have ever been convicted of a felony, and to that, he can honestly answer, "No."


That's what I've seen before, questions about convictions, not arrests.

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I was glad to see another car story in this thread of someone being chased down by an angry driver.


On our way to CC this year, I went to turn from our residential street onto another side residential street at 9am. All of a sudden, I realized a car was coming and I slammed on the brakes. The other guy had slammed on his breaks as well. I was out part way into the street, but it wasn't like a three inch miss... more like a three foot miss. I turn behind the guy and proceeded driving.


The guy stops halfway down the street and starts talking with another guy in a truck that is coming the opposite way. I'm sitting behind them, annoyed, as they talk to each other out their windows because we need to hurry up and get to CC. The car starts to go again but then stops diagonally across the road blocking me behind it. At that point, I realize the truck has stopped diagonally across the road behind me. Two young, scaryish looking guys jump out of the car and start walking quickly towards my car. I freaked and drove up over the curb and through front yards to get out of being trapped.


It was all so odd. 9am. Residential, normal neighborhood. I also wondered if it had been some sort of set up since I initially hadn't seen the car. I mean, what are the chances that they were mad enough that I almost hit them to do something to me and just happened upon some friends driving the opposite direction who agreed to block me in?


I really kept wondering if it had really happened. And, I was paranoid for a long time afterwards since it was literally around the corner from our house. The kids thought it was great fun driving through yards. :auto:

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Probably my crazy mil, who threatened me with a gun, her own mil with an axe, and her sil with something else (can't remember what it was). And she can't understand why she doesn't have a good relationship with her grandkids. For someone who never experienced such things growing up, it was quite a shocker in my young marriage. These were things I associated with the stereotypes of trailer living, not suburban middle class living. I do now know that my stereotypes were wrong, so please, no bashing there.

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I have a very boring life I guess. I did know a guy though who turned out to be a spy, which was kind of surprising.


Oh, that reminds me... I knew this guy (now deceased). My older son used to spend the night at his house on a rather regular basis. And his son would stay at ours. I had no idea!

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I have always had a pretty boring suburban life. One thing that might seem off is that I dated the next door neighbor of a forum member when I was in high school. I mean, she lived next door to him while we were growing up. It is a weird coincidence. I teach at an urban high school, but my ethics and FERPA keep me from telling any of those stories.

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I have always had a pretty boring suburban life. One thing that might seem off is that I dated the next door neighbor of a forum member when I was in high school. I mean, she lived next door to him while we were growing up. It is a weird coincidence.


That was me! But he lived two houses over, not right next door :) That is one of those "it's a small, small world" kind of things.

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This thread I started recently asking questions about trolls...:lol::lol::lol::lol:


More likely the type of carpet I prefer in my teA room:D


Yeah, for me it's probably that I started that thread about the teA room carpet! :blushing:

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I met a fabulous, slightly famous but a little obscure author at a medical conference DH dragged me to. After the author spoke, he and DH started talking about something and halfway through the conversation, DH turned and introduced us. I SCREAMED! I couldn't believe I was meeting the guy who had me sobbing in the bathtub at 3:00 in the morning once.


DH and the author were both mortified. (You're not supposed to scream at medical conferences. It interrupts the flow of utter boringness.) And I was so out of my mind with crazy that I hugged him. To this day, DH teases me about hug-raping Abraham Verghese.


Goddess help us all if I ever run into that geek from River Monsters. I'll make a complete $#!$@#@ out of myself and someone will end up youtubing it. :D

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My most unbelievable true story is that I thwarted a kidnapping when I was 6.


My husband has a similar story of saving his sister from being kidnapped. He was playing in the front yard and was supposed to be watching his sister who was a toddler. He went in the house for a minute to get something and when he came back out, his sister was gone. He ran to the fence, with the gate still shut, and saw someone walking down the sidewalk, several houses down by this point, hand in hand with his baby sister. He ran after them and yelled "Hey! That's my sister!" and the potential abductor froze and let him pick her up. The man told my husband that he'd found her wandering in the street and was looking for her family, but then he turned and ran to his car in the direction he'd been heading and sped away. My husband was just a kid himself and was worried he'd be in trouble for leaving his sister in the front yard alone, so he didn't tell his parents until several days later.

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