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Today is my 40th bday. Struggling with thoughts my son will never have another bday.

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on your 40th birthday, especially with the loss of your precious son.


I turned 40 this year and it didn't bother me on account of myself. But, it did make me think about the limited time that I have left with my parents.


Allow yourself grieving time. It is a process and each milestone and celebration without him will bring back that sense of deep loss.


I hope you are able to enjoy this day with your family. :grouphug:

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Many prayers and :grouphug: to you this day.


I will say Happy Birthday because if you were not born, you would never have been blessed with your son, nor would you have been able to bless others with who you are to them. You are important to many, including your beloved son, try to celebrate the gift of your life today. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm very sorry for your pain.


I read something a few years ago about grieving/revisiting traumatic events. The gist of it was that the pain lessens in stages. First the really hard times get spaced a further apart. Then the recovery period is a bit faster. The last thing to lift is the intensity of the pain. For a (long) while, the intensity feels as if the event just happened yesterday.


I hope you feel better soon.



Edited by Kebo
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I know it is somewhat irrational.


:grouphug: It's not irrational. The smallest realizations can be a locus of grief. I remember bursting into tears that I would never brush my little girl's hair. It doesn't seem like much would hang on that particular point, but that just seems like a sweet, nurturing action for a mother to brush her little girl's hair and it pained me to miss out on it.

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Oh Kari. There is nothing that I can say that can comfort you. I'm so, so sad you lost your son. It's not fair. I can't even imagine. I read somewhere recently that there are names for people who lose spouses or parents, but there isn't a name for a person who loses a child. That's because it's a pain that can't be contained by a label. I pray I don't ever experience that. I've watched my cousin mourn for 14 years and I just can't imagine.

Happy Birthday, anyway. Maybe today will just be a fake it 'til you make it day. Try to enjoy your family and your good memories of Tim.

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:grouphug: You are living my nightmare. I am so sorry you are hurting. I also just turned 40, and knowing that my son will have an unnaturally short life and never see 40 himself weighed heavily upon me that day. He's only 11, but his muscular dystrophy has already robbed him of his ability to walk and will eventually attack his heart. I KNOW I'm blessed to still have him, but life is cruel and so very unfair. I am sorry for you today.

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I am so sorry for you. I never had that many years with my little boy so I don't know which hurts more. Imagining him here now or actually knowing what it was like. I just know your not alone and I hope your grief can be overshadowed by all the wonderful times you had with him. :grouphug:

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Kari, you've been coming into my mind a lot lately - the mom of Tim, who is 'fovever 21'. Did you celebrate his 21st? I'm so sorry that you're feeling the hurt badly right now...:grouphug:.


Maybe you could celebrate his birthdays still with the ones that knew & loved him? Or write a letter or card each year chronicling your feelings for him, and keep it with your mementos of him.

Someone on the other thread where a mom was missing her child, mentioned their tradition of letting balloons go on their child's birthday.


But, please do know you are thought of, that even strangers think of you, and wonder how you are doing. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Happy Birthday Kari.

My sister and I went out for a pub meal two weeks ago to celebrate my eldest's 18th. She didn't quite make it to her 17th after a very long illness.

Today I had another crying day. I'm on my own today and looked through photos of my girls together, listened to sad songs and just let the tears go most of the day. I need days like today though I'm publicly fine.

I know nothing stops that empty ache.

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I'm so sorry, Kari. It's not irrational, it's completely understandable. :grouphug:


I hope that you can enjoy your birthdays and the others in your family, still. But I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. Maybe on special landmark ones you can do a little something with the immediate family in his honor to commemorate his.


Happy birthday, Kari!

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