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I am down over 100 pounds! (Pictures)

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Oh Jean, that's just amazing. I opened the link expecting to see your usual avatar, but wow, what a surprise!!! You look just wonderful! I am so happy for you!!! Here's to improved health and an increased energy level!!! Hurray for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow!! You have totally inspired me! You look so pretty.


With my new rap name "Kendra Ivory"....I'm feelin' the need to lose a few. You've inspired me to actually start doing something about today!



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I was about to PM you after seeing your new avatar on your reply to me on the doctor visit thread. I'm not kidding, I was smiling ear to ear when I saw that because I recognized at once how much change there was in your face.


So first, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You have to feel so good, physically and emotionally, about what you've done for yourself.


Second, you do realize that you are an inspiration, right? Have you thought about capturing your journey in writing somehow -- in a blog (forgive me if you have done so and I've not seen it....I don't visit blogs that often), or in a class that you offer? With your honest approach to life, and your ability to teach, you have the potential to motivate a lot of folks, Jean. Seriously.


Okay, I'm clearly completely smitten with you. Don't tell your hubby! I'll try to come down from my high jump in your honor now! :001_wub:

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Have you thought about capturing your journey in writing somehow



LOL thank you for your comments! :D I have thought about writing it all down. It's been such along journey and I have changed in more ways than weight. I am not a good writer, but I will probably write it down one day. Thanks for the encouragement!

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As of today I am down 101 pounds and have gone from 267 to 166. The picture on the right is me at 242 and the left was taken Tuesday, when I was 167 LOL. I don't have one of me at 267 because I wasn't allowing anyone near me with a camera. My goal is 140 and I can not believe I am almost there! ( ignore my funny face in the pic on the left, my son caught me off guard)




Whoaaa mama! You look great! How did you do it??

What an inspiration!

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WOW! What an awesome job! It must feel wonderful! I need to lose about 100 lbs too, and it's *so* overwhelming!



Don't think of it as 100 pounds. Take it in small chunks and worry about today. Today I am going to eat healthy. Today I am going to go for a walk. My motivation is seeing the scale say XX9. Everytime I see that 9, I know I am down 10 more pounds.


:grouphug: You can do this!!!

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You look absolutely amazing. You inspire me. You are... wow.


You have added YEARS to not just your looks but to your *life*. And the quality of life you must have now compared to a year ago -- and what an example to (especially) your daughters about being healthy instead of faddish in your weight loss.


Wow. You're staving off heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer. Your gall bladder was a casualty, but it was on its way out anyhow. :001_smile:


Congrats. You rock.

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Quiver, you're beautiful, a picture of health!


Perhaps you should condsider sending in your story to Woman's World Magazine. They feature weight loss and diet successes. I'm sure you would inspire and educate many of the benefits of healthy (vegan) eatin'!


You look lovely! Good for you. You're perserverance and lifestyle changes are so inspirational and motivating.


Thanks so much for sharing your exciting pictures!


Happy, happy for you:001_smile:

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