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If your dh regularly takes lunch to work, who packs it?

When your dh takes a packed lunch to work, who packed it?  

  1. 1. When your dh takes a packed lunch to work, who packed it?

    • me
    • dh
    • one of the children
    • could be any one of the above, depending on the day

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I'm just curious. I make dh breakfast and lunch every morning. He takes both with him to work. (Ok, he probably eats his breakfast in the car on the way, but that's not something I'm very supportive of, so, let's gloss over that, LOL.)


I've always sorta wondered if it's the norm for the wife to pack the lunch, or if husbands do it for themselves. Pretty much our whole marriage, even when I worked (before I had my boys), I packed his lunch. Basically if I don't pack it, he either doesn't eat or he eats out; neither of which he likes to do.


I'm not complaining, just wondering. I've actaully gotten to a place where I'm glad to be able to bless dh by packing his lunch. But that statement does NOT mean I judge other wives who don't feel the same. :001_smile:


Poll to come. If you're a dh who packs your own lunch, vote that dh packs his lunch. :D And there's no 'other'; this is just for those that do pack a lunch, no matter if it's every day or not. If a lunch is packed, who packed it; that's how you vote.


I'm always a bit curious how other families negotiate things, which is why I'm asking. I know what some of my friends do, but I'd love to hear from a wider variety of wives, if that makes sense.

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Dh makes his own, but he usually packs leftovers I have already made, so I guess I make it and he packs it?????


He takes in breakfast too, and if I make granola (which I need to do again) he will take that as he likes it.


He leaves the house at 6am, before we get up.


We got into the habit of him getting his own when we were both working full time and just never got out of that when I started staying home.

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I pack my dh's lunch everyday. I've always done it and it's just one of those ways I show my love for him. I even did it when he worked in the oil field and had to get up at a moment's notice at 3am -- I'd just go back to bed after I packed it.


He thanks me all the time for it, so I feel it is noticed and appreciated.

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I pack my dh's lunch everyday. I've always done it and it's just one of those ways I show my love for him. I even did it when he worked in the oil field and had to get up at a moment's notice at 3am -- I'd just go back to bed after I packed it.


He thanks me all the time for it, so I feel it is noticed and appreciated.


Regarding the bolded; now THAT is sweet. I try to remember to thank dh for going to work, LOL. Seriously though, it's so easy to take for granted things that we just 'do' for each other. I'm endeavoring to raise my boys to be the kind of husband that remembers to thank his wife for something small like packing his lunch. :001_smile:

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I pack lunch for all 8 of us including those of us who are home during the day. So not only do I pack lunch for my husband, I pack lunch for my dad, too (both of them work outside the home). My dad is always telling people how wonderful it is that I pack lunch for him (my mom used to, before we moved in and I started packing everyone's lunches).

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I used to make DH sandwiches to take to work everyday, but then he put on a few pounds which he found hard to shift, and one of his colleagues suggested he try giving up carbs. I had the inspiration of buying bags of ready prepared salad and he takes that with either leftover chicken or salmon, or some bought cooked meat. He assembles it all of a morning now, so one job less for me :D. He did lose the spare pounds too.



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I pack it, and view it as an opportunity to bless him. My dh really, really, really, really, really dislikes having to figure out what to eat, so he really appreciates that I do this for him.


Ok JudoMom, this is exactly the situation we have going here, too. He doesn't even like to have to figure out what he wants me to pack him. You'd think that after 10 years of marriage I'd not need to ask anymore, but sometimes I just get in a rut, you know? And dh definitely has some sensory things, so I never know if all of a sudden something is on the 'nope' list. :D


I know dh appreciates that I pack his lunch. And I'm glad I've gotten to the place that I enjoy doing it as a way to bless him. Now if I could JUST get to where I viewed picking up his socks or his wet towel off the bathroom floor in the same light...



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DH packs his own lunch the night before. He leaves very early in the morning. I think it would be more of a headache for both of us if I did it. He knows what he wants, when he wants to take a lunch and when he has something else planned, and he sometimes goes on diets where he's picky about his food. He makes or gets his own breakfast too. I grew up in a family where everyone was responsible for their own lunches. If my brother and I wanted a lunch from home at school, we were supposed to pack it ourselves from about age 9 and up. It has honestly never crossed my mind to make a lunch for DH to take to work.

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Depends on the day. If we have dinner leftovers, I will set aside a smaller serving the night before. If not, dh will either pack his lunch or pick up something at work. If he is working nights, I will sometimes pack a "lunch" for him if he is running a little late. If dh worked reasonable hours, I would get up and pack a lunch for him, but he usually leaves the house at 5:15am. I love dh, but I really, really love sleep:tongue_smilie:.

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I pack lunch for all 8 of us including those of us who are home during the day. So not only do I pack lunch for my husband, I pack lunch for my dad, too (both of them work outside the home). My dad is always telling people how wonderful it is that I pack lunch for him (my mom used to, before we moved in and I started packing everyone's lunches).


Aww, that's sweet! How nice that you can bless your dad like that!


I pack a lunch for dss when he's here. :blush: Dsd has teased me about it, but I figure I'm packing dh's lunch anyway, why not. And dss loves it. :D Plus he's like his dad; if I don't pack something for him, he's likely to not eat at all. Or eat something HORRIBLE.

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For nearly 14 years, my DH worked out of town and I packed his lunch every day. I have been home with the kids for the last almost 5 years, but worked full time before then. It was something little and meaningful I could do for him and he appreciated it. Now he works 5 minutes from home and comes home for lunch and either gets a sandwich or leftovers.

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Right now, he packs his own lunch and has since I had our boys. But, at different times in our marriage, I've packed lunches for him.

When we were first married, we were both in restaurant work, so no lunches packed.

After about a year, I moved out of restaurant work, but he stayed, so I packed my own lunch and he didn't need one.

about 6 years into our marriage we were both out of restaurant work and on the same shift, so I made both lunches in the morning.

When I had our oldest, dh made his own and he has ever since. FWIW, he does take a lunch every day. He doesn't ever eat out unless it was a business thing.

I am happy to make his lunch, IF I'm making one for me. However, I'm not waking up at 4:30 (he leaves at 5) just to make his lunch for him. That's just crazy. If I'm up or he's running late, of course. But, that's just not how our marriage works. I wouldn't expect him to wake up super early to make me lunch either.

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I pack it, and view it as an opportunity to bless him. My dh really, really, really, really, really dislikes having to figure out what to eat, so he really appreciates that I do this for him.


I waitressed in college at a restaurant with many older customers. The wife would order a meal, complete with special instructions and substitutions, and the dh would say, "I'll have that, too" about 50% of the time. It was very cute!


We pack lunches the night before. I voted that I pack it, but dd does sometimes, too.

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He does his most of the time - I put it together when I can (read: when I feel like it :tongue_smilie: ). Typically he takes leftovers that have already been packed in tupperware the night before (by me) and a yogurt and/or piece of fruit, so it's not hard. He also, up until very recently, did VERY little else while at home due to a pinched nerve in his back which has/had been bothering him for years. So I guess in my mind if he was willing to put a piece of tupperware in a lunch bag and throw an apple in there with it, I was going to let him! :D

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I didn't answer the poll as I don't want to skew your numbers. My dh is retired and stays home with the kids. I work and pack my own meals (I work for 24hours per shift).


So, I could tick the 'dh' box; but, you'd just have to mentally change one of the answers to 'dw'. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted that DH packs his own lunch...but it is really a combination. I keep our stand-up freezer stocked with homemade TV dinners that I make whenever we are running low or using leftovers. They are labeled so that in the mornings when he is leaving, he picks one up and has a lunch ready to go.

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I voted dh, because I'm the one who takes a lunch, and I pack it. However, hubby gets up and makes my coffee while I shower.


Thanks for voting in the 'spirit' of the poll. :D And it's SO sweet that your dh makes your coffee while you shower. That's what it's all about. :001_smile:

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I didn't answer the poll as I don't want to skew your numbers. My dh is retired and stays home with the kids. I work and pack my own meals (I work for 24hours per shift).


So, I could tick the 'dh' box; but, you'd just have to mentally change one of the answers to 'dw'. :tongue_smilie:


Yes, feel free to vote 'dh'. I should have been more gender neutral in my poll I suppose. I just was going with the 'mom stays home and homeschools, dad goes to work' thing. :)

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DH packs his own lunch. When I worked, he would also pack my lunch. :001_smile:




Awww. That's so sweet.


A few weeks ago, dsd made me some eggs and toast. It was the first time that someone had made *me* a meal at home in, well, I don't know. YEARS, for sure.


Those were the best eggs and toast I had ever eaten. :D I think she was getting a bit weirded out by how many times I thanked her. :tongue_smilie:

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I chose that he does, but probably should have chosen that either of us does. He wakes at 4:10 am and is out the door by 5:00. If I am coherent and not falling over, I make it for him - but that's only about 2 times of out the 6 days a week he works. Hence, why I chose that he makes it.


If I could fall asleep after he left in the mornings, I would do it daily. He's so appreciative when I do the easiest, silliest things, so it makes me love doing things for him. I just wish I could make my body do it everyday, haha. 4:10 is scary sometimes!

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I chose that he does, but probably should have chosen that either of us does. He wakes at 4:10 am and is out the door by 5:00. If I am coherent and not falling over, I make it for him - but that's only about 2 times of out the 6 days a week he works. Hence, why I chose that he makes it.


If I could fall asleep after he left in the mornings, I would do it daily. He's so appreciative when I do the easiest, silliest things, so it makes me love doing things for him. I just wish I could make my body do it everyday, haha. 4:10 is scary sometimes!


Wow, yes, 4:10 is crazy early. You and other PP have mentioned that your dhs get up crazy early. in that case, I'd pack his lunch the night before. Obvously it'd have to be something that would keep overnight. If he wanted something that woudn't keep overnight, then I'd do my best to get up and pack it while he showered. Then I'd totally go back to bed, LOL. But if you can't go back to sleep if you get up with him, then I'm sure the two of you can come to some sort of agreement.

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I needed an "other" category. :tongue_smilie: I went with the last option. Generally speaking, dh packs his own lunch in the morning. He grabs a meal from the freezer or fridge, and a couple of pieces of fruit.


I make all of those meals in the fridge or freezer though, so I get some credit. ;) I keep a supply of homemade meals he can just grab and reheat at work. Sometimes it is leftovers, but usually the meals are made just for him and then frozen in individual portions.


He is very appreciative of the meals, and tells me so often. :001_wub:

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My dh fends for himself and it has always been this way. When we got married I told him he now had a wife, not another mommy so not only does he make his own lunch, he irons his own clothes, sorts and puts away his own laundry, etc. That way if I do one of the above it is something special and not something expected. ;)

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This is something I've struggled with, personally. For the past three weeks, I've packed dh's lunches. I've always hated packing lunches for him. He won't eat leftovers and wont eat more than one day in a row of things like salad, pasts salad, etc, so it's sandwiches or wraps every day :/

If I don't pack him lunch, though, he eats fast food every day, so he asked me to start packing him lunch in an effort to get healthy. How could I deny him that?

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My husband makes his own hot breakfast and packs his own lunch. He's usually out of the house well before anyone else wakes here. FWIW, before we had kids and when we were both working he packed my lunch along with his. The downside was I got the exact same thing pretty much every single day. I didn't say anything and if I had cared enough I would have made my own lunch of course. I'm wondering if he still eats the same thing for lunch every day. I really don't know what he packs now.

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I have never packed dh's lunch on a regular basis, maybe if he's running late or something, same with breakfast. It's just something I never did, he always just did it, maybe from being a bachelor for 8 or more years he was already in the habit. Another reason it never crossed my mind is my mother griped all the time about packing my dad's lunch so I decided I was not going to do that, which I think is silly now but as a teen it made sense.:D But like I said it never came up or was discussed (as in he never asked me to do it or questioned my not) I think he was already in the habit and I was fine with that.:D He likes to tease me good naturedly and we joke that it's my job to put the banana in his lunch because one time he was late and that was my contribution to the lunchbox. We also joke about my sitting and drinking my morning coffee while he gets ready for work, as in cooking his own breakfast and making his lunch but hey I used to not even get out of bed.:tongue_smilie: In our home it's not my job to make everyone's meals, you get your own food unless you are unable. I make dinner almost daily and I make sure there is plenty of food for you to choose from for your breakfast and lunch.;)

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Dh packs his own lunch, makes his own breakfast and makes dinner for everyone in the house. It's been that way for our entire marriage probably because he was a bachelor until he was 48 years old and he's a much better cook than I am. :001_smile:


I will often put away the leftovers from dinner since clean up is my job and he'll tell me to make up a few containers for him to bring for lunch.

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I purposely make extra when I make dinner. After dinner, either he or I pack up the leftovers into single-serve portions. For lunch, he can choose between a portion of the previous night's dinner or something from a previous day, if there's any left. He's learned that if a dinner is particularly good, and leftovers are sparse, he should label the container he wants with his name so that no one else gets to it first. I keep fruit available; often it gets taken for lunch. He takes lunch most days, but if there isn't anything available, he buys lunch. It happens rarely but it's no big deal when it does.


This system works well for us, as I only have to prep once for two meals. Dh and all my kids prefer dinner-type meals for lunch rather than sandwiches. I also try to alternate meal types so that if someone didn't like the previous night's meal, there's something from the night before that they like.

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