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I'm going to be loosing my best furry baby in a few hours...

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47b8d832b3127ccec40f51e7f50d00000025108AYtGjNm4aNAe3nwcThis afternoon I will be taking my beloved "Sisko" to be put down. He has been going downhill for a while. He is a large black-and-tan German Shepherd and he has been one of the BEST DOGS IN THE WORLD.


Last summer I had to take his long-time friend "Kira" on the same long trip to the vet...


Later this summer we will probably be getting a new German Shepherd puppy (Looking for a white one to call "Data") to be a friend for our 'teen age' (16 month) German Shepherd "Jordi".


I think Jordi even knows that it is time--he has been treating Sisko differently the past few weeks.


DH just happend to have a last minute meeting this afternoon--so I get to go alone. Today will be a LONG day.

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rbowx.gifRainbow Bridge rbowx.gif

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.


When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.


They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.


You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.


Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


Author unknown...

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Sisko is beautiful, and I understand the sadness of losing a beloved pet. They love us so unconditionally and are such a presence in our lives. I made the same trip last summer and I still miss my dear Ace. Cry all the tears you need to cry and take all the time you need to grieve. My thought and prayers are with you.

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He's a beautiful boy. I"ll be thinking of you this afternoon and in the days and weeks ahead. It's so hard. Yuma, my old girl, has recently been deteriorating, and I"m dreading the day with every fiber of my being. She's the bestest.




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Oh, I just crying for you. I have two 14 year old mutts that are nearing that point so my heart is with you.

You are being a wonderful owner. You are seeing him through even the hardest part of life.


When I was 17, I had to euthanize my 12 year old dog, Cindy, due to a brain tumor. The vet gave me this poem.


***Christian Content below***



I wish someone had given Jesus a dog

As loyal and loving as mine

To sleep by his manger and gaze in His eyes

And adore Him for being divine.


As our Lord grew to manhood, his faithful dog

Would have followed Him all through the day

While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well

And knelt in the garden to pray.


It is sad to remember that Christ went away

To face death alone and apart

With no tender dog following close behind

To comfort its Master's heart.


And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn

How happy He would have been

As his dog kissed His hands and barked its delight

For the One who died for all men.


Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent him mine

The old pal so dear to me

And I smile through my tears on this first day alone

Knowing they're in eternity.

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He is beautiful, his brown eyes are so loving and kind.


I remember my childhood dog, a mutt named Ginger. There wasn't anything I couldn't tell my dog.


Dogs do teach us so much, if we let them. Even on this journey, Sisko will teach you about the passing of time. May you be at peace.



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Sisko actually went WILLINGLY into the vet's office (he was always a big sissy about a trip to the vet). He was calm and walked into the room without me having to drag him (as usual).


He died quickly and peacefully in my arms at 4:30pm.


Thank you for your thoughts and prayers--they were definitely felt!



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47b8d832b3127ccec40f51e7f50d00000025108AYtGjNm4aNAe3nwcThis afternoon I will be taking my beloved "Sisko" to be put down. He has been going downhill for a while. He is a large black-and-tan German Shepherd and he has been one of the BEST DOGS IN THE WORLD.


Last summer I had to take his long-time friend "Kira" on the same long trip to the vet...


Later this summer we will probably be getting a new German Shepherd puppy (Looking for a white one to call "Data") to be a friend for our 'teen age' (16 month) German Shepherd "Jordi".


I think Jordi even knows that it is time--he has been treating Sisko differently the past few weeks.


DH just happend to have a last minute meeting this afternoon--so I get to go alone. Today will be a LONG day.


There is a good book called Rescuing Sprite by Mark Levin that could help you through this time!



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Sisko actually went WILLINGLY into the vet's office (he was always a big sissy about a trip to the vet). He was calm and walked into the room without me having to drag him (as usual).


He died quickly and peacefully in my arms at 4:30pm.


Thank you for your thoughts and prayers--they were definitely felt!





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