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Does this word bother you?

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It's a pretty harmless word.


Rather than say "my husband did this..." which wounds kind of stilted in casual conversation.


And if I say "Scott did this..." y'all might wonder, "husband, kid, or pet?"


Meh, I'm guilty of using it. Particularly on forums where people might not know him by name and I don't feel like typing out "my husband".


p.s. It's better than calling him my "old man" lol

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I hate when the kids call each other "dumb" or "stupid."


Yep...those words bother me much more than any term of endearment one might call their spouse.


I do actually call my husband "my darling husband" and sometimes "hubby." But thankfully, he doesn't mind at all.;)

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It's not a word I use, but I think it sounds fine.




I actually do say "my husband" in casual conversation. I never call him by his name, so referring to him as such feels stranger than just saying "my husband". "hubby" sounds fine coming from other people, but dh and I just don't use such irreverent or endearing terms for each other in conversation with other people. It would feel too "familiar", almost disrespectful.

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I would never say it. But I wouldn't say 'dear husband' either, and I type dh every day :)


I use 'hubby' on here...but never IRL. It does sound kinda stupid, but it's quicker to type than husband, and I wouldn't use dh's real name on a public forum. ;)


The word that drives me nuts is 'kudos'. :D

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On the other hand, I would object if he suddenly started referring to me as "wifey." :D


I just have to share -- the word for wife in Portuguese is simply the same word as woman. There is another word for spouse, in general, which most polite men use for their wives, but it is widely accepted to just use "my woman" as "my wife."


I set DH straight in no uncertain terms when we learned that --- I will tolerate a lot of things, but being called "woman" is not one of them! Not that he ever would, anyway, but still.


(of course, husband has its own word all to itself, and using the masculine form of spouse, for your husband, is considered somewhat sissified and not usually done.....oh, the joys of living in a Machismo country.....)

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No it doesn't bother me. In fact I use that word. The first two posts on this thread made my heart sink...


What's so repulsive about it? I actually have no idea what's wrong with it?


Yep, I use hubby all the time and I can't imagine why someone would have a problem with it. It is the term of endearment I use for my hubby on this board. It seems less formal the DH. :confused:

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We could all start saying





We say "No you're shmoopy" all the time!


I grew up in a bilingual home where there's a bazzilion terms of endearment. Maybe that's the thing??

I'm still curious what it is about this word that people don't like? :bigear:

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Doesn't bother me. Pretty sure I've used it from time to time online.


From now on, I'll refer to Wolf as MPSM or PLM. My Personal Stud Muffin, or Personal Love Machine.


At least I won't ick anyone out using 'hubby' :tongue_smilie:



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No it doesn't bother me. In fact I use that word. The first two posts on this thread made my heart sink...


What's so repulsive about it? I actually have no idea what's wrong with it?


I think some people have way too much time on their hands. Somebody is always complaining about something, kwim? :glare:


No need to take it personally. Instead of being offended by this thread, why not think of more creative ways to tweak with the minds of people who detest the "hubby" moniker (I love it way better than DH) and join us in subtle usage of adjectives for hubby:



stud muffin

God of Love

Big Kauhuna

love muffin


If someone throws in a picture of a man in kilts, then we're good to go, que no? ;)

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