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Do your kids go barefoot outside?

Generally speaking, do your kids go barefoot outside?  

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  1. 1. Generally speaking, do your kids go barefoot outside?

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My kids do and I do, too. I only wear shoes when I have to go somewhere in public. (I drive barefoot, too, but keep a pair handy in case I get pulled over. I've asked police officers who I have worked with on cases if they cared about that and they all looked at me like I was crazy. They apparently don't care if people drive barefoot, but since I've heard people say it for years the paranoia remains.)


I prefer to drive barefoot too, and people used to say the same thing to me, that it was illegal. I looked it up, no such law. Slippery dress shoes and flip flops are both a pain to drive in, I prefer barefoot or tennis shoes. And usually I'm in flip flops if anything. 


My kids go barefoot much less than I did. 

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I don't have a problem with it.  I walked around barefoot outside as a kid.  Although our house had been vacant for awhile before we bought it and some windows had broke.  So, while we think we got up all the broken glass, we keep finding new broken glass in the yard.  So, yard - shoes.  



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How did I miss this thread back in 2012?

Depends where we are and what they are doing.  At home yes, unless ds11 is tinkering in the garage then no, he must wear shoes.  At the park they wear them until the park has been checked for safety, if good they go barefoot.  At the friend's house down the street, shoes are a must, they have broken glass and  nails and such in their yard.  Ds11 usually rides his bike barefoot because he doesn't want to bother stopping to put them on, at least he puts his helmet on lol Gramma insists on shoes at her place but I feel it is actually better for foot development to be barefoot as much as possible as children.  Of course in winter boots are a must because no one likes frost bite but in the warmer weather out the door the run barefoot and that's fine with me, at least they are outdoors playing.  My teens typically always wear shoes now, but as younger kids they were just like my 2 youngest and spent more time barefoot than shoed in the warm weather.

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In our yard, the kids almost never have shoes on unless there is snow on the ground.  Although they have been known to got out and collect snow in their bare feet.  When going on a walk, riding bikes(on long rides not just in front of our house), going to the park, etc., I almost always have them put on shoes due to glass, nails, garbage, pesticides on lawns or dog poop.

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my kids go barefoot.  Then they run through the mulch.  They get splinters. TINY splinters.  They wear shoes a few weeks.  They go barefoot.....

Mine too.  



(BTW - this is a Zombie thread that is 3 years old.  I don't think it matters for a question like this but I did get quite a turn from seeing posts from Ester Maria and others who haven't been here for awhile.)

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Fun old thread topic!


Yes. We go barefoot. In the desert no less. I don't put my shoes on until I have to drive somewhere or I'm digging in the yard. I walked across the street barefoot to collect my mail today, and will be doing so until it's too hot to dart from the last available shadow to the mailbox and back. :tongue_smilie:

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I generally make them wear shoes because we have a large section of our yard paved with concrete. Without shoes, there is always one that will end up with a toe full of blood. When we are in a grassy area on private property (my mom's house for instance) I let them be barefoot if it is nice out. If it's damp I have them wear shoes so that they can take them off when they come into her house and onto her carpet.

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My son likes shoes.


My girls detest them.


It is very, very difficult to keep shoes on dd16.  She has Blistered her feet before by walking on hot concrete.  Not little blisters, quarter size, full on burned skin blisters....and she will still do it. 


Dd8 runs about 50/50 with them on/off.



I require them for bikes/scooters and prefer that they have them on at the park, but it isn't a hill I will die on.  (We don't have a broken glass issue at our parks). Most of our parks have cedar chunks for playground cushion and it doesn't feel good to run on it like it does the grass, so they tend to keep them on at the park.  

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I don't like it when they do, but they do. It's one of those things I let them exercise their choices in. We've removed a lot of slivers, but they still go barefoot. Heck, didn't all people go barefoot for the most part until just a few hundred years ago. I'd still prefer if they didn't though, because they can take dirty shoes off at the door, but not dirty feet. Lots of foot baths at our house.

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i said yes but really they have soft feet. as a child I wore shoes too school because my parents thought it proper but until high school we mostly were barefoot by part way through the day. We only had one pair of leather shoes so nearly all sports were done barefoot. My kids won't go barefoot in mud or sheep poo like we did though they are city kids. I insist on shoes and helmet for anything with wheels though so they often just choose to wear shoes. We never wear shoes inside. My sons dad didn't wear shoes unless forced until his mid 30's. it didn't snow where we were but it was cold.

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It is very, very difficult to keep shoes on dd16.  She has Blistered her feet before by walking on hot concrete.  Not little blisters, quarter size, full on burned skin blisters....and she will still do it. ...


Just the other day DD asked about the shiny black streaks on the road.  I thought it was funny that both DH and I could speak from experience when we told her to never walk barefoot on a hot road.  We live in Texas, so they get plenty hot.  Hot tar stuck to your feet really hurts!  

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My kids don't because we live in a place where it would be impossible (forest with sharp gravel drive and road).

BUT, if we lived in town, they probably would, as the have in the past.

I always went barefoot as a kid, unless the ground was too hot or too cold.  I still do, if get the chance.  

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I'm surprised ticks haven't been mentioned more!  Pulling off ten or more ticks at a setting from a squirming child and fearing I might have missed one, wasn't much fun for me - or her. Close calls with snakes didn't help the case for bare feet for us.


Mud boots are our flip flops and have been for years.


ETA: Knowing two people who each lost vision in one eye from worms possibly contracted by going barefoot, makes me perhaps a little more cautious than most.


Different locales, different experiences, different levels of risk tolerance all play a role.

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Children and I go barefoot whenever possible at home, at my parents' house, and anyplace we are comfortable that there are no man-made hazards--glass, nails, etc. However, when we visited my sister in the city I had to keep reminding them to put their shoes on because we weren't at home and her yard had glass etc. The funniest thing ever was when some of my other "country" friends and I went to a city park and all of our kids wanted to take off their shoes and wade in the creek. We had a disussion about how this was not like wading in the creek at home, and also told them not to pick up any trash they found (I envisioned used hypodermic needles :( They get cuts and things but nothing serious, and their feet are tougher than mine--dd was walking on new gravel barefoot today without a wince! I remember complaining about my feet hurting at the beginning of the summer and my mom would tell me I needed to toughen up my feet. I didn't wear shoes during the summer unless we were going for a serious walk in the woods or left the house. Mine do have flip flops and crocs :)

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My boys go barefoot around the house, in our yard, often at the park, etc...


For instance, today we were out for a walk and DS8 decided to wade out in the lake in his clogs up to upper calf. He went along for ~1/6 mile but there was a lot of algae and dead fish every 5 feet(ah Spring in the upper Midwest)... he eventually decided that was gross and then walked the next mile barefoot in sand, dirt, grass and pavement to the deep water boat dock to rinse his slimy shoes. He only stopped once in there to climb a tree... I figure slime, mud, hot sand, burning pavement, etc are all just natural consequences... and often what I would find horrible the boys enjoy without comment.

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