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Weight loss incentives...What are yours?

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Wow, pain would not be a good motivator for me, but fitting in a size 5/6 is a dream. So far I'm a 7/8 ;) I like just not having as much "flab" on me..... Just exercising is my next goal. So far I've mostly lost weight by not eating as much sugar and eating less. (mostly the no sugar) I've also tried for fresh whole grains...

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I don't have as much to lose, but I'm still sporting a few too many pounds a year after baby, and had started the pregnancy 10-pounds heavier than with DS7, so I started my diet on Monday. I'd like to get back to pre-pregnancy weight I was with DS7 - so I'd like to lose 20-pounds.


Good luck with your weight loss - and enjoy your incentives as you reach each mini-goal you've set!

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My husband would be bringing home Hershey bars if he thought I had your incentives. :lol:


I love your list though!


My incentive for trimming up a bit and continue walking in the cold is two-fold; my dh and I get our best conversations in during our nightly walk and my very fashionable older sister is coming in April to celebrate my 45th b-day.


She's going to go shopping with me and tell me what to buy. I can't afford clothing in more than one size.

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Health has been a huge motivator for me, but now that I've reversed hypertension and diabetes (not to toot my own horn or anything LOL) I'm having trouble finding motivation to KEEP losing weight. I still need to lose quite a bit more...and I've been slacking. I see a personal trainer twice a week now and that has actually made me feel more entitled to cheat! LOL


The idea of rewarding myself had never occurred to me....great thread!!

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Two years ago, I lost about 20 lbs. and got down to my super-skinny-never-thought-I'd-see-it-again-size-2/4-weight. I felt so fabulous and loved that I looked so great in (almost) everything. Over the past year, I've gradually gained 10 lbs. back. :glare: I am super-motivated to get back to that weight because I feel huge again right now. So, I plan to really hit it hard and get there again. I plan to start right after my Caribbean vacation next week. ;):lol:


I need to set up some rewards along the way to keep me motivated!! Hmmm... I can't think of anything offhand, but I will come up with something, I'm sure.

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My incentive was that I just plain ol' didn't want to be fat any more. When I wanted to be skinny more than I wanted that second donut, it became easier to stick to my weightloss plan (not easy, just easier).


My main motivation for maintaining is to not be a yo-yo dieter like my mom. Her body has been through so many dramatic shifts in weight, and the effects of that on her health are starting to show. I don't want that.

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Vanity. That's my motivation.


I don't have weight to lose, but I could stand to firm up.


My brother is getting married in a few months. The bridesmaid dresses are fitted, sleek and strapless.


I don't want my turkey-waddle arms to be the one attention-grabber as I'm walking down the aisle and dancing at the reception!

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10 lbs back down (sigh) I will fit into the lovely clothes I bought the last time through this, which is only about 15 months ago. So they are still in style, and I LIKE them. No more GERD at night, either. That's motivational for me.


20 lbs down I will be able to hike to Cleo's Baths without it being an ordeal. And my expectation is that for the first time in several years I will be able to hike further than that and back again in the same day.


30 lbs down, I will be joining a gym without wanting to hide myself in embarrassment. (Until then I am walking and using exercise equipment at home.)

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Currently, I am playing games with two private facebook groups of friends & acquaintances . . .


First Group: Lose 8# in 2 mos. (Started out as 1 mo, but it was over the holidays, and it was extended to 2 mos when it looked like noone would win. One woman DID win, and she got half the $500 pot - $50 each player/10 players -- and the other half is rolling over to the 2 mos mark)


Second Group: This week only (day 3 was today) is a gluten-free and refined-sugar free challenge. $50 per player. $10 penalty per "cheat" of 100 cal or less. Winners (with no cheats, or fewest cheats if everyone cheats) get the penalty $ from the other players. So far, all players are on track to WIN!


Thirdly, I have a separate $50 bet (winner take all, no cheating allowed) with my brother on the one week sugar/gluten challenge. The whole idea started when he pretty much dared me to do it & I said I'd do it if he did, and offered the wager.


So, this one week, I lose $100 if I don't stay off gluten & refined sugars (including honey) . . . That is enough $$ to keep me away from the kitchen during my weak moments!


These small financial incentives are pretty fun, and having a group of folks on a private facebook group sharing recipes, ideas, encouragement is nice.


On a deeper level, my motivators are:

1) being lighter so I can run safer & faster

2) Just looking good. :)


(My weight is already in the healthy zone, so I no longer am motivated by those issues so much, although 18 mos ago when I started running & dropping weight, health was a primary motivator.)

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When I reach my goal (significantly more than 10 lbs--you lightweights;)!), I'm going to get a bOOk reduction and nominate myself for What Not to Wear, 'cause I won't HAVE anything to wear! :D


Yes, health and being able to be more active with the kids are factors, but not nearly so fun as the above!

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Health is a great incentive, but it's never been a big motivator for me, so here are mine;


In 10-15lbs I will get a 3rd hole on each ear.


In 20-25lbs I will get my upper ear pierced.


In 30-35lbs I will get my eyebrow pierced


In 40+lbs I get my belly button pierced and a new outfit.


:D You?



Clothes, plain and simple. I just love cute, pretty clothes. Don't give a [bLEEP!] about health. For true.

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My motivation is family history of diabetes and heart disease. My run down list of my paternal grandparents and fathers siblings. Grandfather died of heart attach 62 (he was a smoker), grandmother heart attach 54 (not sure but she had lupus), aunt stroke 54(smoker and non compliant diabetic, uncle heart attach 58 (noncompliance diabetic), my own father stroke by 56 (non compliant diabetic) but survived but quality of life sucks and his only remaining sibling is 62 with way out of control diabetes and obesity. I know that my father or aunt will die any day now.


I workout and eat right in hopes of not developing diabetes.


I do also from a vanity sake. I did let myself gain about 20 lbs. I got a little depressed after moving. I had to give myself a kick in the butt and start exercising again.


I had my dh take some pictures of me in my bikini I wore 2 years earlier WOW wake up call. I now keep those pictures in my gym room for daily motivation. I like having a bikini body. :D

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I have gone down 35 lbs since late August - another 25 and I will be were I should be. I need to live as long as possible as I doubt anyone else will put up with caring for SillyAutismMan.


JFS, I know what you mean. We have two dss with special needs. We need to be here for them. For a long time.


I reward myself with new music downloads, new workout videos, and I want new undies! I have to move down in sizes before I'm rewarding myself with any new undies.

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My reward is fitting back into my clothes! I was starting to really muffin top out of my jeans, and that just has to stop!


I have lost 10 in the past month, and have 5-10 more to go to 125-130. We will see how I feel then. The last time I was at 125 my jeans and work pants were falling off of me and I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe right now. I may have to stop at 5lbs, just so I still fit my current wardrobe. LOL (but I like the idea of 125 better so we will just see how that goes. :001_smile: )

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I have been sick which has slowed me down. Seems like the viral load is pretty bad around here. We keep getting one thing after another--this has been going on in our family for about 6 weeks. DH is on his second round of antibiotics, and I am descending into GERD and asthma. DD has her third or fourth consecutive illness--I've lost track (but this one seems to be just a simple cold.) Hopefully we will be out from under and I can start seriously reducing again soon.

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I wish I had mini-goals but I simply do not. I'm losing weight for health reasons. That lab work and health survey made me cringe. Knowing my mom and her sister are both diabetic scares me. My goal weight is in the middle of my healthy weight range. I do like the idea of being in smaller clothing sizes but it's not a motivator to continue. I just keep that goal weight number in mind and am slowly getting closer to it.

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Clothes, plain and simple. I just love cute, pretty clothes. Don't give a [bLEEP!] about health. For true.


I'm the same way. I'm glad that better health is a bonus for working out, but it isn't a motivation for me on its own. I'm all about the cute clothing. That's why I exercise. ;)

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I wish I had mini-goals but I simply do not. I'm losing weight for health reasons. That lab work and health survey made me cringe. Knowing my mom and her sister are both diabetic scares me. My goal weight is in the middle of my healthy weight range. I do like the idea of being in smaller clothing sizes but it's not a motivator to continue. I just keep that goal weight number in mind and am slowly getting closer to it.


Goal weight is a tricky end. How about a different health goal such as a certain resting heart rate or blood pressure reading or body fat percentage or cholesterol level? The scale can really mess with people.

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Goal weight is a tricky end. How about a different health goal such as a certain resting heart rate or blood pressure reading or body fat percentage or cholesterol level? The scale can really mess with people.


But health improves more when one is within a healthy weight range. I'm losing weight because I've made some diet changes in order to get into the healthy weight range. I'll have to maintain that healthy diet to maintain a healthy weight. And I know from personal experience that if I don't maintain the healthy eating, I go back into the 'overweight' category. I'm hoping that being in that healthy weight range will mean I can get off some of these medications. But we'll see.

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But health improves more when one is within a healthy weight range. I'm losing weight because I've made some diet changes in order to get into the healthy weight range. I'll have to maintain that healthy diet to maintain a healthy weight. And I know from personal experience that if I don't maintain the healthy eating, I go back into the 'overweight' category. I'm hoping that being in that healthy weight range will mean I can get off some of these medications. But we'll see.


Of course. :group hug:


In case the scale gets stuck at some point, there are other health pointers to cheer you up and onward.

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Good question! I've been thinking about my goals, and I have thought about setting up some rewards to keep me motivated. Mostly, I just try to visualize different things like: looking cute on the beach the next time we go to California, having plenty of energy hiking up Camelback, taking a daylong hiking trip in the Grand Canyon (having lots of energy and looking cute!), trying on clothes and enjoying it for a change, etc.


I will have to give this some more thought. Right now, I'm off to the gym! :D



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Good question! I've been thinking about my goals, and I have thought about setting up some rewards to keep me motivated. Mostly, I just try to visualize different things like: looking cute on the beach the next time we go to California, having plenty of energy hiking up Camelback, taking a daylong hiking trip in the Grand Canyon (having lots of energy and looking cute!), trying on clothes and enjoying it for a change, etc.


I will have to give this some more thought. Right now, I'm off to the gym! :D




LOL! I have this vision of me coming out of the water wearing the cutest board skirt, low slung on my hips showing of my six pack sans cellulite and baby wrinkles (loose skin).


Whatever. :tongue_smilie:


Hit me up when you are in Cali and we can compare outfits.

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My incentive is to be healthy, and this is a rare chance for me to do it so intensively. I have been nursing or pregnant for nearly 10 years, and when I weaned in mid-August, I decided to work at losing weight with intentionality & gusto. I've lost 28 pounds so far... I still have 10 or 15 to go. I am now getting so many compliments, but honestly, that's not really a motivation for me. What DOES motivate me now that I'm seeing some results is that I can wear cute clothes & not feel like I'm constantly tugging or embarrassed about how I look. Mainly, instead of making clothing the focus, it's actually made it so it's no longer the focus for me. I can enjoy what I wear but it makes it less of a focus for me because I don't feel so self conscious about it anymore. I like feeling healthy and like I'm just a normal-sized person.

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My incentive is to keep fitting into these cute pants I got at Target. They really look good on me and I'm liking the way I look right now. I finally got back on my low-carb (meaning for me, no sugar or white flour, some whole grains) after 2 months of falling completely off the wagon. I do feel a lot better not eating all that garbage, so that's another incentive. I'm not nearly as tired all the time.

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I'm down 45 lbs now since last May. I agree that mini-goals can be helpful. Originally I was busting out of my wardrobe and refused to buy even bigger. Over the summer I dieted and did the couch to 5k program. This helped me to lose weight, but I as also surprised with how much better I felt! This was itself very motivating for me.


In early fall I bought some more clothes in what I thought would be my new size and donated the bigger things (no ability to gain and wear them again). Since then I've lost another 7 lbs or so, but honestly don't have the money right now to buy another new set of things. Belts have become my BFFs.


My initial loss brought me down into a healthy weight range, so health factors aren't very motivating anymore. The scale is somewhat counter productive at this point for me, because it's so deceptive. For instance I recently slacked off for 10 days with my running and actually lost 3 lbs (likely muscle) because I wasn't dieting any more than usual. I noticed the same thing when school started up and I cut down on strength training with weights because I was crunched for time. I had a quick 4lb loss in the next couple of weeks. My body apparently doesn't hold onto muscle for long.


I'm now working on running a faster 10K and contemplating a half, but I'm not as motivated as I was before.


I wish I could get some kind of wager group going as another poster mentioned. $$ would be very motivating for me right now!

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My incentive was that I just plain ol' didn't want to be fat any more. When I wanted to be skinny more than I wanted that second donut, it became easier to stick to my weightloss plan (not easy, just easier).


Yep. Me too. I'm not fat but boy I don't look good either. And my back hurts a bit. And somedays it's a struggle to button my jeans. So far I'm down 5 pounds and I've been I've found a workout I enjoy. I Jazzercise. I'm sure there are better workouts but this is one that I do and enjoy so it's the best workout for me. :D

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Clothes, plain and simple. I just love cute, pretty clothes. Don't give a [bLEEP!] about health. For true.


:lol: I like that attitude.


My motivator is that I dance in public in a bellydance costume. Those babies are too expensive to replace or alter because of weight fluctuations. I'm only 5'3" so two pounds shows up on me. I have to keep my weight within a pretty tight range or the change is obvious. So, yeah, I'm motivated by fear :D

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I'm weird and rather anal-retentive ;). I have lists of everything. I made lists of all my clothes categorized according to fit and weight. So at x pounds, I can bring x number of clothes back out from the linen closet/storage to my regular closet. My motivation is being able to fit into clothes that I haven't been able to fit into in the past several months. I've lost 20 pounds in the past month. I'm now at a definite plateau/stall and I hope to lose about 12 more. Relatively easy to lose. Keeping it off is my struggle and unfortunately, always will be.

Health is my other motivator. I want to be healthy.

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I want to have an incentive, but I just can't figure out what. Something to buy for sure. I've lost 5 already.


The ultimate goal is lower cholesterol. But I've got the heredity factor in there too. I think inheritance has more to do with it than weight, really. It was high when I weighed 110! (That was premarriage, prebabies.)


5 lbs - purse?

10 lbs - watch

20 lbs - jeans

30 lbs - dress

35 lbs - clothes!!!

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I'm in a biggest loser contest at church :o). Everyone puts $20 in & winner takes all. Thats good motivation, plus we are all mostly on Facebook, so there's a lot of good natured competition going on. Also, I know that even if I don't win the money, I'll have lost the pounds.

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Health and comfort, mostly. I really want to be around for my kids as long as possible. I've watched my husband's family dwindling, and I don't want my kids to be dealing with those issues until they are much older than my hubby.


I lost about 75 pounds a couple of years ago and then promptly started gaining it back again. By the time I got upset enough to actually do anything about it, I had gained back about 25 of them. I've been overweight my entire life and did the yo-yo thing for far too many years when I was younger. So, I've decided this time to set a reasonable goal weight, rather than an ideal one.


I started last month with a plan to lose 17 pounds, and as of today I have five to go. This won't get me back into my "skinny clothes," but it will get me within an inch of a healthy BMI. And I think I might be able to maintain it as long as I don't try to force myself below a weight that is comfortable for me.


Because it wasn't a lot of weight to lose, I didn't set any mini-goals. We are also still adjusting to the pay cut my husband too when he moved into his current job. So, splurging on treats for myself isn't in the cards. My plan for when I reach my goal weight is to buy myself two pairs of jeans I really like, even if I have to pay more for them than I like.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I don't typically reward myself with anything. While it's a good idea, I haven't found it to be a motivator for me.


I lost quite a bit of weight over the last four years. I was close to where I wanted to be then ended up gaining about seven pounds. :001_huh: I just started in earnest yesterday and hope to finally make my goal this time.


My incentives are:


My clothes fitting comfortably.

No more mushroom top when I wear my jeans.

Being able to buy clothes without worrying if my butt looks big in them.

Wearing cute tops that fit instead of the big shirts that hide everything.

Having more energy.

Being in control of my eating.



And just feeling good about myself. When my clothes aren't fitting and my eating is out of control, it's harder for me to be positive and deal with everyday life.

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