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Baby Name - like Grace, but not

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We already have the first name chosen - Caroline. I really like Grace for a middle name. This has been my most difficult pregnancy and it was an unexpected one. I truly believe that this baby is God's gracious gift to us, and I also know that it will be His grace alone getting me thru this pregnancy.


But dh isn't too hot on Grace because it's SO popular. Our other kids' names aren't totally obscure, but they're not very popular ones either.


Any suggestions on a name that means something like Grace but isn't Grace? Our last name is one syllable, if that makes any difference.


My second choice right now would be Caroline Elaine which is my mom's middle name, so it does have significance (I like names with significance), but it doesn't mean Grace.

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Well, what about something along the same 'line' as Grace:









Peace (kinda unusual, but I LOVE it)



Found some names that mean Grace:


Chanya - Hebrew - 'grace of our Lord'

Ania/Aniva - Polish/Slavic - 'grace'

Carissa - Latin/Greek - 'beloved; grace'

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Congrats! I do believe Caroline Grace is a BEAUTIFUL name!


Is Caroline definately the first name or would you consider it as middle?


Lily Grace, but that's not using Caroline and using Grace.


Sorry I can't think of anything right now other than "Joy". Have you considered a Hebrew name for the middle name?

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One of our daughter's middle name is Shay which means "gift" in Hebrew and Aramaic according to http://concordances.org/hebrew/7862.htm . Apparently it's pronounced shah-ee but we just say "Shay" (rhymes with hay).


Oh, interesting! My middle name and my 3yo daughter's middle name is DeSha which came from President Johnson's family. My mom heard it when his daughter gave it to her daughter as a middle name, I believe. When I researched it later, I learned that it was the president's great-grandmother's maiden name, a French name, and there's a ton of genealogy on her family.


So, I am partial to Shay, but we've kind of already used it.


Caroline is definitely the first name. I've been calling her that for months.


Lots of other interesting suggestions. I'm not crazy about Hannah, although we were going to name this baby Samuel if it had been a boy. In fact, everytime I ask dd3 what we should name the baby, she still says Samuel knowing that it's a girl. :D


I also really like Caroline Helena, but dh has put his foot down about Helena (my g-grandmother's middle name). :sad: I still love it, though.


One other note - Caroline is partly a reference to his mom's middle name which is Carol - but only partly because we just like the name. But that's kind of why I was also pulling for Elaine or Helena - to reference my mom's middle name or her well-loved grandmother's.

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One other note - Caroline is partly a reference to his mom's middle name which is Carol - but only partly because we just like the name. But that's kind of why I was also pulling for Elaine or Helena - to reference my mom's middle name or her well-loved grandmother's.


How about Caroline Elena? Kind of combines Elaine and Helena.

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