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Presents under the tree before Christmas

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Do you place presents under the tree before Christmas? If you do, do you put all wrapped presents or just ones for people that do not live at your house?


I just went through wrapfest 2011 (so much easier since switching to reusable bags), and now I want to put them under the tree. I just don't know if my kids will be able to withstand the temptation to shake or feel the presents. Only one would be able to open and retie the bag without help, (well 2 if you count DH), so I don't think they would actually try to open them. There are no names on the gifts for the kids. I color code them and try really hard to remember whose is whose by Christmas morning. ;) Should I play it safe and leave theirs in the closet a couple of more days?

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I have kids the same ages as yours (plus a couple younger kids). I put my presents out with the tree. I love the look of a fully decorated tree with all the presents underneath. :wubs_001:


Last year my littlest guy was 2 and I was able to keep him out of the presents and away from unwrapping them. I vote don't hide the presents away- put them out!!


My kids love to marvel at the different sized boxes and guess what might be inside.

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If I wrap before Christmas Eve I put out only the presents for others outside of the house. I always wait until the last minute Christmas Eve to put out dh & dd's presents. I also put any presents we receive from others (like our of town relatives) under the tree as soon as we get them.


ETA: I don't do this because dd would get in to them I just like the surprise factor of not seeing the gifts until Christmas morning. I always loved waking up to see how many presents were under the tree as a child. Dh apparently was deprived of this fun tradition so he thinks I'm crazy.

Edited by acurtis75@yahoo.com
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Of course! Nothing is prettier than a tree with presents underneath. I put them all, for others as well as everyone in our household. Honestly, my big kids are 7 and 4 and I don't think they have any idea that people even shake gifts to attempt to figure out the contents LOL. They have never touched a gift under our tree....and I've never told them not to either. Strange kids LOL. :D

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This is our first year (post kids) that we've put the presents under the tree as they're wrapped, rather than waiting until Christmas Eve. My kids are 7, 5, and almost 3, and the almost-3 year old has surprised me greatly at his complete *lack* of curiosity in the presents! He's far more interested in the ornaments. :glare:


My older two haven't touched the presents either, although they do love noticing a new one under there with their name on it.

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presents have been going under as they are wrapped. the only hassle has been dudeling, who keeps asking what his presents are. (and had a full blown meltdown one night.) I really don't have anywhere to put wrapped gifts that are out of sight of children. and after staying up until 2am one year bowing and ribboning gifts, I have no need to wait until christmas eve after children have gone to bed.


1ds had terrible anxiety, and there were a few years I did finally start assuring him he would get the item he most wanted. He was able to calm significantly, and wait for christmas to open them. I'm not seeing quite the same level of anxiety with dudeling, so he'll just have to wait.

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dh and I exchange our gifts xmas eve evening.....kids also get to open 1-2 gifts...it's how we did it when I was growing up....zach's already asking what he has under the tree...I had his b/day presents hid under there and he found them days before his birthday LOL and it drove him crazy trying to figure out what they were....other things come from santa later that night after he's in bed...........

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Everyone gets new pjs on Christmas Eve. Those get wrapped and put under the tree. Nothing else goes under the tree until after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. It makes the surprise on Christmas bigger.


One year we put the gifts out as they got wrapped. We all decided we didn't like that. There was no visual surprise to wake up to on Christmas morning. We hated it.

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We do put out ones from DH or me to each other and from our family to extended family and from one of our kids to another. Dh is very nosy and sometimes I keep his hidden if the package is not very tricky! ;)


We don't put the kids' gift from us out until Christmas Eve when they are asleep.

Keeps them from snooping and makes Christmas morning more exciting.

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When my children were younger, I always had some gifts under the tree because it looked pretty. But these days, we only have a few gifts for each of us and I like for Christmas morning to be special. If I have the gifts under the tree before the morning, we just wake up to the same sight we've been looking at for a couple of weeks. But yes, my tree looks pretty empty.


ETA: When the kids were little, we put only some of the gifts under the tree. We put the rest of our gifts and the family Santa gifts after the kids went to be on Christmas Eve. Since those days are gone, I don't like the gifts under the tree too early.

Edited by Night Elf
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We have always put all presents under the tree. Yes they peak at them, yes they shake them, but only once has anyone ever opened one. Half the fun of Christmas is trying to figure out what's in those packages!


eta: by peaking, I don't mean opening them, just looking to see which ones belonged to each person

Edited by Unicorn
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We have always put the wrapped presents under the tree as soon as they are ready. My childhood magical memories of Christmas are of the tree with presents spilling out from under it. I used to sort them, count them, try to guess what was in them, etc., but nobody in my family (as a child or now as a parent) ever tried to spoil the magic by opening them. I guess it depends on the kids in question.


Since we spend Christmas day at Grandma's house, our tradition is to open one present a night (counting backwards however many presents there are). So, our presents have to be under the tree.


P.S. And we never did Santa gifts. I guess if you're doing Santa gifts, they need to show up Christmas morning.

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I usually have the presents for friends wrapped and under the tree. Right now I have one present for each kid under the tree, and a box for everyone that came in the mail from family with individually wrapped presents inside. I put all the other presents for the boys under the tree after they fall asleep Christmas Eve. We don't "do Santa," but I don't want the focus to be the presents.

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I put all of the presents under the tree. But, instead of labeling them, I wrap each child's gifts in the same paper. So, dd1 might be in candy canes, dd2 might be in green stripes, etc. That way nobody knows which gifts belong to them, except me.


Similar - we have three children and assign each child two reindeer names, (dasher, dancer....). We keep the, master list and they have no idea who they are until Christmas morning.

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When kids believed in Santa, presents from people outside our immediate family went under the tree.


After that, all presents were put under the tree except the big gifts for each.


Now, the tree is surrounded by an ex-pen and nothing can go under it. Aidan (dog) has already discovered how to push the ex-pen panels toward the tree so he can destroy more of it. He now sleeps curled against the ex-pen so as to be closer to that precious tree. The saving grace was that he did not lift his leg for the first time when we set the tree up. Given a chance, he'll probably think of that next.


Our dog joyfully and easily unwraps presents, heavily taped parcels sent by my mother, and Amazon boxes. If anyone needs a box opener, let me know.

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We only put presents for those outside team family under the tree prior to Christmas Eve. DD the Elder gets sick with anxiety otherwise, so we've adapted. Ideally we'd put the "smaller" presents under early and let the lids open one Christmas Eve.

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I put all of the presents under the tree. But, instead of labeling them, I wrap each child's gifts in the same paper. So, dd1 might be in candy canes, dd2 might be in green stripes, etc. That way nobody knows which gifts belong to them, except me.

I love this. :001_smile:

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Presents go under the tree as they are wrapped. For MY kids, I use a different wrapping paper for each child, so I know whose is whose. I also put any presents for other people under there as well. I haven't had a problem with anyone trying to open them yet, and I think they know that it would be seriously bad for them if they did. :glare:

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Ours are all under the tree, named with 'real' names. The kids (5 & 2) like to examine them as closely as possible without actually touching them. It's cute watching them hovering with their noses just about on the wrapping. I put out everything as it's wrapped / arrives - I think it's part of the fun.

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I put all of the presents under the tree. But, instead of labeling them, I wrap each child's gifts in the same paper. So, dd1 might be in candy canes, dd2 might be in green stripes, etc. That way nobody knows which gifts belong to them, except me.


I've always done this, too. I'd love to put them all under the tree on Christmas Eve but we usually travel so it isn't practical. I do fill their stockings after they go to bed Christmas Eve and get up at 5:00 or so to plug in the lights and set the stage. I go back to bed and let them wake me up a little later.

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The gifts under the tree right now are the ones the kids got for hubby and me and each other. All others won't go out until Christmas Eve.

This, except that ours are all in rubbermaid bins. :001_huh: Apparently ants think tape tastes good :confused: and decided to have a party under our tree!! :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I put them under the tree. I told the kids no touching, no shaking, no trying to use x-ray vision on them. Unfortunately shaking would give away a few of them (I have 3 boys, one guess on what makes a distinctive shaking sound under there). Their other gift is a bike helmet and feeling the fabric bag would probably give that away too. I wrapped a few of the boys' presents in pink bags (they were the best size for the item) to hopefully throw them off the scent of my identifying method. I think I will have to wrap the books they are getting in a bigger box before sticking them in a bag as I have no more small bags left.

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I wrap them as soon as I can. I love the look of the tree with all the presents under it. It makes me so happy to give presents and to think of all the wonderful things hiding under the tree.


We don't do big santa presents, so only the stockings are filled on Christmas morning.

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I have always put them under the tree as they were wrapped. My kids are older now, but didn't bother the presents even when they were little.


This is how we do it too. All the presents from mom and dad and any that come in the mail before Christmas go under the tree as the get wrapped or arrive. Only Santa presents and the stockings get put out exclusively on Christmas eve.:001_smile:

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