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If you can't have cow's milk on your cereal

If you can't have cow's milk on cereal, what do you put on it?  

  1. 1. If you can't have cow's milk on cereal, what do you put on it?

    • soy milk
    • coconut milk
    • almond milk
    • rice milk
    • goat/sheep milk
    • I don't eat cereal but I love polls!
    • other

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Well, cereal isn't a breakfast food here and is usually eaten much like one would eat chips when it is eaten. But if we eat it like normal people do (<smile>), soy or coconut milk (those are the two milks we always have on hand) are common. Sometimes almond milk is used. I've never used rice milk for anything (though my daughter likes Rice Dream Ice Cream <yuck!>).


My brother (lactose intolerant), as a kid, put orange juice on his.

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Don't eat cereal b/c of LI, but I have used the lactose-free milk before. It's just like regular milk, but more expensive. I don't like the fake milk stuff that much--and you have to be careful because some of it is just junky.


Ds was "allergic" to milk as a child--caused his ear infections. We used OJ or goat's milk on occasion. Yuck.

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You need multiple choice on your poll! We do either almond or coconut. Two kids are allergic to cow's milk and one of those is also allergic to soy. It's been years since we used rice milk. I found that 2nd worst tasting, first being goats milk. :001_huh:

We used to do Silk Soy, but they changed their recipe and it now has almond in it and DS can't have Tree Nuts. We buy the generic Soy milk and always read the ingredients in case they change their formula.

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I voted "other," because I used to eat cereal. Then it turned out I had to go gluten-free, so I switched to gf cereals. Then I had to give up casein (milk protein) so I tried to rock the almond or coconut milk, but that only lasted a day or two before I gave up on cereal entirely. I didn't learn until later that the way grains are processed/extruded for most cereals isn't really good for anyone, so that made me feel a bit better about the whole thing, but I do miss Raisin Bran sometimes.

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I said Almond milk because it is what I personally use the most. It's the best tasting,and I have used them all! I also buy soy milk for my veg older dd, who prefers it. And I buy Lactose-free milk for the others, who do not like substitutes. I buy Almond Breeze sweetened vanilla. Sometimes I'll buy unsweetened, but sweetened does taste better for someone with a sweet tooth-ME!;)

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Ie at my bowl of Special K with Strawberries nearly every morning with WATER. Yep, WATER.


Sometimes I have oatmeal, also cooked with water.


I can have dairy, but am diabetic and milk has too much sugar for me early in the morning. I do better skipping it.

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DH's grandmother uses chicken broth. It really kind skeeves me out, but it works for her.



Okay, I don't want to "judge" anyone...but that is the weirdest one I have ever heard!


BUT, I do admire people who are free-thinkers like this!!! Who decided you HAD to put any sort of milk on cereal???!!!

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Other: apple juice


I don't have milk issues, but I hate the taste of milk. All kinds of milk. I once had a doctor tell me I needed more fiber for my gastro issues, and said I should eat Kashi cereal. When I told him how much I hate milk he suggested apple juice. I was skeptical but tried it, and actually like it. I always wanted to be able to eat cereal but my distaste of milk kept me from it.


Of course, after the news this past week I feel like I'm pouring arsenic on my cereal, but that's another thread. :lol:

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