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What time do you get up?

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I want to get out of bed at 7:30a. I usually end up getting out of bed anytime between 8:30 and 9:30. I go to bed at a reasonable hour, I just have a problem sleeping.


If I ever have enough days that I'm able to sleep as I'm supposed to I can manage the 7:30 wake up. I did today.


But once the insomnia kicks in I have to have that extra time to catch up.

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When DS wakes up. He's an early to bed, early to rise kid. (Bed time is no later than 8:30-- by his own internal clock. And he slept until 8:30 this morning, which was LATE for him. Usually he's up about 6:30.)


DD is a night owl who likes to sleep until 9:30-10. A girl after my own heart. Except that it would be easier to get up with (or before) her big brother if she would go to sleep before 10:30 or 11.


If I can wake up on my own, we're looking at 9:30 or so.

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Well, most days I'm up by 4am. I just wake up. Hubby's alarm normally goes off at 5am. Generally by 8am when school starts with my children I have exercised for 45 minutes, had a quiet time, shower, started a couple load of laundry and hung them up, unloaded the dishwasher and checked my e-mails. Now after dinner, I am basically useless. I have trouble staying awake. I am generally in bed by 9, though normally not asleep until 10. I am not productive at night at all. I will tell myself that I will do something after school...won't happen.



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Never early enough.


I've been getting up at about 6:15am (sooooooooo not my nature, I am a night owl). I think, to get myself together and kid stuff organized for a peaceful start to the day, I'd have to get up at 5am.


I have trained myself to get up earlier than I used to, but I still follow the inclination to stay up late. It's a killer!


ETA I get up because I have to; I have some kids out schooled this year.

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between 6:00 and 8:00. Sometimes earlier, rarely later.


The average is that I wake up at 7:00 and get out of bed around 8:00. I never get out of bed because I *want* to. I hate mornings.:tongue_smilie:


If I haven't slept the night before, I will stay in bed if I can. If I can? Yeah, I don't stay in bed. :glare:

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Which time?


These days, I'm up btwn 2-3 am, then back to bed an hour or so later. If I'm lucky. Some nights, there's no back to bed.


Wolf usually wakes me around 6am.


Wknds, he gets mad if I'm up before 9am :lol: He can't sleep in, so he wants to ensure that I do...orders me back to bed if he sees me before 9 :lol:

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I get up between 5:30 and 5:50 M-F. Saturday and Sunday I sleep until 6:30 or 7:00. I am a morning person and have always gotten up early. I don't use an alarm, this is a natural time for me to wake. That said, I would love to sleep a bit later. Ds likes to do math first thing in the morning and for him that is 6:00. :001_huh:

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I have trained myself to get up earlier than I used to, but I still follow the inclination to stay up late. It's a killer!


ETA I get up because I have to; I have some kids out schooled this year.


Same here. I'm usually up by 7 and we're out the door at 8. (My olders attend a private school and I have to drive them.) I'm a night owl by nature, and if left to my own devices I'd be in bed at 2am, waking up around 10. These days I'm usually up by 8 if I don't have to drive the kids in that day.

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5:30am most days. I don't want to. Ds11 is struggling righ now and has agreed to an extra hour of school. I work in the afternoons and we have sports in the evening, so morning it is. Today, I popped on here while eating my crackers so I can take my migraine medicine. I'll be going back to bed shortly. It's 6:20am. The kiddos will be thrilled to sleep in a bit.

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I'm up between 5-5:30. Early morning is my quiet time. I need that time to drink coffee and plan the day without being inundated with talking and noise. If I'm working that day, I'm up at 4, but that's because we open at 5:30 and I have a couple members who are in the parking lot by 5:15 and I like to have the door open for them.


I'm in bed by 9:00, though, and asleep by 10-11:00. I can't think anymore by that time.

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6:15am because I want coffee time with my dh before the rest of the crew gets up at 7am.


Ha! Exactly true here, too! :001_smile: Although now that dd is in school, she gets up at 6:30.


I don't really like getting up in the morning, but I've been getting up at about this same time for decades because I do not like getting up later than the kids. I could not sleep past 7:30 unless I was drunk the night before, and I can't remember when that happened last.


If I could just wake up naturally when I want to, I think it would be about 7:00. On vacations, that is what I usually do.

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To begin..I'm NOT a morning person.


I usually get up around 7-7:30am every morning. For awhile I was up with dh every morning at 5:30am but I'm NOT a morning person. I have sleeping issues so if I go to sleep at 9pm I'll still be a CRABBY butt at 5:30am. Now I compromise and wake up at 6am after dh is out of the shower and we chat over coffee and I make up some homemade buttermilk pancakes before he heads off to work.

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That is a gift. Truly.


I kind of "trained" myself to do this in college. I would purposely put the alarm clock across the room so I would have to get up to turn it off. That practice is what I really give the credit to.


Plus my girls are ready to go from the second they get up to the second they (finally) go to bed - my days are at least 15-16 hours long! I just have to get up!:lol:

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6:15 AM. I have to get up and walk the dog/exercise and be back by 7:30 to shower and help get the school day started. If we don't get started between 8:30 and 9, the whole day moves sluggishly. I would prefer to be up between 7:30 and 8, but then I would get no alone time (not that I can call walking the dog "alone time.")

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Between 6 and 7. Earlier in the summer, later in the winter.

I am a morning person and love to have quiet time before my kids get up, but alas, it is impossible right now.

DS is a morning person and our house is small and he will get up and want to be with me as soon as I am out of bed. So I often lie in bed for a few extra minutes pondering my day before I make a move or a sound!


Every once in a while DH will take charge of b'fast on a Saturday and let me sleep late - until 8:30 or 9. Usually a winter day when we aren't going out anyway.

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I love your avatar Wendy, I smile every time I see it. :001_smile:


My favorite schedule is 6-8:30 p.m. normally. Kid is on the same schedule as me.


I tend to wake up several times a night though and struggle to stay asleep, usually wake up around four. I guess I'm just getting older.

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It depends on what we're doing that day. If we have a trip out of town, I might have to get up at 7 or even earlier. Generally, I get up between 7:30 and 7:50. Because my son is typically reading for the first hour of school time, I can take a shower and get ready after I get him started and lay out the rest of his work for the day....

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I set the clock for 7:05 so I can push the snooze button once and then get up at 7:15. I need time to shower, dress, and have some coffee before my student arrives between 8:00 & 8:15. We start school at 8:30. I'd rather have an extra half hour, getting up at 7:45 and starting school at 9:00, but my student has to come early because her mom has to be at work at 8:30.

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I get up with dh for coffee at 6:00am. Sometimes I get back in bed after he goes to work at 6:30. Other times I stay up. Either way I have to be ready to take dd15 to school at 7:45am. Sometimes I get back in bed after I take dd to school. Other times I stay up. I usually wake the other dc up for breakfast around 9:00.

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If we have to be somewhere in the morning I will set my alarm for 2.5 hours earlier than that so that I have plenty of time to shower, dress, eat, do my morning computer routine, then get the kids ready. Most days are spent out of the house, but it's not usually in the morning, so I just get up when I get up, as do the kids. Today that was 10:05. :blush5: Unfortunately, one of the kids was supposed to be at the chiropractor's office at 10:00. Dh can go in to work whenever he wants, for the most part, but he usually leaves around 9:30, so I hear him when he wakes up and that prompts me to start moving. He usually wakes the (little) kids up before he leaves; they are all night owls, so the schedule works for us.

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I get up at 5 am six days a week. Sunday is the only day I wake up at 7 am. I check my email, start the laundry, do the dishes, vacuum, clean, dust, pick up. I also read and catch up on shows I've DVRd. I get my kids up between 7 and 8. They eat and start school almost immediately. I pack a lot of schoolwork into our day. We rarely finish it all.


By 9 pm I'm fried.

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I would LOVE to be a morning person and to not be tired all the time. I go to bed around 11:00 and get to sleep USUALLY before 1 AM. I awaken several times throughout the night, and then drag myself out of bed around 9:00. Fortunately, my girls are not morning girls either.


On Saturday, I can easily sleep until 10:00. I wish I could sleep that well earlier in the night, you know, like around midnight :glare:

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I get up at 6:35 during the week. I make breakfast for my dh and pack his lunch. He leaves at 7:00. Most days I stay up. If I'm really tired, I go back to bed and usually fall asleep. I'll sleep until ds wakes up, which is usually no later than 8.


I sleep in on Saturdays if I can, but I'm up by 7:45 on Sunday mornings to get ready for Sunday School.

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I am usually out of bed around 6:30 am. Definitely not because I want to though. I get up to see my oldest off to school. He wishes I would get up with him at 6 but I'm not a morning person. It takes everything I have to get up at 6:30. I would sleep until at least 8 if I could. But if we sleep that late, it would take forever to get around and get school started and we wouldn't accomplish anything.

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Another night owl here. I'm up between 7:30 and 8, when DH leaves for work. I have my 'me time' at night (until 1 or so, difficult for me to sleep before then anyway), and little DS is always highly offended to wake up without me next to him. :tongue_smilie:Even once DS is sleeping through the night consistently, I don't see myself getting out of bed before 7.

On Saturdays, DH lets me sleep in - I can easily sleep until 9:30, but then our Saturday disappears.

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