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What is your biggest stressor?

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I feel a lot of stress when my house is a mess. I'm ok during the school day because school comes first. But, I can feel my stress levels rising during the afternoon because the house is a mess. After I have spent about an hour cleaning up the evenings I usually feel fine again. I wish I didn't feel that way but it's the truth.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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It's funny, we have a LOT going on, but I keep thinking, "If we just had a bigger house in a less crowded neighborhood" -- a place we could stretch out, run around, not be on top of each other and other people -- then everything ELSE would be tolerable. It sounds silly that a bigger house would make me feel better about, for example, my 4yo's rheumatoid arthritis, but I think it would. :tongue_smilie:


Maybe I keep blaming it on that because it's something we can actually DO (well, if my dh would get on board :lol: :banghead:), whereas with 99% of our other problems I'm really at a loss.

Edited by amyable
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I feel a lot of stress when my house is a mess. I'm ok during the school day because school comes first. But, I can feel my stress levels rising during the afternoon because the house is a mess. After I have spent about an hour cleaning up the evenings I usually feel fine again. I wish I didn't feel that way but it's the truth.


God Bless,

Elise in NC


:iagree: If the house is a mess it all goes down hill very quickly for me. If I'm stressing about money at the same time, well it just isn't pretty.


Chaos is not something I can thrive in and for my brain all clutter is chaos. I think this might be the control freak in me. :)

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Health. After having thyroid cancer and my thyroid removed my body and brain just aren't the same.




Are you taking a good quality fish oil and other supplements known to help with brain fog/issues? I know when I take them they make a HUGE difference in how I feel. I've had several concussions in the past 8 years, one life changing, so I know what it's like to be impaired. :sad: Not saying you are impaired, but sympathizing that your brain isn't the same.


Also, my mom came to live with us with end stage dementia. Even my siblings noticed about a two year reversal of her symptoms. It was AMAZING how she became engaged again!!!


I know it's not the same because your body isn't producing all the same chemicals, but it's definitely worth a try!

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Time constraints. Or, rather, trying to fit all the need-to-dos and some of the want-to-dos into the limited hours of the day.


Right now, it's the stress of continually discovering scary DIY mistakes (cut, live, uncapped wires walled over?) of the former owners of our house, and wondering what else they left lurking around. (We are also very thankful that, in the past 12 years of ignorance, none of their projects has burned the house to the ground.) But that's a short-term stressor, while we rip the one full bathroom down to studs and remodel when we really just wanted to stop the faucet in the sink from dripping. (Long, ugly story with bad language and photos on my blog)

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My weight. I'm 80 pounds over weight and it's exacerbating my PCOS and messing with my cycle..... and we want to have more babies.


So, having the time and motivation to exercise everyday, plus sticking to my "no sugar, low carb" eating is very stressful.


I guess second to that would be finishing up my online degree. I am SO over it. I am so tired of writing papers and reading hundreds and hundreds of pages of information, UGH. It sucks up any time I would have for free time. I have to do it though b/c I'm using the GI Bill and it runs out at the end of 2013. We make money off of the GI Bill, and in addition to getting a free degree, it's pressure on me to keep going. But if I had to pay for it out of pocket, I would have stopped a long time ago and just waited until my kid(s) were gone to finish.

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Are you taking a good quality fish oil and other supplements known to help with brain fog/issues? I know when I take them they make a HUGE difference in how I feel. I've had several concussions in the past 8 years, one life changing, so I know what it's like to be impaired. :sad: Not saying you are impaired, but sympathizing that your brain isn't the same.


Also, my mom came to live with us with end stage dementia. Even my siblings noticed about a two year reversal of her symptoms. It was AMAZING how she became engaged again!!!


I know it's not the same because your body isn't producing all the same chemicals, but it's definitely worth a try!


I've tried all kinds of things...but not that. Thank you for the suggestion.

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I'm worried about my 11 year old having severe dyslexia and wonder what the further holds for him.


I worry about my oldest daughter, her baby had trisomy 13 and passed. My daughter seems fine and I'm afraid she has bottled up her feelings too much.

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Still being in my parents' basement... our house 90% ready to occupy is the main thing right now. Living in that can't quite move forward, can't quite remain how things were state.


Second, is money (see above)


School, house mess is a tie for 3rd.

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*sigh* :( Perhaps I should not have opened this thread. We're all dealing with so much :grouphug:.


My stress comes from dealing with my mom's dementia and my dad's depression and bi-polar diagnosis. I'm an only child, so it all falls on me. I won't lie, it's been hard.

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What this thread tells me is that we should all stop being so stressed over MOST things. When I said the exes in my my life cause me grief and then read about someone losing a parent or their own health being damaged....I realize MY worries are nothing.


I think it was Kalah that said unemployment is stressful and that she feels down right panic. I've been feeling that panic as well about dh's situation. Lately though I've been sort of laughing internally....thinking....what are they going to do--eat me?! Then we get a text from his XW that says, 'I'm not working anymore so we have new child support issues.' I'm just like Really? At some point it just becomes comical.

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Sickness, health and death! Hands down!!! It's not even a comparison for me. All things pale in comparison to my worrying about the health of one of my loved ones.


My first son passed away in 1997. My second son was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2002. My dad was diagnosed with Acinic Cell Carcinoma in 2008 and my father in law was just diagnosed with a fatal form of Pancreatic cancer this past July. Needless to say, death and sickness/Cancer has haunted me for well over a decade now and I fear it completely. Not a day goes by that I'm not waiting for the next "shoe to drop." The fear and stress of sickness and death always hovers over me like a dark cloud.

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Sickness, health and dealth!


Your typo made me giggle....


Hands down!!! It's not even a comparison for me. All things pale in comparison to my worrying about the health of one of my loved ones.


ITA. Well said, And I am determined to stop worrying about the other stuf!

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