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Monday morning poll!!! What do you put on your pancakes??

What do you put on your pancakes?  

  1. 1. What do you put on your pancakes?

    • Honey
    • Maple syrup
    • Sometimes honey, sometimes syrup
    • Neither

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If you do not mind sharing, where are you from?? My husband is from the south and he uses honey on his pancakes. I never knew anyone that did this before we met. I am from New Hampshire, so of course I use maple syrup!! I am just curious to see how others eat theirs! :001_smile:

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I voted maple syrup, but one of my kids does not like syrup and has them with butter only.


We usually use syrup, but when the kids were little, DH used to sprinkle sugar and *lemon juice* on their pancakes. They loved it. Sometimes DD still asks for it if she's particularly concerned about the possibility of getting syrup in her hair that day.


I make crepes this way. Yum.

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I'm from NY state, in NJ presently.


Maple syrup with butter added, heated up.


We don't care for commercial "pancake syrup" but pure syrup can be too strong (and expensive); so we add about 1/4 maple syrup to the stuff from the store.


Then we add butter, heat up in the microwave, stir well, and pour it on.



Something I haven't had for decades...that my Grandpa used to love was leftover chicken/turkey gravy, salt & pepper on his pancakes. And frankly, it seems gross but was really delicious!

Edited by bbkaren
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I'm from the south and all of my family is from the south. My husband and all of his family are also from the south. I've never heard of putting honey on pancakes (not that there aren't people who do, just none that *I* know of). Everyone in my house does maple syrup, and if I eat pancakes, just a little butter.


Now, honey on cornbread... yes, please.

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I prefer real maple syrup.


However, when I was growing up, if we ran out of real maple syrup, we would use honey. Occasionally we would use a fruit syrup (strawberry, raspberry, etc.) instead.


Oh, and we would butter the pancakes first, no matter the choice of topping.

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It is really neat to see all of the different things some people use. So many sound good! Lots of peanut butter and powdered sugar users. I am definitely going to try some of these combinations. The sour cream and brown sugar sounds interesting!!


I cannot wait to show this poll to my husband who thinks that I am the wierd one because I do not use honey!!!! :D

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On my pancakes, nought because I am no longer eating grains so hence, no pancakes.


On dh's pancakes, blueberries and 100% maple syrup.


On ds #1, raspberries and if I'm offering, chocolate chips. Yep, he likes the combo. No syrup


On ds#2, blueberries or chocolate chips depending on his mood and whether or not I'm offering the chocolate chips. No syrup


On ds#3, chocolate chips if I'm offering and maple syrup.


Now, back in the day when I ate pancakes, the best that I have ever had were slathered with some organic butter toffee flavored peanut butter that I bought at a farmer's market. OH MY WORD THAT PEANUT BUTTER WAS DIVINE AND IT MADE THOSE PANCAKES INTO A GOURMET DELIGHT!


So unfair....not eating pancakes anymore. But alas, my gut likes me better now that I've give up all grains except rice.



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You forgot OTHER! LOL!


We sometimes use maple syrup and sometimes use confectioner's sugar. Dh and I grew up in the mid-atlantic region.


BUT my favorite I got from a Brit friend in college: Squeeze a little lemon juice on the pancakes and sprinkle with just a bit of granulated sugar. So light and absolutely delicious!

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For the first 10 years of my life with maple syrup.

For the next 10 years or so with orange marmalade - my best friend ate hers with jam (her mom was from England) and I adopted the practice.

For the next 20 or so years with either syrup or marmalade depending on my mood.


Must have butter no matter what else is on them. I am not from anywhere. My parents are from the northeast US

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I voted maple syrup since that would be my preference over honey. Actually, I usually put applesauce on my pancakes. If I've made fresh fruit syrup, I'll use that. Dh and the kids like maple syrup, fruit syrup or pumpkin butter.


When dh and I met, we were fans of Mrs. Butterworths. Dd had an allergy to corn syrup so we switched to mape syrup. For dh, there was no going back. :lol:

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We are in norhtern WI and use maple syrup. The real stuff....not the fake stuff. It seems to cost an arm and a leg here. I also like Smuckers strawberry topping.


I made pancakes Saturday morning (I almost alway make chocolate chip pancakes, sometimes instead of the chocolate chips I'll put really little apple chunks) and then I realized we were out of maple syrup. :001_huh: Dh had to run to our little grocery store and it was almost $9 for 8 oz! :ohmy: Never gonna buy maple syrup there again!


When I was a kid my mom alway bought the fake syrup. But, I still really like the Aunt Jemima bottle....or was it Mrs. Butterworth.....the one that's shaped like her (I don't know if they make that bottle anymore).

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I eat it normally with jam. I really love it with cherry jam or preserves or raspberry. Around Christmas time, I make special multigrain pancakes and they are served with a maple/cranberry sauce.


Dh and one dd like real maple syrup or sometimes another syrup we get. Other dd and son like to mix it up. I think I am the only one who doesn't use maple syrup plain at all.

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