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Weirdest thing you've said today.

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On the phone investigating a Health Savings Account: "So, the pub. from PEBB gives 8.4K as the maximum out of pocket, but the IRS's pub 696 says 11.4K is the max. Is that the maximum max or the minimum max?" and "Get off the couch and stop scaring the flicker away from the corn chips." and "Stop running at me and don't you dare shout. Now then, you have just figured out a new reference from Bugs Bunny, right?" (I was right.)

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Not my words...

My mom (after I told her a great story about our trip to a vegan marshmallow factory) said: "I kind of think the world would be a better place without marshmallows"...


Holy cow... she was serious! :willy_nilly:

Edited by helena
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Not my words...

My mom (after I told her a great story about our trip to a vegan marshmallow factory) said: "I kind of think the world would be a better place without marshmallows"...


Holy cow... she was serious! :willy_nilly:


Your mom is the devil. The world world be poorer for a dearth of s'mores.

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Guest submarines
Me, all flustered because a dog was jumping up on DD5:

"Don't worry honey, he is with his owner, and his owner won't let anybody hurt him."




DS5 has been jumped by large dogs 3 times in the last year. Now he thinks the most perfect pet is a scorpion. :D

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Mine came just a few minutes ago -


'No, the rapture is not going to occur at midnight tonight. You still need to get to bed because we are doing school tomorrow. Your assignment will be to find the passages of the Bible that warn against trying to predict the end of the world and to figure out how many times this guy has made some prediction that hasn't come true.' :glare:

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Mine came just a few minutes ago -


'No, the rapture is not going to occur at midnight tonight. You still need to get to bed because we are doing school tomorrow. Your assignment will be to find the passages of the Bible that warn against trying to predict the end of the world and to figure out how many times this guy has made some prediction that hasn't come true.' :glare:



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"WATCH OUT FOR THAT COW......HOLY insert almost a cussword here but ended up with...CHEESE!!!"


This was screamed by me to husband as we were driving home from a nice fall stomp around the mountains and a cow came toward the highway out of nowhere almost wrecking us. We were going about 70.

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"If I google naked girls, I'll go to jail."


I was showing the girls (age 4/5) some old music on YouTube, then I was googling our names just for fun. They have been on a potty word kick and had just finished their bath, so they thought it would be funny to google "naked girls." Har, har.

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"Princess Pop-Up got her come-uppance today!"


In reference to a very young, very self-absorbed, very spoiled coworker who feels it's appropriate to "pop up" over the cubicle wall that divides our desks to contribute to conversations she's not a part of nor invited to join.


One staff meeting, some specifically worded questions by the other team members, and a glorious performance by her on how she cuts people off and interrupts was very successful in conveying to our manager just what's going on without having to point fingers or name names.


It was a good meeting, for most of us. We even had doughnuts! :lol:

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My husband got up and walked out of the room...

I was sitting there wondering how my mom turned into Willy Wonka's dad!

I'm going to eat a s'more right now-

:lol: Love your husband's reaction.



"You are very good at branding, sweetie" - told to my 8 y/o daughter.

She attended to a Pioneer Camp this week. She was branding a piece of wood, btw. ;)

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Yesterday, to DD4: "Is that you crying or your doll?"


She was pretending that the doll was crying, but her fake cry is a pretty good imitation of a real one, and I'd just sent her (pouting) out of the room so her sister could practice piano in peace. So I just thought I'd better clarify who was crying.

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Me, "The garden shop is not going to have dandelion seeds."

Ds 7, "But I want to grow more of them in the backyard!"

Me, "I know you like dandelions, but we can't plant them."


He is still upset that we can't buy dandelion seeds anywhere.


:) Oh, but you can somewhere. . . . I remember about 10 years ago receiving a catalog from a natural seed company that sold grass with dandelion seeds mixed in for people who wanted a natural-looking yard.


We had just had a neighbor complain about our dandelions and I was contemplating purchasing a bag and leaving it in a conspicuous place on the property!

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Not today, but Tuesday, "Stop eating the red blood cells!"


We were making blood with karo syrup for plasma, sprinkles for platelets, nuts for white blood cells, and red hot candies for red blood cells.


After we were done we had blood on top of ice cream.

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Yesterday, on the way to Nana's before I head off to work.

DS7 Ping-pong-"Mom, where do my ideas come from? I have such good ideas." (He's not the least bit inflated, is he?:tongue_smilie:)

Me-"Seeds. What you see, read, hear and learn are seeds. They go in your brain and grow into ideas."


Ping-Pong-" Wow." A moment's reflection. "Well, I've got sprouts about steam engines, and trains and..."


A new family saying is born. Any good brain sprouts today?

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"My 14-year-old would love to go to your boarding school next year, and we'd be honored if you would accept her."


(This is true, but it's a particular school not far from here, and it would be an especially suitable environment for her. Honestly, we're not trying to get rid of her. We don't know if the boarding school thing is really going to happen.)

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Yesterday, on the way to Nana's before I head off to work.

DS7 Ping-pong-"Mom, where do my ideas come from? I have such good ideas." (He's not the least bit inflated, is he?:tongue_smilie:)

Me-"Seeds. What you see, read, hear and learn are seeds. They go in your brain and grow into ideas."


Ping-Pong-" Wow." A moment's reflection. "Well, I've got sprouts about steam engines, and trains and..."


A new family saying is born. Any good brain sprouts today?


Love that!

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"My 14-year-old would love to go to your boarding school next year, and we'd be honored if you would accept her."


(This is true, but it's a particular school not far from here, and it would be an especially suitable environment for her. Honestly, we're not trying to get rid of her. We don't know if the boarding school thing is really going to happen.)



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Mine came just a few minutes ago -


'No, the rapture is not going to occur at midnight tonight. You still need to get to bed because we are doing school tomorrow. Your assignment will be to find the passages of the Bible that warn against trying to predict the end of the world and to figure out how many times this guy has made some prediction that hasn't come true.' :glare:


Mine was similar. To my juniors "yes if you wake up dead tomorrow you do not have to take the test next week and I will give you all As. However if you are still alive next Thursday you will have to take the test and the mark I give you". :D

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My son's math question: Would you rather have 5 nickels or 4 dimes?


My son's written answer: 5 nickels.


Me (confused, because he has done very well with this in the past): DS, why did you write down that you would rather have 5 nickels? :confused:


DS: I have a lot of dimes, but not very many nickels. I'd like some more nickels.


Me: Oh, I see. :lol:




I'll have to let Steve Demme know that his Beta students don't necessarily infer a math problem in his question. :D

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Sleep deprived me to dd16 "I'm going to go take a Shakespeare."


I really meant shower. Sigh. I was working on the syllabus for our next Shakespeare class, but was so tired because I was up most of the night with a stomachache that I got the two mixed up. Dd found it funny :D

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