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I'm Going To Cry

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Seriously, I don't know how much more I can take.


First, there was the GI issues, and the trip to the hospital for dehydration.


Then there's been the ongoing Braxton Hicks that have kept me nervous and on edge, and baby dropping.


NOW...I'm covered in a freaking RASH. Started Tues. Gotten worse each day. Specialist, whom I see today, figures its a side effect to a med I'm on.


The rash, in itself would be annoying. Itchy as heck.


But here's the big problem. Its all over my bad arm, and causing RSD to flare up like you wouldn't believe. I can't take my break through meds b/c they have me throwing up for 4-6 hrs at a time since getting pregnant, which is not only miserable, but effects the meds I'm on, since it'll mean I can't keep them down and therefore will miss several doses, which isn't a good idea.


I am, with specialist's direction, taking Benadryl.


I'm trying really hard not to just burst into tears, since it won't fix anything, but I'm about at the end of my flipping rope here.


I'm reminding myself this is nothing compared to Job. Sounds dramatic, but I need whatever bright side I can get right now. I'm just so exhausted.

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OH, sweetie. The rash...I had something similar when I was pregnant with my twins. It was not a med reaction but a strange effect of the pregnancy. It was horrific. It went away after I delivered. :(



I had the rash when I was pg with my twins too. I broke down and took steroids - held off for three days, but I just couldn't take it anymore. Couldn't even drive a car because I would've driven into a tree trying to scratch it. I can't even imagine how it is with the RSD. :grouphug::grouphug:


How many weeks are you now?

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I'm really hoping the Benadryl kicks in soon.


I have a cross on a chain that I never take off...unless one of the Littles breaks the chain :glare:


Its taking everything I have not to snap the chain myself and throw it across the room, then rip the skin off.




Sorry to be such a whiner. I'm just so worn out, I don't feel like I have any reserves left to deal with anything.

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Seriously, I don't know how much more I can take.


First, there was the GI issues, and the trip to the hospital for dehydration.


Then there's been the ongoing Braxton Hicks that have kept me nervous and on edge, and baby dropping.


NOW...I'm covered in a freaking RASH. Started Tues. Gotten worse each day. Specialist, whom I see today, figures its a side effect to a med I'm on.


The rash, in itself would be annoying. Itchy as heck.


But here's the big problem. Its all over my bad arm, and causing RSD to flare up like you wouldn't believe. I can't take my break through meds b/c they have me throwing up for 4-6 hrs at a time since getting pregnant, which is not only miserable, but effects the meds I'm on, since it'll mean I can't keep them down and therefore will miss several doses, which isn't a good idea.


I am, with specialist's direction, taking Benadryl.


I'm trying really hard not to just burst into tears, since it won't fix anything, but I'm about at the end of my flipping rope here.


I'm reminding myself this is nothing compared to Job. Sounds dramatic, but I need whatever bright side I can get right now. I'm just so exhausted.


Imp, where is the rash starting at? Limbs or belly? Praying you don't have PUPPPS. Due to PUPPPS, I did have to quit wearing my cross till after the pregnancy.

Edited by mommaduck
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30 wks, 31 on Sunday.


I'm hoping this is a med reaction...I can't imagine another 7 wks or so of this!


Ugh. I got mine at 32 weeks - I think that's right about when these rashes show up. I think it's something about something from the baby (cell tissue?) getting into your blood stream and your body has an immune reaction. Supposedly mine wasn't PUPP (or whatever the acronym was), but it was sooooo itchy and all over.



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Imp, where is the rash starting at? Limbs or belly? Praying you don't have PUPPPS. Due to PUPPPS, I did have to quit wearing my cross till after the pregnancy.

I honestly don't know where it started. I noticed it on my arms first, simply b/c I was wearing a short sleeved shirt, and checked, and it was all over my chest and down.


Its worse on my chest and belly, if that means anything.


I don't know what PUPPPS is. *off to Google*

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Imp, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I'm praying it goes away. I think that it's okay if you go outside and scream at a tree or something. Sometimes there is so much pent up frustration that it needs to find a way out of our bodies, but in a healthy way. There's nothing wrong with a good, wild, primal scream at something incapable of being bothered by being on the receiving end and then cry if that helps too....just tooooo much held in, let it go.


I hope that Bendadryl does it's job very quickly. Would a topical help? Something like Calamine or one of the "freezing" sprays for sunburns that has lidocaine or novocaine in it? Could you call the specialist and ask the nurse? Even if you only get 15 -20 minutes of relief at a time, it would be worth the sanity of spraying it often!



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I honestly don't know where it started. I noticed it on my arms first, simply b/c I was wearing a short sleeved shirt, and checked, and it was all over my chest and down.


Its worse on my chest and belly, if that means anything.


I don't know what PUPPPS is. *off to Google*




I dealt with it this last pregnancy :glare: Not fun.

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There is nothing wrong with shedding a few cathartic tears, dear, so have a good cry then carry on.


When my youngest gets itchy, a good warm bath with baking soda in the water seems to help. Perhaps there's something even better that others here know of that you could add to a warm tub?


:grouphug: Seven weeks. Tick, tick, tick....

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Specialist says its a med reaction...and that it could take weeks to completely go away, but I *should* see some improvement after 24 hrs.


If I pay for the bullet, would someone be willing to shoot me? We're Canadian, so firearms aren't as common around here, I'd have to hire out for the job. :glare:


The worst is, its not just itchy...its a burning pain as well.


Wolf's going to pick up more calamine lotion, and oatmeal bath. I told him to get a paint roller, b/c there really isn't much of me that wouldn't need coating, its actually gotten worse since I first posted.

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I'm trying really hard not to just burst into tears, since it won't fix anything, but I'm about at the end of my flipping rope here.






Actually, Imp, a good cry might be just what you need! :crying: Sometimes it helps a bit to just let all those built up chemicals of stress pour out through our eyes, with a few good screams into the pillow. Then, a bit of chocolate and a nice, cool drink of whatever you like to drink, and a hug from Wolf! :)


I am so sorry you are going through so much. I don't know why you aren't crying....I'm almost to tears for you!


I'm praying for you! And for relief!!!!

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Imp, where is the rash starting at? Limbs or belly? Praying you don't have PUPPPS. Due to PUPPPS, I did have to quit wearing my cross till after the pregnancy.


I was thinking about this when I read the OP; I remembered mommaduck's earlier pregnancy reports.


:grouphug: I really hope you get some relief very soon!

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:grouphug: Imp,


If you know someone who has pharmaceutical grade essential oils and would be willing to do a favor for you, ask them to make up the following mixture:


12 drops clove oil

12 drops myrrh oil

8 drops lavendar (not lavendin - there is a difference) oil

8 drops tea tree oil

8 drops lemon oil

10 drops rosemary oil

8 drops cinnamon oil


Shake vigorously and then combine with a carrier oil such as almond or even olive oil will work...almond is very Aha nice on skin. 1/2 cup carrier oil. Shake vigorously before use to evenly distribute the oils.


Clove is a natural numbing agent. Clove and myrrh have natural anti-skin irritation properties...reduces swelling in skin, etc. the others are natural healing agents and will also keep any skin from getting infected should you scratch hard enough to puncture the skin.


Also, witch hazel is very soothing to you skin. Use a misting bottle, dampen a sheet with it, roll yourself up in the sheet after using the essential oil mix on your skin, and then just lay on another sheet to help protect the bed or couch. The clove oil can take up to five minutes to really numb the skin but then it acts like lidocaine for quite a while afterward. Our dentist uses clove oil for patients after they have wisdom tooth removal. He soaks a piece of gauze in it and packs the wound with it. He then sends a bottle of drops home with his patients. The stuff is magic!


If you can't get the essential oils, definitely try the witch hazel. Oh, and if you know someone with comfrey leaf, brew a few tablespoons in a tea ball in a quart of boiling water and add that to your oatmeal bath. Comfrey is another magic skin healing herb.



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