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Do you iron?

Do you iron?  

  1. 1. Do you iron?

    • Yes
    • No-What's ironing!?!?
    • Other

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I don't. Before we were married, mil ironed dh's work shirts. After we were married, I tried to be a good wife, and iron for him. When he saw me take over an hour to iron only one shirt, he never asked me again.:lol: He started ironing his own shirts, but eventually realized it is easier to hang them up immediately out of the dryer. He now only irons very rarely.

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Hate ironing with a purple passion. Thank goodness DH's daily uniform doesn't need ironing. If it did, I would outsource it. I find it particularly amusing that my kids love to play iron! DH jokingly asks how they even know what an iron is.


Unfortunately, as a quilter, I must iron. I have to press down my seams and it is absolutely my most dreaded task in the process.

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Aren't irons just for craft projects???



Actually, I iron when I'm sewing something... and my partner irons her work clothes regularly, and every once in a while I'll iron something of mine. I refuse to buy kids clothes that need ironing though.

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Ha! I did a poll about a month ago about this very thing. :D



And yours was much better than mine!


Further proof that all topics are recycled and there's nothing new under the sun on these boards (or in life for that matter).


Like spanking, I wonder what the statistics are on how often we bring up the same discussion over and over?:tongue_smilie:

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I iron, almost daily. DH's work clothes look a lot better, and even the kids have clothes that look better ironed. I also have clothes that need to be ironed to look good. How can you NOT iron? Who is buying all those blouses and not ironing them? Geez, when I was a kid I ironed my jeans. I'm not that bad anymore, but some things just NEED to be ironed, IMHO. :001_smile:

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Hahaha! No, I only iron when things are especially desperate. A couple weeks ago ds's white shirt (for church) was super wrinkly. He looked like some poor, neglected orphan, and the dryer wouldn't get the wrinkles out, so I had to drag out the iron.


More often than not, if I'm ironing, it's because dd has created something with those beads that you have to iron in order to melt them together. I hate those things...

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Just curious. I don't own an ironing board and my iron was purchased for me by my mother when I went to college in 1993. I have two friends that iron as a weekly chore and I can't wrap my head around it.:lol:





Yes I iron as a weekly chore. I can go two weeks if my schedule gets too full.


I mostly iron dss' and dh's dress shirts. With 4 of them in the house this summer I was ironing 8-12 shirts a week! Yes we dress up a lot. :tongue_smilie:

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I will iron if a shirt is completely wrinkled. If I don't need the shirt right away and I hang it, usually it becomes in wearable condition eventually (I have low standards for wearable). At Christmas I will iron a table cloth. So, I iron once or twice a year.


When I was just out of college, my mother was horrified that I only ironed the fronts of my blouses before interviews. I was wearing suits, why did I need to iron anything under the suit jacket.

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I own an iron, though. I sometimes use it to block stuff when I'm knitting, and DH will pull it out once in a while to iron a tie (he wears them maybe three times a year, and the rest of the time they get thrown into his sock drawer, so they're usually wrinkly when he needs one).

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And yours was much better than mine!


Further proof that all topics are recycled and there's nothing new under the sun on these boards (or in life for that matter).


Like spanking, I wonder what the statistics are on how often we bring up the same discussion over and over?:tongue_smilie:

It is good for troll catching. If they don't have the same answer each time they get caught. :lol::lol:

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I only iron in the summertime - line stuff. But I do enjoy ironing 'cause it reminds me of my Grandmother! The simple routine is cathartic sometimes. Would hate to 'have' to do it though. Have cousins who iron sheets and everything - that is strange to me.

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I only iron in cases of severe wrinkles when the person to wear the item is going somewhere they need to look nice. Otherwise- not. at. all.


Yep. I answered "other", but I fall much closer to "what's an iron?" I have an iron and board for exactly the situation above (and on the slim chance I might sew something every decade or so to press seams), but otherwise not at all.

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I don't like to iron. I always check clothing labels prior to purchasing to make certain that I am buying something that will not need to be ironed. With all the modern fabrics available nowadays, why not?


Funny thing happened with my dislike of ironing, though! When my oldest was in her toddler or preschool years, we had a visit from the "Parents as Teachers" educator from the local school district. This teacher had seen my dd since birth, and because she knew dd well, she was surprised when dd could not identify a picture of an iron! I had to confess that it was my fault that she could not identify it, not dd's! :blushing: (Truly, it seemed very antiquated to me that they would be wanting kids to identify a picture of an iron, but maybe that is me! )

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I voted other. I have ironed maybe 5 times in the past 1o years. Recently, however, I've started ironing dh's chef jacket as a service to him, who often is last in the pecking order around here. So, that's one chef jacket, 5 days a week. And my mom's cleaning woman recently quit, so the kids and I are going to clean her house and do her ironing. I'll get paid $1 per piece of ironing every two weeks--my mom likes all her clothes, even knits, to be ironed. But my own clothes or my kids'? Fuhgeddaboutit.

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Fasten your seatbelt. . . . When he needs a shirt ironed for a particular client meeting, or for a conference, my dh irons it himself. By choice. He says that I have enough to do already.


My husband doesn't trust me to iron his work clothes so in an emergency he will do it himself. I will iron a dress or pair of slacks for myself maybe once every couple months. I won't purchase any kid clothes that might need ironing.



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I replied other because I may iron myself about once a year or so. Normally my husband irons. He does it well and doesn't mind doing it. He usually is only ironing on Sundays- both for church and for Monday morning when he dresses in his blues. He will also iron if we are going out somewhere that requires ironing.

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When we got married we each had an ironing board and iron. I gave mine away and kept his - he's a much better ironer than I am. I grew up in a family with a dad who was a laborer and didn't wear dress shirts. My mom taught me how to iron his handkerchiefs and pillowcases though! Anyway, I'm thankful for the dryer because it takes out the majority of the wrinkles.

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I used to iron when my kids were in ps, but since I started to hs them it is pretty rare. My dh doesn't care too much, but when his shirt collars start getting all wonky he does. So for father's day he asked for a steamer, but don't feel too bad for him because he also got a power washer and a leaf blower. The steamer is quick and easy, and takes out most of the wrinkles.

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OTHER -- I really don't have to iron. I live in an area with very high humidity. I just hang up the clothes when they are damp, and they dry without wrinkles.


I do have a steamer in case we have to run the air conditioning for several days during ultra-high heat. :)

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