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Do you carry a purse/bag most places you go?

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Not including the diaper bag.


If you do, what all do you use it for? I don't carry one and honestly I have tried, but I never have a need to carry enough stuff to use one. As long as I have my phone (in pocket), debit card, cash, and ID (in pocket) I don't need anything else.


What am I missing? My sister carries a purse everywhere and the darn thing is always plum full and almost over flowing. To find just her debit card or wallet is a chore in its own. So, I just don't see the purpose. :confused:


Please enlighten me on why carrying a purse or bag for you is necessary.

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Well, I didn't carry one, or at least not a large one, until I had kids. They often hand me their ds game systems, etc...which I know I could say no to, but one son has lost one so I prefer to avail myself to carry them if necessary.


I also now have an ipad and often carry that with me. I have pen, paper, a very small camera, a compact for some cream foundation and a mirror with it, and sometimes a water bottle.



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I have the large Miche purse. And honestly it's got my basics as far as travel first aid kid, lollipops for the kids, keys, wallet, inhaler, off travel hand wipes, spray sanitizer, lady product, lip gloss, sunglasses, cell phone, kids sunglasses.


And last but certainly not least...my HUGE coupon binder! :lol:

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Yes. I feel naked without it. Kind of like forgetting shoes.


In it, I've got my wallet and all sorts of wallet-y things (cards, insurance info, license, receipts from last Christmas in case I need to make any returns). I've also got a check book, about 6 months worth of receipts, the dogs' vaccination papers, gum, change, personal hygiene items, old grocery lists, cell phone, lip liner and lipstick, and a plethora of other VIP items. And by keeping it so...heavy...it makes me feel comforted that if anyone were to try to attack me in the grocery store parking lot, one good swing of my purse would knock him/her out cold.

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Yes, I do. Because most of my professional clothing does not have pockets. :glare:


I carry ID, debit card, and insurance card. Sunglasses. Cell phone. Keys. Chapstick. Pen.


I have tried to dump the purse, but I can't keep up with these necessities without it.


I even tried mini-purses but they wouldn't hold my sunglasses WITH my checkbook (when I needed to carry the checkbook).


I've settled on a smallish black leather purse that looks fine with anything and I can toss in makeup, feminine products, and my e-reader whenever I think I'll be needing them that day.

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I always carry a purse (I wear a small cross-body purse). In it I have a small zippered pouch that holds all my cards (DL, credit cards, library cards, museum memberships, etc.) and another coin purse that holds cash and coins. I also have a lip gloss, and in the front pocket of my purse, I keep my point and shoot camera.

When I get out of the car, I put my keys and phone in my purse.



Maybe my jeans are too tight, but my pockets are not big enough for my phone and keys.:tongue_smilie:

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And by keeping it so...heavy...it makes me feel comforted that if anyone were to try to attack me in the grocery store parking lot, one good swing of my purse would knock him/her out cold.



LOL! I've accidentallly clocked my kiddos in the head with mine and felt HORRIBLE!


Yep. Could be a weapon. :lol:

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Yes. I feel naked without it. Kind of like forgetting shoes.


In it, I've got my wallet and all sorts of wallet-y things (cards, insurance info, license, receipts from last Christmas in case I need to make any returns). I've also got a check book, about 6 months worth of receipts, the dogs' vaccination papers, gum, change, personal hygiene items, old grocery lists, cell phone, lip liner and lipstick, and a plethora of other VIP items. And by keeping it so...heavy...it makes me feel comforted that if anyone were to try to attack me in the grocery store parking lot, one good swing of my purse would knock him/her out cold.


:lol::lol::lol: Good thing I was not drinking my coffee. I would have spit it on the screen after reading that last part.

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I've always hated carrying a purse, so I was glad when I was able to switch to a diaper bag that holds my wallet, keys, etc. I do not carry a separate purse in addition to the diaper bag, though I do have a couple of small purses that I use for just the wallet, keys, phone, etc. when I go out without a small child in tow (which currently is never).

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I carry a wallet, keys, phone, pen, female supplies, lip gloss, comb, mp3 player, ponytail holders, bandaids, hand sanitizer, sunglasses, advil..... often snacks for the kids. I don't use a very large purse, but I can't imagine going without one. I have tossed keys and wallet into pockets in the past, but only about half of my outfits have pockets..... how do you do it on the days you don't have pockets?

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I don't carry one anymore. I used to until I had kids and it had everything in it. Then, I only carried a diaper bag. I hated carrying a diaper bag, however, and eventually got so I would just leave a diaper in the car and go back for it if I needed it as soon as the babies were old enough to not need a change every hour. I had a 2yr old and twin infants at that point and carrying a big diaper bag, 2 babies, and keeping a hand on the 2yr old was too much! Something had to go and it was the diaper bag. Since I didn't have a purse anymore as the diaper bag had served that purpose, I had to put my money, phone, and ID in my pockets when I left the diaper bag in the car. I never missed the rest of the stuff and never went back to purses or big diaper bags. With the baby after the twins, I don't think I ever even carried a diaper bag.


Sometimes I think I could use a purse if I'm wearing a dress or nicer clothes where bulging pockets aren't possible or not attractive but it hasn't bothered me enough to actually buy one. If my pockets are too small for what I need, I'll hand my stuff to my DH or just carry it in hand. I've even put my keys and phone in my DS's pockets at the zoo because mine were too small! :lol:

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I carry a purse most places. I don't load it down with unnecessary items, and when ds was younger my purse was smaller simply because I didn't want to end up with everything he didn't want to carry in my purse (long sentence, it's early yet...)


This is what is usually in my purse:


Wallet with ID, cash, and cards



nail file

collapsible tote bag (tiny one from Target)

lip balm

sunglasses (if I'm not in my car)

pressed powder



I try to control my purse size, so I can't clutter it up.

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I carry a wallet, keys, phone, pen, female supplies, lip gloss, comb, mp3 player, ponytail holders, bandaids, hand sanitizer, sunglasses, advil..... often snacks for the kids. I don't use a very large purse, but I can't imagine going without one. I have tossed keys and wallet into pockets in the past, but only about half of my outfits have pockets..... how do you do it on the days you don't have pockets?



I am a jeans and capri person everyone of mine have pockets. I guess like the rest of you who feel naked without your purse I feel naked without pockets.

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Now everything that has been listed I keep in the console of my truck. I use it before I leave the truck. Also my keys are simple. I have it where they detach and I only need to carry the one for my truck. I use my back pockets because it is just easier. lol I hate my front pockets all bulgy.

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I have to carry a purse due to kid allergies and all that we need.


My purse currently:


*epi pen

*Pill box: allergy medicine for both kids and myself, tums, ibuprofen/tylenol for myself and kids


*feminine products if needed


*second wallet FULL of those cards every store needs :lol:




sometimes I have kleenex or snack for my allergy kid.

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I carry a purse. It's a small one, as small as I can but still get everything in it.


Keys, wallet, discount/loyalty cards, lipstick, checkbook, phone, pens.


There are a few times I don't carry it - soccer games, friends' houses - then I stick my keys and phone in a pocket.

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I never used to carry a purse. As long as I had pockets and a belt loop for keys, I was all good. But my son now has an allergy that requires an EpiPen, and during the winter I have to carry an inhaler as well. Those aren't exactly pocket-friendly (and really, there is a limit to how many pockets you can stuff at once before it looks odd), so I have a small purse, but it carries my wallet, phone, sometimes my keys, the inhaler, the EpiPen, and sometimes my sunglasses/glasses. That's it. No clutter for me!

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I am a jeans and capri person everyone of mine have pockets. I guess like the rest of you who feel naked without your purse I feel naked without pockets.


Ok, this makes sense. I wear jeans in cooler weather, but have had pants on maybe once since April, and that was to go to the drive in on a cool night. I wear skirts and dresses this time of year, and they rarely have pockets. A couple of times when I have had to make a quick run a block away I have just carried my keys in my hand, and it drove me crazy.

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I carry a purse that has keys, a wallet too thick to put in my pocket, sunglasses, phone, ipod, little pocket camera (which I'm very thankful I always have with me, as I often forget to bring my nice camera). I have a little cosmetics pouch that has feminine products and some Tylenol (I get frequent headaches that can get nasty quickly and taking something at the start of one is important) and some lipstick (which I rarely use). :) Oh and my day planner gets stuffed in there often as well. Oh and the checkbook is usually in there along with a couple pens I've inadvertently stolen from the bank or something.

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Yes, I carry mine everywhere. I'm not currently carrying a diaper bag since my two are 4 and 7 (but will be again in a few months).


I have all sorts of things in my purse that I use often. I carry the following:


a pack of wipes....we use these *all* the time

hand sanitizer....use this all the time too

an extra pair of undies for DD4 since she still has accidents at times

my epipen

hand lotion

my glucose monitor (I'm just barely gestational diabetic and have to test)

a few pens

a small notebook for recording my blood sugar readings

my wallet

foundation, lip gloss, and a comb

small pad of post it notes to put over auto flush toilets so they wont flush

bottle of Tylenol

pack of gum

several granola bars for the kids

2 small trash bags in case of emergency (wet undies, puking, etc)

few pantyliners

LCR game (for restaurants and other places we wait)...it's a small game

a tiny, tiny personal electric trimmer to get those annoying neck hairs that you only notice when stopped at a traffic light :lol:



And sometimes, at random times, the kids will have their coin purses thrown in there, or I'll have a prescription note, or a pull up....something random like that.

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I have gone purse free for a while, with a small wallet, but it didn't stick. What I use now is a small backpack purse which holds my savvycents purse which is fairly large, my phone, a comb, reading glasses, tissues...not much but more than I would put in my pockets easily. Having a backpack purse works well for me- it keeps me hands free, which I like.

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I carry a purse. It usually contains: my wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses, lip balm, lip gloss, pens, hand sanitizer, coin purse, checkbook for writing checks to the tennis coach and our AHG troop, eye drops, stamps, advil, feminine products, coin purse and my business cards. I also usually have my current book and/or Nook. When I'm with dh I also usually carry his phones (yes, plural) and wallet.

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It just depends.


If I'm walking to Starbucks, the library, or some place else that is close by my house (within 3 miles), I'll just throw my keys, some cash, and my cell phone into my pockets.


If I'm driving or I'm going to be out most of the day, I'll bring my purse which has...



cell phone


epi-pen (for son's bee allergy)

advil (for husband's arthritis)

sunscreen (a must in CA)

feminine products

book (always a book)

a couple pieces of peppermint for the kids



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Yes, I carry it most of the time.


It has my wallet (with driver's license, car insurance cards, medical insurance cards, assorted store discount and rewards cards, credit and debit cards, pet vaccination and health info cards, business cards for doctors and the vet and, you know, cash), checkbook, assorted small necessities (make-up I rarely wear but just might want, "feminine supplies"), pens and paper, phone, keys (both my regular set with my car key and the house key and a separate ring with the key for my husband's car) and usually a book or two.


When we're going somewhere for the day and I really don't want to carry it, I can get by shoving my phone, keys, credit or debit card and some cash in my pockets, but I worry all the time that I will drop things. It seems the pockets in women's clothing are not generally designed to actually carry anything.


Also, it's gotten tougher since I upgraded to the iPhone. It's larger and is always threatening to fall out of a pocket.

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I have the large Miche purse. And honestly it's got my basics as far as travel first aid kid, lollipops for the kids, keys, wallet, inhaler, off travel hand wipes, spray sanitizer, lady product, lip gloss, sunglasses, cell phone, kids sunglasses.


And last but certainly not least...my HUGE coupon binder! :lol:



This is pretty much what I have as well!



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I carry a purse because I don't usually have a lot of pockets and it seems more practical than moving items into the garment du jour. My purse contains:




Wallet -ID, cash, store cards, debit card, med insurance cards


Keys - On a kubaton keyring. (a weapon that looks like a piece of wood, so it's never confiscated)


First aid kit - band aids, antiseptic wipes, pain reliever, allergy meds, son's RX


lip balm


earbuds -to listen to iPod on phone


tic tacs


emergency zils -you probably don't want to know


My purse is also big enough that I can slip in my iPad if I need it.


pen, pencil, and small notebook

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I keep buying purses and trying to carry them and thinking I should but I really don't have anything I need to put in it. I just take my wallet with all my cards, my phone and my keys. When I go into the store I usually just put my card, keys, and phone in my pockets. I keep things like a comb and lip gloss in the center console in my car and my calendar and such are on my phone.


I have one daughter like me and one who has a big purse with a ton of things in it that she actually uses all the time. She is prepared for any emergency and between her purse and car she could probably survive for a week. I and my one daughter are kind of low maintenance though. The other daughter always looks good and has everything she needs even though she is out of the house most of the day.

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Well, where else would I carry my knitting?



Or the kindle, come to think of it. The library card fits in my pocket and I don't have a cell phone (oh the freedom!). But I might NEED the kindle. I KNOW I have to have my knitting or a crochet hook and some yarn to make squares. At least I'm not one of those women who buy those knitting bags that clip to your belt loops so you can knit while you walk around........although I have looked at those bags long and hard......

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I carry a one shoulder backpack. Is that what it's called? It goes over my right shoulder and around my left hip and velcros in the front. I got it after baby girl was born because all my diaper bags and purses were too stinkin' hard to keep on my shoulder while carrying an infant car seat and a two year old's hand. It doubles as a diaper bag and purse and I don't have to keep my hand on it to make it stay on.

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Always. In fact, in the past year, I have started carrying a bigger bags/purses. I felt kinda silly at first, but I don't anymore, and it can be very handy!


The normal stuff:


-wallet with all sorts of wallet-y things: ID, money, credit cards, punch cards, store cards, receipts, insurance cards, etc

-makeup bag with: 2-3 lipstick/lipglosses, pressed foundation, mirror


-female stuff

-cell phone

-small picture wallet


-pad of paper

-small thing of wet wipes (to wipe off DS's orange or chocolate-y fingers after eating sometimes)

-reusable shopping bag


-small lotion


The sometimes stuff:

-bug repellant in the summer

-suncreen in the summer

-DS's wallet if he brings it, as it's too big for his pockets

-My purses can also fit a couple water bottles in the summer, if we're going to be out and need them.

-small purchases at stores can just go in my purse instead of using one of the store's plastic bags

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Not including the diaper bag.


If you do, what all do you use it for? I don't carry one and honestly I have tried, but I never have a need to carry enough stuff to use one. As long as I have my phone (in pocket), debit card, cash, and ID (in pocket) I don't need anything else.


What am I missing? My sister carries a purse everywhere and the darn thing is always plum full and almost over flowing. To find just her debit card or wallet is a chore in its own. So, I just don't see the purpose. :confused:


Please enlighten me on why carrying a purse or bag for you is necessary.

I don't like carring all that stuff in my pockets, mainly because most of the clothing I buy doesn't have pockets to begin with, lol. Also, it doesn't look, I dunno, ladylike or something for women to be dragging things out of their hip pockets.:lol:


I carry small purses, preferably the kind that have slots and thingies for all my cards, of which I have many: driver license, credit/debit card(s), Sam's card, library card, etc. There are also my sunglasses and my reading glasses, a couple of pens/pencils, a lipstick (which I don't always use, but still...), a teeny tiny thing of hand lotion. the cell phone, and a couple of tissues. I also prefer a cross-body shoulder strap, but I will ocassionally carry something cute that has a short strap, :001_smile: or a clutch.


I used to carry a few more items, but I figured out that I can leave those in my car--hair brush, Ibuprofen, big ol' box of tissue (I'm a snotty person!), water bottle/cup of hot tea, and so on.


Also, I used to carry a Franklin or a DayRunner, but now I can put most important dates and stuff in my cell phone.

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I do carry a purse. I have gotten the "you are a grown up now you need to act like it" speech from my husband one too many times when I forgot something. If I leave everything in my purse (debit card, insurance card, ID, etc) it is all together and there is no chance of me leaving it home or dropping it in town.


I do have a purse that I really like now. It is made by hand from a recycled sari. I got it from a fair trade store. I think makes taking a purse everywhere more enjoyable. I know that the person who made my purse has a job because people will buy her purses.

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Please enlighten me on why carrying a purse or bag for you is necessary.


I learned from the best...my mom! She carried a well-stocked purse. When we would drive cross country in the summer her purse was extra large because a can of Lysol had to fit into it so that she could clean the toilet at every rest stop/gas station from sea to shining sea!


I don't carry Lysol, but I do pack around goodies like a "nosebleed kit" for my ds, bandaids, baby aspirin in case anyone has a heart attack, etc.


My dh isn't into preparedness the way I am. When he was going to be flying on business I bought him a multipack of gum to chew in case his ears bothered him. He didn't want the gum but he put it in his briefcase to make me happy. He never even opened the package until months later when he was riding the bus home from work in a bad snowstorm. The ride would usually take about 30 minutes but the bus was stuck on the freeway for about 4 hours. A lady was having low blood sugar problems so he gave her the gum.


The way I see it, the Good Samaritan is willing to give aid, and the Better Samaritan also carries a large purse. :001_smile:

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Yes. I always carry a purse. At bare minimum, it will contain my wallet, my keys, my phone, a pen, a brush, a mini-pak of kleenex and my touch-up make-up bag (which always has a compact, mascara and lipgloss in it -- at least).

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I don't always have pockets (downside to skirt wearing). I carry a bag of some sort with me for simplicity. It usually has the following in it:



Ins. Cards

Wallet w/ID

cell phone


something to put my hair up with (ponytail holder, hairpins, whatever)

A diaper or two


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I keep buying purses and trying to carry them and thinking I should but I really don't have anything I need to put in it. I just take my wallet with all my cards, my phone and my keys. When I go into the store I usually just put my card, keys, and phone in my pockets. I keep things like a comb and lip gloss in the center console in my car and my calendar and such are on my phone.


I have one daughter like me and one who has a big purse with a ton of things in it that she actually uses all the time. She is prepared for any emergency and between her purse and car she could probably survive for a week. I and my one daughter are kind of low maintenance though. The other daughter always looks good and has everything she needs even though she is out of the house most of the day.


I am just like your daughter. I carry a Vera Bradley backpack that I have modified with tons of internal pockets. I carry everything from duct tape to a flashlight and a handgun (when it's not on my body). My bag goes everywhere with me.

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Another allergy mom that needs a purse. Mine are getting bigger every year.


On a typical day I have:

*4 epipens (2 anaphylactic kids and another who might be)


*wallet with wallet stuff (just everyone's insurance cards alone takes up a huge amount of space)

*hand lotion

*two chapstick type products

*lady stuff

*tissues or napkins or whatever I shoved into my bag the last time someone needed something like this

*a few random receipts

*keys (too many)


*car phone charger (otherwise it's always in dh's car, at work, when I need it)

*little prayer books



The new bag I sewed is big enough to throw in a paperback or kindle, or knitting when I get the urge.


I would look silly if I put all this in my pockets. :D

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those items you stick in your pockets are items I would lose without a purse. I refuse to carry one with all kinds of JUNK in it, but I refuse NOT to carry one because I've just lost too many things until I started to use one everywhere I go. I'm SHOCKED that I've never lost a cell phone again.


I carry my credit cards, library cards, health insurance cards (a must!), reading glasses, check book, gum, lipstick, pens, Advil in case of sudden onset migraine, keys, sunglasses. I got a purse for people with bad backs (I forget what it's called!) and it's the first one that doesn't hurt me ANYWHERE to carry it, and it's large enough to hold my water bottle! I love that I can throw in snacks for dd11 and I in case our blood sugar crashes. I swear she's hypoglycemic. It's not huge but it's an organizer inside so I don't need a wallet. I hate to carry a purse just so I have something to hold my wallet!


Oh, September until June I carry my Kindle in it so I can pass time while dd is at swim for 3.5 hours. Synchronized swim. I love to watch the routines but read the rest of the time.

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I carry my phone and my wallet in my pants pockets which means all of my clothes have pockets, unless its a cute dress in which case my hubby carries them for me.


I do have a REALLY BIG purse. I use it when we go to judo - it carries three water bottles, a change of clothes, and inhaler, a snack, and a book for me. I use it in the winter to carry 3 winter coats, 3 hats, an extra pair of socks, a pair of warmer pants for the youngest, and 6 gloves when we go in some place. I use it when we're shopping to carry purchases. I basically use it for a carry-all instead of a daily purse.

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