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S/O: First major motion picture you saw?

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The Aristocats or Bedknobs and Broomsticks. My Gram (just celebrated her 95th!) took my sisters and I to every.single.Disney movie that ever came out. I still remember sitting in the theater and the scene from the Aristocats with the crazy flashing psychodelic colors.


When I was in high school and college I'd go visit her in Chi-town and we'd go to movies all week-end long.

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The first time my folks ever took me to the theatre it was to see the Fox & the Hound. I remember eating red licorice for the first time that night too. They left my sister and brother with a sitter. I remember it so much BECAUSE they left the others with a sitter and made it about ME. Something that very very rarely happened growing up. We went to the drive in lots as a family when I was a kid but that first time sticks out so much.


You know I really wish they still had drive ins. I would take the kids all the time.

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The first time my folks ever took me to the theatre it was to see the Fox & the Hound. I remember eating red licorice for the first time that night too. They left my sister and brother with a sitter. I remember it so much BECAUSE they left the others with a sitter and made it about ME. Something that very very rarely happened growing up. We went to the drive in lots as a family when I was a kid but that first time sticks out so much.


You know I really wish they still had drive ins. I would take the kids all the time.


Three times a year are local park has a movie night at the park. The movie is played on a giant inflatable screen. We missed the first one, but yesterday my kids say, "Gnomeo and Juliet". Next movie playing is, "Rio".


The price of admission is a donation to the food bank. The movies are put on by the local movie theater and various other local businesses that set up vendors.


We did take the kids to see a movie at a real theater. But I think when they are grown they will remember these ones more fondly. Loading up the wagon with chairs. My boys pulling and pushing the wagon all the way to the park. The walk home late at night with flash lights. :)

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The Sound of Music is the first one I remember, though I can't say it's the first one I went to. I would have been around 9 or 10 then.


We used to go to the drive-in often with cousins, but I can't remember a single movie I saw there as a kid. I think it was more exciting to be out late, and having fun in the car in our pajamas. I do remember us getting fussed at for playing with the speaker that used to hang on the window. And getting junk food at the concession stand. But the movies? No idea. :lol:

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Dh says, "The Dove". I've never heard of this movie.


Now, I know that I was taken to the movies several times and so I should be able to remember some Disney movie from the early 70's, but for whatever reason the first one I really remember is Star Wars. Sad, sad, sad...I was born in 1968, I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW that my parents took me to Disney movies I just can.not.remember.them.



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That I remember - Star Wars!


I'm sure we went to movies before that, but I guess they weren't memorable? But maybe we didn't go to movies? I dunno - we did go to a LOT of Broadway shows and things at the garden, Radio City, etc. when I was kid - tons love live shows and theater - I remember those and was much younger than when I saw Star Wars, so maybe it was my first movie?

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Ah. That would be Oliver & Company when it first came out in the '80s. My mother has no memory of this despite the fact that my sister and I talked her into buying the soundtrack on cassette and sang all the songs constantly for about two years.


The second movie I ever saw in the theater? The Matrix.



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Winnie-the-Pooh and the Blustery Day. I remember being very concerned about Owl losing his house.


My parents said it took days to convince me that he would move in with Pooh until he could rebuild and it would all be all right in the end.


The next one I remember was Sleeping Beauty. I was about four and my older cousins took me without my parents. Maleficent was a recurring figure in my nightmares clear up til high school.

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I remember seeing Disney's "The Rescuers" with my parents at the drive-in with my parents. That would have been '77, which would have made me 7. I'm sure I saw something before that...but that seems to be the earliest memory. And I do remember that it was very scary to me (the whole kidnapped thing).


I did see "Star Wars", also '77, but according to Wiki, Rescuers came out a few months sooner.


I'm gonna be racking my brain, trying to remember something prior to '77!

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The first move I remember seeing in a theatre was a double feature: Firefox and Superman. They showed Firefox first and it was "boring" adult male movie. I fell asleep during it and slept through most of Superman. I remember being very upset about that. 1978

Edited by akmommy
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You know I really wish they still had drive ins. I would take the kids all the time.


There actually are still a few around! We just discovered one that is 2 hours away, and we're planning to take the kids in a couple of weekends. The theater near us shows two new movies for $5(adult) and $2(children 3 and up). That is actually a good deal, plus the coolness of the drive-in!


Check the data base, Canada is included, too!


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Well, they are all jumbled in my mind and I'm too lazy to look up dates, but I remember seeing Herbie and the Love Bug, Escape to Witch Mountain, Bambi, Peter Pan, and other Disney movies. I was born in '67, but I remember every few years the major Disney movies would be in the theaters. They must have rotated them... Oh, one of my faves was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! I was so excited to watch it with ds, but he hated it.:svengo:

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At the theater - I remember seeing Empire Strikes Back. I'm pretty sure I saw the original Star Wars as well, but I was too young to remember it.

I will never forget the first movie we rented with a rental VCR - An American Werewolf in London :)

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Well, not counting things like Bedknobs & Broomsticks, I'm also in the Jaws club.


You've never seen popcorn fly so high. When, under the deserted fishing boat, where there's a hole.... you know the scene...


I read the book in high school- truly horrifying. I'm a water person- swim team, life-guarding, red cross swim instructor, the whole bit. My fam went to Myrtle beach for a week that summer and I did not step one big hairy toe in the water the whole week.

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