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How much water do you make your kids drink?

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I would just like to know. I have three boys that don't like water and give me such a hard time when I tell them they must have water. I decided not to buy any more drinks but then I thought perhaps that was a little harsh. Now I am thinking maybe one beverage of their choosing for the day. I am eager to hear what others are doing. Thanks for the replies.

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My 3 and 4 yr olds must drink their Pediasure first, but then they can have water. Water is the default for everyone else but the baby (of course).

We don't do milk (rarely hubby will give it to them) or juice. Kids don't get soda unless it's something extra special like a party.

Well, we do have green smoothies; but I'm not sure that counts as a drink. It may be a salad in a cup.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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My children would drink between 1-2 litres a day. In summer have you tried letting them freeze their water? just plain water in a bottle frozen is terrific. they can do so many fun things with it. like sit it outside and time how long it takes to melt, put cubes into cups of tap water etc. etc. water becomes very exciting if they can play with it at the same time as drink it.

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We live in the desert. We go through 10 gallons of water a week. That doesn't include dh's water. He works outside and goes through 2 gallons a day so he stops and fills his up on the way to work. The boys get milk for meals. Juice sometimes with breakfast. Otherwise it's water, water, water.

My youngest drinks enough. My oldest needs to be reminded to stay hydrated. It's a big thing here. We've taught him that the darker his urine the more he needs to drink. At 11, he's pretty good about it now. If he has a headache though, that's the first thing I tell him.

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Water during the day, with the option of 1 glass of milk a day (after your first glass of water for the day is finished), and unsweet or lightly sweetened tea at dinner. If I am juicing leftover fruits and veggies, then I will offer that at lunch. Occasionally I will make lemonade to go with dinner.


A bare minimum of 1 glass of water is required to be completed by lunch. My dd takes after me, unfortunately, and hardly drinks. So, the rule was created for her (and me :D). I am so bad about drinking enough. I probably exist in a constant state of dehydration.

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We have chocolate milk at breakfast (that is the only time they can have it because it is the organic kind and $$$).


During the day, they help themselves to water in the fridge. There are usually always half-drank water bottles as they tend to take a drink and put in back in the fridge, even DS5, but they eventually drink them up (or I combine the half bottles into one bottle and they never know).


Dinner they will have white milk, lemonade, OJ, Apple juice, etc.


After dinner all water.


We do not keep soda in the house, otherwise that is all they want. Even the lemanade, and juice are not normallly in the house.

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I generally don't buy juice, cause I'm cheap like that. When we do have it, I try to limit them to one cup per day. Unofficially, they have about one cup of milk a day (they also eat yogurt and cheese, so they are getting dairy). The rest of the day they drink water. I don't really think it's harsh to not buy other drinks, except that your kids might go into shock if they aren't used to it. :)


I keep juice out of the house as much for myself as for the kids. It's hard for me to choose plain old water when there's delicious juice or even tastier soda around!

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Our kids get milk at breakfast and dinner, but other than that they drink water. They've never known any different so it's never been an issue. I have no idea how much water they drink each day, but it's a lot! We're also in Texas and it's HOT here this summer so I'm not surprised they're drinking a lot. :)

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I would just like to know. I have three boys that don't like water and give me such a hard time when I tell them they must have water. I decided not to buy any more drinks but then I thought perhaps that was a little harsh. Now I am thinking maybe one beverage of their choosing for the day. I am eager to hear what others are doing. Thanks for the replies.


Not harsh, I would just go with what the others say. If it is really hard for them to just drink plain water, I would start by diluting whatever else they have half and half, then up the water concentration. Even 100% juice isnt that great for kids to drink, so I would definitely try to think of a way to get them used to water. It shouldnt be too hard, your children are super young!

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It never ocurred to me to *make* my dc drink water. :001_huh:


We didn't do milk as both dc were lactose intolerant. When dc were thirsty, they drank water. I served water with meals. Otherwise I didn't think about it.


If you live in a dry climate or at a higher altitude- or a dry, high place- you need more water then usual and kids can have a hard time getting enough.

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In our fridge there is a Brita pitcher full of water, orange juice, and a half gallon of milk.


The milk is used mainly for cereal. We pay twice as much for half as much here so we put limits on how much is drank. Orange juice is brought out to the table at breakfast time. For lunch and dinner the water pitcher sits on the table.


We really only drink water. We stress the importance of eating calories, not drinking them and so keep water as the 'normal' in our house. We have insulated Kleen Kanteens that sit on our counter so we can grab and fill, we designate one person to fill glasses at dinner during set up, we order large bottles of water for the table when we go out to eat. Anything else is a treat.

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If we lived in a warmer climate, I suppose I might be more aware of their water intake. We live in a very mild area though so I don't keep tabs. It would never occur to me to *make* them drink unless I knew they were becoming dehydrated. They're all of an age where if they're thirsty, they just take care of it.

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Hard to say, since I don't have to make mine drink water. Their choices since they've been toddlers have always been water, milk or orange juice, (with the occasional tea) and we normally have milk and juice for breakfast only. All three of them prefer water. They only have sodas when we go out to eat, but will often order water of their own accord (which is nice, since drinks are $3-$4 at restaurants these days :glare:). On their birthdays I ask them what they want, and sometimes they choose to have cream sodas or root beer.


I read a guideline once that said you take your weight in lbs., divide it in half, and you should drink that much water every day in ounces. So for my ds8, for instance, that would be 30+oz. of water daily. I don't measure it, though, because they really do drink water all.the.time.


Seriously, the best thing you can do is offer water all the time and simply don't offer sugary/high calorie drinks.

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I said that we only drink water but I wanted to add that I do have to make my daughter drink. She does not like to drink water. It helps if I add a splash of juice to her water but even then she has a tendency to get headaches from dehydration. She is now starting to realize when she is starting to get a headache and will drink water without me prompting her to do so.

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I said that we only drink water but I wanted to add that I do have to make my daughter drink. She does not like to drink water. It helps if I add a splash of juice to her water but even then she has a tendency to get headaches from dehydration. She is now starting to realize when she is starting to get a headache and will drink water without me prompting her to do so.


Hey Jean, A pinch (nasty) of sea salt, and thin drinking water really made my headaches stop :)

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Mine all drink water like mad. :lol:They can have milk in their cereal in the morning, and a glass of milk, or very rarely, of juice with dinner. Otherwise, water's all that's available, so that is what they drink. We have the fridge with water and ice in the door, so that helps. :001_smile:

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None. But I also don't offer anything else to drink but ...






It's crazy how starting out with good boundaries makes parenting so easy.


:iagree:I remind them before going out, but otherwise - there it is as they want it.

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We have no beverages besides water, so as much as they want! :)


This is pretty much us too. Indy occasionally drinks a cup of hot tea with me in the mornings, but the rest of the day is water. He probably drinks a liter and a half a day (more when it's hot). We have to buy bottled water because the water in Germany is just gross. We're very picky about our water too! We've had some brands that neither of us like, so once we found one we liked, we stuck with it. When we go out to dinner, he gets water. We went out for his birthday on Monday and I ordered him a soda and you'd think it was Christmas. He was so excited. If we go to the movies or watch a movie with popcorn at home, he can have a soda, but other than that, water.

We were downtown one day last year and Indy was thirsty. James Bond (who is a soda addict) said he'd grab a coke at one of the little shops. Indy said "Dad, I'm thirsty! Coke won't help. I need water!" That's my boy.:hurray:


It never ocurred to me to *make* my dc drink water. :001_huh:


We didn't do milk as both dc were lactose intolerant. When dc were thirsty, they drank water. I served water with meals. Otherwise I didn't think about it.


It's like we're twins! We're lactose intolerant too. I do buy Lactose because I LOVE cereal (I would eat if for b'fast, lunch and dinner if I could-not sugary cereal though), but other than that, water, water and more water. James bond swears we'd be millionaires if we didn't have to buy water. :D

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My kids have unlimited access to water and drink it throughout the day, as much as they want. They've always drunk water, so they are used to it. We drink milk, generally raw, with meals; occasionally they'll have water with a meal (especially dinner), or a cup of milk between meals. Juice or lemonade are treats, and we generally don't have them in the house.

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I've been where you are, and I don't think you're being harsh at all! My oldest used to get lots of juice and milk, and didn't really like water. Then they stopped becoming options (except at meal times, and then after 1 serving of whatever, you can get water if your still thirsty) and now all kids drink water without complaints during the day.


I also had to teach MYSELF to like water, so I know it really does work. Once I started making myself drink a couple of glasses a day, I got to the point where I craved it. Now I will take water over most other options (except I do still have a soda addiction, so I might pick a Pepsi if you offer me that).

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Mine are decent water drinkers. Like others, that is what they are used to drinking at meals and during the day. We don't usually offer anything else. DH likes a lemon in his water, so sometimes the kids throw a slice in their water bottles.


The only time I monitor their water intake is during summer football practices. The boys have to drink 32 ozs during the day on practice days so they are well hydrated when they go.

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We only have water or homemade iced tea. So, they don't HAVE a choice, unless they have a job and a car! :001_smile:


I am lactose intolerant and so are some of the kids, so milk is not an option here and I don't bother buying those soy milk or other milk products. I don't buy fruit juice either, they can just eat the darned fruit as far as I am concerned.


We have a Berkey Light water filter and I keep a pitcher of cold water in the fridge, so the water tastes good and is cold and easy to get.

Edited by Rainefox
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We only have water or homemade iced tea. So, they don't HAVE a choice, unless they have a job and a car! :001_smile:


I am lactose intolerant and so are some of the kids, so milk is not an option here and I don't bother buying those soy milk or other milk products. I don't buy fruit juice either, they can just eat the darned fruit as far as I am concerned.




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We live in the desert. We go through 10 gallons of water a week. That doesn't include dh's water. He works outside and goes through 2 gallons a day so he stops and fills his up on the way to work. The boys get milk for meals. Juice sometimes with breakfast. Otherwise it's water, water, water.

My youngest drinks enough. My oldest needs to be reminded to stay hydrated. It's a big thing here. We've taught him that the darker his urine the more he needs to drink. At 11, he's pretty good about it now. If he has a headache though, that's the first thing I tell him.


:iagree: Same here. Only no one really drinks milk in our family. Staying hydrated is really important where we live (110 degrees and 19% humidity). IF we've had strenuous exercise, I may let the kids have a gatorade, but I have to buy it b/c we never have it at home. No soda, juice, or sugary drinks in our house. I do make unsweetened decaf iced tea on occasion.

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I have only ever had water and milk available in our home so he ends up drinking a lot of water. I bring a water bottle everywhere with us.


I have small 6 oz cans of V-8 to take on hikes - he thinks its a huge treat. Yesterday the restaurant we went to for lunch was out of plain milk so I let him have chocolate. He immediately said "Wait, this is a dessert!" :)

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I don't "make" my kids drink any water. I figure they'll drink if they're thirsty. I have no idea how much or if they drink water at all. We keep milk in the fridge, but rarely have juice or soda (unless it's left over from a party or something).

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Mine drink water or decaf iced tea most of the day. They do drink regular tea and sweetened tea, too, when out at restaurants (or when I make some slightly sweet for them at home, LOL). They also drink a lot of juices (not highly sweetened ones).


I don't keep soft drinks in the house very often, but they do drink soft drinks when out at restaurants. The older one has adopted drinking of water in protest over the high cost of restaurant beverages now and that's fine by me! The more water, the better.... We use reverse osmosis, filtered water at home....

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I have to strongly encourage my kids to drink water. They get juice or milk at meals sometimes, but they are so horribly dehydrated (dark urine, etc.) that I have to tell them things like "no juice until you drink a glass of water" or "we won't leave unless you fill your water bottle and bring it", etc. It's terrible, but two of them get chronic bladder infections, with one coming on suddenly with urine as black as night, so I have to do this for their health.

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Gallons? We typically have one extra drink with brekkie, juice, almond milk, tea, coffee, or such, and just water for the rest of the day. We live in a very dry climate and drink water constantly.


When we eat out we usually just order waters, though we do let them get sodas at special events (theatre, ball games, etc.).

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It's all they drink - no milk, no juice, no sports drinks, no sodas.


Plain, unflavored water ... and sometimes green or herbal (hot) tea.


They were never offered anything else, and now that the choice is up to them water is their go-to drink; they don't care for anything else. I'm pleased with that. It's pretty much all I drink, too, save for tea.


My 10 year old averages 3L/day (he's 75lbs). My 5 year is at about 2L/day (she's 55lbs). I drink 5-6L/day (115lbs).

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My kids really only get milk (whole, raw goat's milk from our milk does) and water. DD3.5 gets lemonade or tea very rarely at home, and gets OJ at Grammy's house, maybe once every 10-14 days. She gets milk with breakfast, and usually with dinner, then water for lunch and in between. DS1.5 is still nursing several times a day, but also gets sippy cups of milk at home, and water when we are out (don't want the milk getting weird in the car for too long). I do offer them quite a bit of milk and don't really push water because they are both small for their ages and need the calories. If we are out in the sun/heat (in the Northwest, home of the 78 minute summer, haha), then I do encourage water.

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