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My dh got the job!!!

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Thanks, everyone. :001_smile: Now that something good has happened, I keep waiting for the inevitable bad thing that follows, lol. Hopefully the universe is really and truly giving us a break this time.



Honey, Karma is not always a b!tch. You deserve some good. Don't borrow trouble. Just enjoy the good stuff. :grouphug:



And, Congrats! :hurray:

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I don't know if any of you remember my post awhile back, but basically my dh was doing a temporary job training thing where he was paid by the government (minimum wage) and we were having all kinds of problems with the program regulations.


Well, the company hired my husband on as a regular employee! He gets four dollars more an hour right away, and another couple bucks an hour a year from now. He gets vacation, paid holidays, health insurance, everything. And he'll be able to get a lot of overtime, too.




I'm so happy right now. Things just kept going from bad to worse for us, and this is the first good thing to happen in I don't know how long. We'll be able to get off assistance, and I'll be able to find a few hours of work each week, too, without having to worry about violating income guidelines and having dh lose his job. I'm so relieved right now, I can't even tell you. :001_smile:

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