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Summer weather

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Nakia's post about her kids playing outside all day got me to thinking--


What's the weather like where you are? What do you expect?


I barely pay attention & then can't remember from one year to the next, but I think 100+ isn't supposed to happen here until mid-late July & lasts until very early Sept, sometimes just late Aug. But 90+ starts in late May/early June (I think) & goes to late Sept/Oct.


Today's high is 101. :svengo:

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Cloudy and cool.

We did have a sunny weekend, though. I think the temperature reached 78. Yesterday was overcast, and it will probably rain this afternoon or evening. The temperature is probably below 60 again.

We don't usually get consistently sunny weather until mid or late July.

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Mid 90s and humid here today and tomorrow. Then a high of 65 by Friday. This is Michigan so big changes are common. We had snow just about 5 weeks ago and 3 weeks ago I still had on my winter coat in the mornings.

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Nakia's post about her kids playing outside all day got me to thinking--


What's the weather like where you are? What do you expect?


I barely pay attention & then can't remember from one year to the next, but I think 100+ isn't supposed to happen here until mid-late July & lasts until very early Sept, sometimes just late Aug. But 90+ starts in late May/early June (I think) & goes to late Sept/Oct.


Today's high is 101. :svengo:


I live even more south of you in the Houston area. I don't let my kids play outside in the summer (unless we're at the pool) until around 7:00 PM because it's just too hot. This was actually one of the deciding factors in why we school year round instead of following the ps schedule. It's too hot in the summer to do anything except be inside, so we take our breaks year round with longer ones in the spring and fall so we can go on field trips then.


BTW, I HATE SUMMER! I've lived in the South my whole life and getting through May-September is torture! People who like hot, humid weather have got a screw loose, IMO :tongue_smilie:

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It's been cold and rainy most days here. We just finished a whole three days of warm (70s) sunny days. It's in the 60s and cloudy today. It's quite depressing really...we are all antsy to get some summer weather.

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Mid 80s today. Mid 90s tomorrow.


It's not unreasonable for the temperatures to climb this high here, now that it's June. (It was outrageous for May, however. ;))


But I hate it whenever it happens. I've just started a walking routine, and I *will not* walk during the day in this weather. So it's either pull out the treadmill or walk after the sun goes down and risk being a blood bank for the mosquitoes.


Plus, walking aside, I just don't like heat and humidity.

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We're supposed to reach 103 in San Antonio today. I think this was the first year in a long time we've reached 100 before June 1st. I hate the heat. Like the pp, we are schooling year round and camping, etc. in the fall and spring. Fall=December. Spring=February :001_smile:



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I live even more south of you in the Houston area. I don't let my kids play outside in the summer (unless we're at the pool) until around 7:00 PM because it's just too hot. This was actually one of the deciding factors in why we school year round instead of following the ps schedule. It's too hot in the summer to do anything except be inside, so we take our breaks year round with longer ones in the spring and fall so we can go on field trips then.


BTW, I HATE SUMMER! I've lived in the South my whole life and getting through May-September is torture! People who like hot, humid weather have got a screw loose, IMO :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: We decided to hs year-round for the same reasons, but over the last couple of summers, I realized it was too hot even for school. :svengo:

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Mid 80s today. Mid 90s tomorrow.


It's not unreasonable for the temperatures to climb this high here, now that it's June. (It was outrageous for May, however. ;))


But I hate it whenever it happens. I've just started a walking routine, and I *will not* walk during the day in this weather. So it's either pull out the treadmill or walk after the sun goes down and risk being a blood bank for the mosquitoes.


Plus, walking aside, I just don't like heat and humidity.


:iagree: I started walking this spring, but my allergies were terrible--it was like walking in pollen soup! Now it's too hot. Mw says brightly, "Just go out early." :glare: Yeah, sure. Mosquitoes, hot, mosquitoes. Nah.

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Hot and dry. Did I say it was hot? Yes, it's hot. And dry.


It isn't normally this hot or this dry so early in the season. We haven't had decent rain since last fall.:crying:


BTW, central Texas does have four seasons: Early Summer, Summer, Late Summer, and Winter.:D

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Hot and dry. Did I say it was hot? Yes, it's hot. And dry.


It isn't normally this hot or this dry so early in the season. We haven't had decent rain since last fall.:crying:


BTW, central Texas does have four seasons: Early Summer, Summer, Late Summer, and Winter.:D


Hehe. Ohio has 4, too. Winter, still winter, summer, and construction.

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Yep...born & raised in Texas and still hate the hot, hot, weather. And all the ragweed...sniffle, sneeze. We do year round too - we take days off in October & November when it's 60's & 70's - ah the bliss - except ragweed really blooms then!!! I feel your disgust Aubrey - it should not be so hot right now! :iagree:

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Omy that cracked me up...from Indiana so I know of what you speak!:rofl::rofl::rofl::lol:


Right? And we get summer so SUDDENLY! One day we're wearing winter coats, then the next... It's like *SMACK* High temps! *SMACK* 90% Humidity! *SMACK* Impassable roads everywhere! And it all happens immediately.

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Right now it's not that bad. Today was 87 or so. I don't notice any humidity. The last couple of days were in the lows 90s. Next few days are supposed to be high 70s to low 80s with some storms. Maybe a little more humidity on the rainy days.


The weather here changes a lot. I try to avoid being outside from 12-4 just because the sun is so intense and it's not usually that cloudy, but that's not a hard and fast rule.


The temps drop a lot at night, so mornings are usually pretty safe no matter what the rest of the day looks like.

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It's in the upper 60s/low 70s today, partly cloudy and the wind is picking up. It's been a long, wet spring and we are tired of being cooped up inside. We're planning to go camping next weekend and praying the rivers/creeks will go down some and things dry out before we go (major snowpack and lots of rain).


Our summers are normally hot and dry (temps hit the 90s in July and stay there until early to mid September, with a few 100 + days mixed in, yuck). Not sure just what to expect, the weather forecasters were wrong on our winter forecast so I'm more in a wait and see frame of mind.

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Nakia's post about her kids playing outside all day got me to thinking--


What's the weather like where you are? What do you expect?


I barely pay attention & then can't remember from one year to the next, but I think 100+ isn't supposed to happen here until mid-late July & lasts until very early Sept, sometimes just late Aug. But 90+ starts in late May/early June (I think) & goes to late Sept/Oct.


Today's high is 101. :svengo:


Our summers are wonderful....they are dry and mild (mostly). Today and the rest of the week, we'll be in the low 70's. My kids are outside pretty much from noon till 5 PM. During the hottest parts of summer, we'll hit the mid 90's, but it's a dry heat. ;)


Still, though, we school year round because we all get antsy.

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We are much cooler than we usually are at 90 degrees. It should be hotter by now. I'm not complaining. Although I'm concerned that delayed heat will mean delayed cooling down. LOL

I'm just so, so glad soccer season ended last week and we didn't have to sit (and ds play) in 100 degree heat.

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It's been in the upper 90s every day for at least a week now, and I am LOVING it. I love to go out in the morning and step in the dewy grass to water the garden and not freeze. I love sipping lemonade on the porch in the afternoon. I love hitting the pool and the long, long evenings. I love how quickly it cools off once the sun goes down, but it's still warm enough to go catch lightning bugs. I don't even mind mowing, though I'll be honest and say that's only because we have a riding lawn mower. I don't like the mosquitos, but having chickens and some herbal bug repellant (I buy it from a woman who grows ingredients and makes it locally, and it's amazing!) is enough to keep them at bay. I can't stand winter, when I'm stuck inside for days on end. THAT drives me batty.

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Hot and dry. Did I say it was hot? Yes, it's hot. And dry.


It isn't normally this hot or this dry so early in the season. We haven't had decent rain since last fall.:crying:


November, to be exact. There was in excess of 20 inches of rain in a 24 hour period.


BTW, central Texas does have four seasons: Early Summer, Summer, Late Summer, and Winter.:D



:iagree: Already 7 days of 100+ temps...in late May/

early June. Gonna be a long one...


I grew up in Houston with its 3 seasons -- all of which are present in Central TX -- Hot, Hotter, July & August. We also have Winter.

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It's in the 90s here (I think I'm doing the conversion from Celsius right) and A/C is not so much in vogue. We have it in the house, but it's not powerful. I'll get back to Texas just in time for High Summer (the season otherwise known as August).


I say Texas (at least North Texas) has the following seasons (with accompanying lengths):


Spring (about 1 week in early March)

Early Summer (March - May)

Summer (June - July)

High Summer (August)

Late Summer (September - November)

Fall (December)

Winter (January - February)

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High 90s in the midsouth with heat index over 100 - one day up to 112 already. This is early for us for these temps. I don't even want to think about the next few months! It's still miserable even running at night after the sun goes down. I may have to resort to jumping rope indoors, but then I'll lose any gains I've made in my running! : (

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Our summers are wonderful....they are dry and mild (mostly). Today and the rest of the week, we'll be in the low 70's. My kids are outside pretty much from noon till 5 PM. During the hottest parts of summer, we'll hit the mid 90's, but it's a dry heat. ;)


This is us, too. Are you in Utah, by chance? LOL We have gorgeous summers and no humidity. I much prefer it to the nasty, soupy stuff I grew up in (although we still played outside in it all the time as kids, I can hardly stand it when I encounter humidity now). Even when it's in the 90s here, I can still sit on the porch in the shade and it's not hot. Cool week ahead with temps in the mid-seventies.

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The weather here is completely unpredictable. It can be rainy and windy with temps in the 60's one day, and the next day can be sunny with temps in the 80's. Generally June is pretty nice with more sun than rain and temps around the 70's. Then July and August go from horrible to gorgeous and back again on a day-to-day basis. I would guess that we generally get 6-10 actual nice days total in those two months. Then we frequently get a beautiful Indian summer with lots of sun.

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Today it's 65 and 79% humidity and more rain on the way. Germany doesn't believe in AC and this will be my last summer here(number 6)! Somedays it's 90 and the next 60...crazy weather. I have fans in every room and the windows are opened at the top.

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The weather here is completely unpredictable. It can be rainy and windy with temps in the 60's one day, and the next day can be sunny with temps in the 80's. Generally June is pretty nice with more sun than rain and temps around the 70's. Then July and August go from horrible to gorgeous and back again on a day-to-day basis. I would guess that we generally get 6-10 actual nice days total in those two months. Then we frequently get a beautiful Indian summer with lots of sun.


:iagree: :D


And may I add that we've actually had some snow for three winters running, and in those same three years April/May has been gorgeous weather - sunny but not too hot, rain only at night.


I'm no lizard and am more than happy as long as the temp stays below 25 C! - Texas would kill me for sure!!

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What's the weather like where you are? What do you expect?


I barely pay attention & then can't remember from one year to the next, but I think 100+ isn't supposed to happen here until mid-late July & lasts until very early Sept, sometimes just late Aug. But 90+ starts in late May/early June (I think) & goes to late Sept/Oct.


Today's high is 101. :svengo:


We live in Atlanta and everyone is saying the same thing as you. I cannot remember it being this hot so early in the season. We skipped Spring and just went straight to the end of summer weather. The forecast for the next 10 days remains the same - high 90s and no rain. Just bringing down the garbage cans causes DS to be dripping with sweat. I don't even want to think about our cooling bills :ack2:.

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We went from cold and rainy to hot and humid literally overnight. We had maybe two days that would qualify as nice Spring weather. Today and tomorrow we have heat advisories and air quality warnings. I don't remember them being so frequent this early in the year before. In August maybe but not in early June.


Usually summers are high 70's to high 80's, humid with late afternoon thunderstorms which break up the heat. This year we are already seeing high's in the 80's to 90's with heat indexes in the 100's. Either no breeze or heavy winds.

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Here in New England, summers are fairly mild and pleasant(comparative to TX, lol). We usually have a couple days here and there, sometimes several in a row, that are humid and 80s or 90s. But we have very few summer days where my kids couldn't play outside because of the heat.


And since we're currently living in a city, we have no bugs! In the country, though, the black flies and mosquitoes will drive you batty.

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I have to go out and finish watering, and then mow a section I didn't finish yesterday. I'm hoping to be in within an hour or so. We can hope.


If my oldest wasn't trying to catch up on Algebra, I'd have him out there.

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Houston is so much better than KC!!!! I was expecting to be miserable, but there is almost always a steady breeze! I haven't really noticed the heat yet. We still go out to our horses in the middle of the day, I just spray the kids and ponies with water :001_smile:. I guess I have finally adapted to heat and humidity.


Did I mention we do track every evening (early) when it is still almost blistering out?! I love it. I do make the kids start drinking a large glass of water about 1hr before we leave. A small one right before we go, and they take giant water bottles. Right now I am trying to find some good liquid vitamins and electrolytes to add to their water bottles.

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