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Explaining the WTM community

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Do any of your spouses understand what this community means to you? I can't stay away from you all, and I don't know if he'd understand if he knew how much time I spend here :) There are so many of you, given the opportunity, I'd love to have lunch with :)


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My husband doesn't understand. I find my relationship with this board hard to explain to anyone in real life.


I might want to talk about a discussion on the boards with a friend, and I don't know where to begin. To just say I read this on the internet doesn't explain it well. To say someone I know through the internet isn't accurate. I don't really know any of you guys, but I kinda do know you guys.


How the heck do you all explain the forums?

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My dh is also starting to get it. He understood the curriculum part right away, the social is taking him a little time. We had a great chat last weekend, and he is getting it a little more. Through a lot of prayer, and reading on the board I cam to a big realization. Although home schooling is growing at an amazing rate, they say 20% a year. 20% of something small is still small. I have only met one home school mom that I get along with this year. None of my established friends home school. Dh is at work all day, so he only goes out with me and the kids at a time when kids are not normally in school. The little looks, and comments that you get from strangers during the day and people you know build up, and it is really hard swimming against the current.


I used the Robert Frost poem. 2 roads divulged into a road that day, and I took the less travelled (memory, not exact quote) It doesn't tell you how hard the less travelled road is, and how lonely it is to be out on that quiet road all by yourself. You on this board are my companions. I have friends in real life, but they are on the well travelled road mostly yelling support now. You guys are the ones here traipsing through the mud and the obstacles with me. That is what you all mean to me. Dh is starting to get it now that I explained it that way.




PS: Even though I do seem to be becoming the official thread killer on the board.

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This is funny because I find myself saying more and more..."on the homeschool board someone said this.." or "on the homeschool board there was a discussion about..."


I just reminded myself the other day, I need to stop saying that so much because hubby is going to start thinking I have a problem! What's bad is that those statements are never followed by subjects related to homeschooling! It's always other interesting things. If this board was really ONLY about homeschooling, I probably wouldn't spend so much time here!

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My dh has started to understand. He told me "You need your board. They are your line to the outside world." Yes- my line to the outside - through the inside line of the computer!:D


Right now, with my kids small, and being part of a 1 vehicle family... you guys ARE the outside world. If we could get 2 straight days of dry, warmish weather, I'd at least be out of the house for a bit every day. But you'd still be the majority of my "adult" conversation.

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When I found this board two years ago, I ran down the stairs screaming that my world just got bigger!


Its good to see another stranded WTMer. I went four years with one car, then have been going three with ds taking my car to college. I just ranted to both dc that no woman on earth would go that long stranded. I may need to be more direct about them making money to get cars.....

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My hubby kinda gets it. I think he's just more relieved that I talk ya'll's ears off instead of his when he gets home from work. :lol:


BTW, the title of this thread inspired me to write a ballad about it. It's in the Forum Game thread if anyone is interested. :)

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This is funny because I find myself saying more and more..."on the homeschool board someone said this.." or "on the homeschool board there was a discussion about..."


Yep, this! :D I frequently start sentences with, "I've heard that..." But what I really mean is, "I read a 15 page thread on the WTM forums about..."


I get most of my news here, too. Pitiful, really :lol:

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The other day dh asked me, "Do you just research curriculum on that board, or is this your social outlet?"


Ummm, social outlet. :lol:


He couldn't figure out why I still spend time on this forum after having purchased all my curriculum for next year. I think he does think that I'm crazy (but he loves me anyway). ;)

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This is funny because I find myself saying more and more..."on the homeschool board someone said this.." or "on the homeschool board there was a discussion about..."


I just reminded myself the other day, I need to stop saying that so much because hubby is going to start thinking I have a problem! What's bad is that those statements are never followed by subjects related to homeschooling! It's always other interesting things. If this board was really ONLY about homeschooling, I probably wouldn't spend so much time here!


:lol::lol: So true! I do the same thing.

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My husband has a few of his own "imaginary friends", so he gets it. I also have another (non-homeschool) board that has been an enormous part of my life for nearly 10 years. He knows many of their names.


Dh is very excited for me to go to Valley Forge in June, and has his fingers crossed for the 2012 tour. In addition to understanding how much I appreciate and respect SWB, he realizes how cool it is to be hanging out with WTMers IRL. :)

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I always lead with "my homeschool board" just as if I was saying "my friend" which you all are. :001_smile: And like someone else already mentioned, it almost never has anything to do with homeschooling. But he gets it because for over 10 years I was the moderator for forum in the magazine world.

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I think my dh understands. I call y'all the hive board. Ds has his own imaginary friends on Xbox Live, a couple of them are homeschoolers. I often wonder if he is playing with Hive kids, but I never ask because of internet privacy concerns.

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my dh does not get it at all.


But he is not really a social animal either.


But really, these boards have changed me in more ways than I could have imagined.


Mine is pretty social but doesn't get this board. It doesn't bother him, he just doesn't get it. I can relate to the boarding changing me, for the better, in many ways.

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My DH understands my time here. I've learned so much in the 8 years I've been hanging out on these boards that have helped us educate our children and generally make family life nice. It's no different than the homeschool groups I used to belong to, or the moms groups I belonged to when the kids were babies and before I learned about homeschooling. It's no different than having friends in the neighborhood that you sit and talk to while the kids play. It's no different than the chat channel he and his coworkers have up on their computer during the day while they are all working from home.

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The only thing he doesn't get is why is it called "The Hive Mind"? I explained what I thought it meant, but can someone give the lowdown of how that came about? Thanks!


It's a reference to the Borg on Star Trek. Someone on the old boards made a reference to thinking like the hive and it stuck. SWB did a play on the hive concept to make it bees. I suppose it was easier to make levels of larvae, queen bees etc. instead of Borg titles!


Resistance is futile! You will be (or in my case, have been) assimilated.

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I'm a geek, married to a geek, so he gets it. He does gaming and sports boards, but not nearly as much as I visit here.



It's a reference to the Borg on Star Trek. Someone on the old boards made a reference to thinking like the hive and it stuck. SWB did a play on the hive concept to make it bees. I suppose it was easier to make levels of larvae, queen bees etc. instead of Borg titles!


Resistance is futile! You will be (or in my case, have been) assimilated.


I always just reference this place as "on the homeschool board" so and so said this. I was shocked when my husband made a reference to one of his gaming boards and said, "....and then you get this whole 'hive mind' going on the board...." :001_huh:. Huh? That's my board! He then informed me it's a cyber term and comes from Star Trek. Oh :blush:.

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It's a reference to the Borg on Star Trek. Someone on the old boards made a reference to thinking like the hive and it stuck. SWB did a play on the hive concept to make it bees. I suppose it was easier to make levels of larvae, queen bees etc. instead of Borg titles!


Resistance is futile! You will be (or in my case, have been) assimilated.


Borg designations would have been cool. You are 12 of 16,572.:lol:

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You know what? I didn't realize how glad I am the dh "gets it." :D I describe all the different "experts" on here. Who I go to for what. And I read him the really hilarious threads. He will come home and say, "So, anything interesting going on the Boards today?"


I think because we moved, and I had immediate friends in the area he really understands.


...sheepishly here :001_unsure: He's had to deal with some of the fallout when I get really upset over a thread or mad at a poster. Yup, it happens. ;)

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Well, I always have a really hard time explaining to anyone because I'm not even a homeschooler! I was...I'd like to be...I'm hoping to be...and I really and truly am a homeschooler-at-heart. I have learned so much here and I love being able to 'talk' to other people about educational things that my real-life friends have no interest in.


It sounds REALLY crazy to say, "Well, my friend on a homeschooling forum said..." when everybody just wonders what on earth I'm doing on a homeschooling forum in the first place! Dh is starting to get it...and he does think I've learned some amazing things here.

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Well, I always have a really hard time explaining to anyone because I'm not even a homeschooler! I was...I'd like to be...I'm hoping to be...and I really and truly am a homeschooler-at-heart. I have learned so much here and I love being able to 'talk' to other people about educational things that my real-life friends have no interest in.


It sounds REALLY crazy to say, "Well, my friend on a homeschooling forum said..." when everybody just wonders what on earth I'm doing on a homeschooling forum in the first place! Dh is starting to get it...and he does think I've learned some amazing things here.


I'm sure I'll still be hanging out here even after I've finished home schooling. It's the community. I can have conversations with people here that I could never, ever have in real life. :)

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