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S/O Do you care if you household items match? ie towels, dishes, sheets etc?

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S/O from the sheet thread....


Do you care if you household items match? To what extent? I figure there are a too many options for a poll so I won't bother.




ie do you want your daily silverware to match, but don't care if your cooking utensils are different brands/designs?


Do you want your guest towels to match, but don't care about the kids bath?


Do you care, but just don't have the energy or money to put into it?


Do you only care a bit....ie who cares as long as they all look similar?


Do you care, but find it futile, because bits and pieces of matching sets always disappear at your house, so you have given up?


Do you only care about what a guest may see?


Do you match things to the up most extent that even hand soap color matters?

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For some reason I guess I do care because most of my things do match.


Our daily silverware matches and I like that. When I buy kitchen utensils, I usually buy white (large spoons, cutting boards, measuring cups, etc.)


My our guest towels and kid towels are all white. Easy peasy. I can bleach them clean.


Master bath towels match the decor.


I buy sheets in sets, so yes everyone's bed has matching sheets.


I must say that I wasn't raised this way! I'm not sure why all of this stuff is so uniorm in my house! When I go to my moms, I ALWAYS find my guest bed SO INVITING. She put various sheets and blankets on the bed that gives it ashabby chic/old fashioned feel. It just feels comfortable, inviting, and cozy.


All of my mom's towels are different, but they are soft and fluffy. I don't mind that they don't match at all, but I'm just not a " buy whatever towel color is on sale" kind of gal. :lol:


Hospitality comes from the heart, not from the patterns or matching colors in your home. Use what you like and what you can afford. Welcome others with open arms and the "look" won't matter.

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Is this gonna be a poll?

I really don't care. Sometimes I'll be a small 'set' of something for a bathroom or the kitchen for decorating purposes- but I don't tell people they can't use those items (towels, etc.). I don't expect things to stay that way though- things get stained, bleach spots, worn, etc.

I do like to have a matching set of sheets on the beds, though the youngers do not use top sheets.

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I like things to coordinate with each other within the room they are in... but I'm practical about it, for example, our master bath towels that I really like, clash badly with our current master bath (matched perfectly with our last house) but I don't want to replace perfectly good towels.

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Our household has a general color scheme of green and blue, with white and wood as accents. So, our linens are all generally in that coloring scheme. Exact matching doesn't matter.


Our dishes are the same - they're not all the same line of dishes. I buy two or three pieces here and there, when I find stuff I like. But it always fits into that green-blue-white scheme. Oh! And botanicals. Mostly leaves. I like things with leaves on them. :)


But I like having lots of different designs and shades. As long as I think each individual piece is pleasing, I'm good. And I like how all the different items play off of each other. The themes tie them together, and the differences make it all interesting.


Oh, and the kids are welcome to choose whatever they like for their beds, though honestly, lots of it is hand-me-downs.

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I have Fiestaware in 6 colors and they don't all go together. I just liked the colors. My serving pieces are white but some are FW and some are Corning French White. My glasses all match, because I only have one set of glasses. My silverware is the same. I only use fitted sheets. DD has pink ones; mine are aqua. DD's comforter, etc, is teal, aqua, purple and brown, so her sheets most definitely do not match. My quilt is aqua, but I also have a comforter that's floral that I use in winter. No matching there. Bath towels actually match the previous shower curtain, but they're ok with the current one, so I don't care much.


So, yeah, I like things to match somewhat, but I'm not going to toss perfectly good items for the sake of matching.

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I care, and I slowly weed out things that don't fit it (we moved in with SO a while back). I first attempt to sell them and then cut them into pieces to use as cleaning rags. If they are still in excellent condition, I donate them.


I also like coordinating a set of things from the same line or style that don't match in color but do all go together despite that.

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I am OCD. I care. A lot. Way more than I should. When I buy something, I always buy more than one set to allow for breakage and loss while allowing me to still have a complete set. All the same silverware, all the same dishes, each bathroom has it's own towels, bedrooms their own linens. I do coordinate some but there has to be a balance to it. If something is missing or in the wrong place or even moved the wrong way it bothers me. I used to be like MONK and was always fixing things but I got old and tired and I just don't have the energy I used to have so everything isn't as perfect as it used to be but I still drive my family crazy. I can't help myself. :001_smile:

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My general rule is that I only care about the things guests might see. :) Specifically:


I care about my furniture matching, my decor matching, my hand towels matching, the color of my accessories in the rooms matching. I make sure the kitchen dish towels do not clash with the kitchen colors when I buy them (i.e. I don't buy bright greens ones or something), but beyond that...no. I don't care if all the forks match at dinner or all the glasses match. All the plates do, but that is just because that is what we have...all matching plates.


My sheets match my comforter and the kids sheets do not clash with theirs..because that would make me crazy.


Again, I mostly care about what others (and I) see most often. If it is a towel I will use for 5 minutes one time a day, I don't really care.

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It's nice if things match, but I really don't care. I'm all about practical.


My husband cares. He wants the atmosphere to be "pleasing".


So.... I put forth the effort when I can, but money doesn't usually allow for much. And I try to accept it gracefully when he chooses the "nicer" set over the more practical (of whatever).


If given the choice- I'd choose the matching towels. But if I'm given some that don't match, I wouldn't go through the trouble of returning them (unless my husband wanted me to).

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ie do you want your daily silverware to match, but don't care if your cooking utensils are different brands/designs?

That's about right.


Do you want your guest towels to match, but don't care about the kids bath?

"Guest towels"? Match what? each other? the colors of the bathroom?? And are those bath towels or hand towels? A different bathroom from the children's bathroom???


Do you care, but just don't have the energy or money to put into it?

If you have to buy anyway, why can't it match?


Do you only care a bit....ie who cares as long as they all look similar?

Um...gotta match.


Do you care, but find it futile, because bits and pieces of matching sets always disappear at your house, so you have given up?

Stuff doesn't disappear like that in my house. Don't know why. :-)


Do you only care about what a guest may see?

I care what *I* see.


Do you match things to the up most extent that even hand soap color matters?

Clear liquid soap in our house since 1975. :-) But no, I don't care what color the soap is. I do care that towels match in the bathroom--any bathroom, that kitchen towels match, that napkins match, that dishes match.

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Do you care if you household items match? To what extent? I figure there are a too many options for a poll so I won't bother.


I don't care. Matching would be nice, but I don't care enough to actually make it happen. I certainly wouldn't throw out what I have and buy all new stuff so it would all match. Very little in my house actually matches. My dh and I have bath sheets, so they match in size, but not in color. There are two kid bathrooms (one for 12yo&15yo and one for 18yo). All the towels in one bathroom are the same style. I ended up doing this because they kept arguing over where the towels went when I washed them (no linen closet). Since they have different styles, it isn't a problem.


The old towels became piggy towels for our guinea pig. They were getting kind of ratty anyway. He has 4 beach towels and 8 bath towels. I can actually have 3 beach towels and 6 bath towels in the laundry at once, so that's enough for him to have one set in his cage (bottom level uses beach towel and top level uses bath towel) and all the rest in the washer.

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No. I have sheets that are literally 100 years old, they are heavy white cotton ( belonged to my nan's aunt)

My plates that we eat off are all white, that is the only thing they have in common, there are at least 7 different sizes. Some have gold trim, some have crinkly edges, some have tiny flowers around the edge.

I keep tea towels that are great at drying, all the ones that aren't any good get chucked out.


I have never thought about having everything all matching. Is that what I am suppose to do? I don't think I know anyone that does. Maybe my area is just full of practical people , or maybe we just don't care, as long as there is a plate to eat off, a towel to dry with, and sheets on the bed WHO CARES?

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I use to care, then I started homeschooling, have less time, and less money. Now I am learning to just to walk away:glare: since I like order and things to match. I just can't afford to make it look the way I would want it to look. I am happy with having it clean and organized now a days.

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do you want your daily silverware to match, but don't care if your cooking utensils are different brands/designs?


Do you want your guest towels to match, but don't care about the kids bath?


Do you care, but just don't have the energy or money to put into it?


Do you only care a bit....ie who cares as long as they all look similar?


Do you care, but find it futile, because bits and pieces of matching sets always disappear at your house, so you have given up?


Do you only care about what a guest may see?


Do you match things to the up most extent that even hand soap color matters?


The silverware mostly matches. When I have to buy say spoons, I just buy spoons that are similar cause I can't find the same spoons anymore.


The dishes do match each other. Well, they are all by the same manufacturer and the ones that aren't my pattern are white.


Cooking utensils match? You have got to be kidding! Cookware and bakeware don't match either.


Guest towels, yeah sort of. They're all blue! Same with sheets.


Hand soap - you make me laugh. I just switched from the scent I bought for Christmas in the downstairs bathroom. Cinnamon. I loved it at Christmas, but I'm so tired of it now.


It all starts matching and then things need replacing and I can't find the same one to replace it with so I ended up going with something similar.

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I like to make sure things are lovely in our home. Because I am on the minimalist end of the spectrum (except for books :D,) the loveliness isn't going to come from decorations, so it comes from our useful items.


All of our towels are the same: either white with a colored stripe for a specific family member OR a pretty color to match the bathroom for guests. All of our hand towels are very fluffy white, because I want them to look nice, but I want to be able to bleach them. All of our sheets are white, also because of the bleaching. Any item with a tear or worn spot goes to the raag bag.


My kitchen is green, orange, and yellow 50's retro. Every dish towel, pot holder, etc. matches. Most of the utensils are similarly colored (thanks to Rachel Ray and other designers with an eye for bright colors.) All of the silverware matches. Every plate, glass, platter, pitcher, serving dish, etc. is either white or glass, so it all matches.


It takes very little energy, because I just buy the same things over and over. I do spend a bit extra on linens, because I like them fluffy and wonderful feeling, but I make up for it on practical dishes and such and on my lack of decorating.

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That's about right.



"Guest towels"? Match what? each other? the colors of the bathroom?? And are those bath towels or hand towels? A different bathroom from the children's bathroom???



If you have to buy anyway, why can't it match?



Um...gotta match.



Stuff doesn't disappear like that in my house. Don't know why. :-)



I care what *I* see.



Clear liquid soap in our house since 1975. :-) But no, I don't care what color the soap is. I do care that towels match in the bathroom--any bathroom, that kitchen towels match, that napkins match, that dishes match.


I have a feeling that I would like your house. :)

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I really care alot. That being said, I do not have the energy or money right now to redo our whole house to match. When are things were destroyed in the move, I salvaged what I could, accepted things from people and slowly added with what was on sale. My kids and I decided that for organizational sake, they each want to be assigned a colour, so from now on I am going to buy bath towels in their colour (so I know who dropped the wet towel on the nice dry bed), label their canteens with their colour, etc. Our sheets do match as we buy in sets.


I am saving money to decorate the kids' rooms so hopefully will be able to have their rooms coordinate or at least compliment soon. I find I am much more comfortable when everything is orderly, and that matching/complimentary colours help me feel organized.

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we do a lot of thrift store shopping here, so we rarely have something that matches. The only thing I'm picky about is that our plates/bowls be Corelle...but the pattern is irrelevant.


If I find a thick, plush bath towel in excellent condition donated by someone more concerned about colors/pattern than I, then i'm thrilled paying $1 for it....so I thank all of you that care enough to weed out simply because of color. :D

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I like things to be coordinated, but not *matching*.


It's much more pleasing to my eye to see an uncluttered room that flows well without feeling contrived.


Of course, what I like and what I live are two different things, these days. :)

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I don't have guest towels, because the only guests I get are my parents or in-laws so they just use the same ones DH and I use. All of our handsoap is the lysol automatic dispensers. I'm not a froo-froo girly girl, so I don't get into a lot of decorating. As long as there are pictures on my walls I'm pretty happy. Most of my knick-knacks are things dh has brought back from deployments and that the movers haven't broken in one of the many moves we've had.


The kids stuff is all color coded so I know who left what laying around. My oldest boy's is green, my dd is blue, and my youngest son is red.


My dishes are fiesta ware and we have a set of 3 size plates, and two size bowls for each person in their favorite color, so the kids are green, blue and red, I'm yellow and dh is purple. We have an extra set in tangerine, black and white for guests.

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I like for things to match. I like pictures and what-nots to all be arranged symmetrically. Having said, I have people in my life who like to give me things that don't match/ fit in anywhere. So I have some mismatched utensils and pot-holders, towels, etc. The people who give me the things are more important than the things and whether the things match or not.

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I used to think that everything had to mathc - because my mother does it that way. It has to match and look a certain way or she can't stand it. However, once I moved out on my own, and especially since I have children, I am just glad to have something that is clean, not stained, and useable. I would love to have more matching and coordinating items, but I just don't have the budget to buy new or the time to scour used.

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I like the flatware to match, although we do have a few stray items left in the drawer from our previous set that occasionally get pulled out when there isn't enough clean. (I know: Bad housewife.)


And I have all different colors and types of cooking utensils, because some have been gifts and I tend to buy on the cheap. It doesn't bother me at all. They are tools for me, not decorations.


We use cloth napkins, and we have a few different sets. I do like all of the napkins put on the table for a meal to match.


We don't have a guest bathroom. The one the kids use is in the front hallway and serves that purpose. Most of the time, they use the old towels passed down to them when we got new ones last year. When I know guests are coming, I put out the good ones. But the ones in there regularly are in at least three different colors.


I guess I just don't care that much. I like things to be clean (when I can manage it), and I get cranky if the towels aren't all folded the same way for stacking. But I'm not worried about it all matching.


Edit: Someone else mentioned plates. We actually have two complete (well, except for the pieces I've broken) sets of everyday table stuff. One we bought from a discount store. Then, we happened to see a set from the same manufactuer at our church's thrift shop. It is the same general colors, with a slightly different pattern. We bought it and now intentionally mix and match the two sets. I love that it all coordinates but doesn't "match."


I've spent most of my life making due with things I've been given or found used or cheap. And, although we aren't really in that place now, I guess the habits have remained.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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It matches in that I have a style that I stick with, but other than that, no. Lots of flowers. China with rose patterns. Willoware. I have similar styled flatware, and I have white ironstone plates-but different 'patterns' (you can't get that different with white). Cloth chintz napkins I sewed years ago with others I've added in. Very Francophile/Anglophile. :-) All of the women in my family are the same way. We really were influenced by my Nana and her antiques. We're rabid thrift store shoppers and antique mall goers. And garage sale season is almost here! I put it all together over many years and little $$.


Bedding-yes, it all matches because I buy them in sets. And I stay within a certain style (and make some of my own pillowcases) so it all goes well together.


I don't like Martha style-I think it's too sterile. I want people to flop in my house and feel comfortable.

Edited by justamouse
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Mine mostly matches or coordinates.


The whole house has a wine/maroon/ dk green/ tan theme. With some other colors mixed in.


The kitchen is apples or maroon/ dk green/ cream colors. Variety of mugs, but mostly with those theme or colors. Most of the dishes match.


Kids all have a towel that doesn't match the rest, but next time we'll get something that does. I hate how ds's orange towel is always sticking out like a sore thumb!


If you buy anyway why not match?

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S/O from the sheet thread....


Do you care if you household items match? To what extent? I figure there are a too many options for a poll so I won't bother.

Yes, I care to a great extent.



ie do you want your daily silverware to match, but don't care if your cooking utensils are different brands/designs?

My flatware does match. We were running low on spoons and for some reason forks. Since the "original" set is a bit expensive to buy replacements for I put it up and bought a new set that will serve 12. They all match.


When we first go married I had a cheap set of cooking utensils. At one point we moved and I chucked them all because they were flimsy, and getting damaged. When we arrived at our new location I purchased all new and they match each other but not the flatware.


I do have a large variety of gadgets. They don't necessarily match but since I tried selling Pampered Chef at one point, 90% of my gadgets are PC.


Do you want your guest towels to match, but don't care about the kids bath?

I don't do guest towels. I will hang a clean set of towels, yes a matching set - I buy them that way, if I know we have guests coming over. If I'm not expecting you, you will have to deal with our shower towels if you use my bathroom. I will say I do like color so while I don't have 22 matching towels, I do have several sets - 2 bath towels, one hand towel and one washcloth. When I change towels I change the entire set.


Do you care, but just don't have the energy or money to put into it?

I do care. I think it is a personality quirk more than anything. I may have to buy the cheap set, but I tend to buy things in a set.


Do you only care a bit....ie who cares as long as they all look similar?

That would be my dishes. I did have all white and got tired of it. Now I'm buying Fiestaware. Each color is different. The only thing that matches is the brand.


Do you care, but find it futile, because bits and pieces of matching sets always disappear at your house, so you have given up?

The only thing I've ever lost (had disappear) were those blasted spoons.


Do you only care about what a guest may see?

It pleases me. Generally guests don't get into my bedroom, but my sheets match. I'd love to do coordinated bedding - sheets, comforter, pillows and maybe even drapes. But I like to change with the seasons. So flannel sheets and a nutral bedding and white drapes for now.


Do you match things to the up most extent that even hand soap color matters?

Hand soap goes by scent. I don't worry about coordinating soap color. That is over the top weird to me.

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If I was buying it all from scratch it would match or co-ordinate but at the moment our house is a hotch potch of hand me downs and inherited stuff. Its slowly getting more co-ordinated because I tend to buy cream/ shades of blue and silver metal items when I need to replace things. Our crockery is always a mixture because so much of it gets broken.


It doesn't bother me enough to do anything about and although I hate the inherited dark heavy wooden furniture, Its far better quality than I could afford.

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Nope, nothing matches. If it does it is accidental. It is too expensive to match. I buy when I need it and buy what I like at that time.


Shoot, I bought towels for my mom for Christmas one year. I didn't know what color she wanted to I bought a set and bought one of every color. She kept them all, she didn't want a matching set! :)


Do you care if you household items match? To what extent? I figure there are a too many options for a poll so I won't bother.






ie do you want your daily silverware to match, but don't care if your cooking utensils are different brands/designs?


I buy the cheapo $1 for 4 forks, spoons, knives what have you at WalMart. I can never seem to find the same pattern. Not that it matters anyway :)


Do you want your guest towels to match, but don't care about the kids bath?


*snort* Guest towels? Me? Right. :)


Do you care, but just don't have the energy or money to put into it?


Hmm...I wouldn't mind per say but I don't want to have to worry about it either. How's that for an answer?:D


Do you only care a bit....ie who cares as long as they all look similar?


Nope again!


Do you care, but find it futile, because bits and pieces of matching sets always disappear at your house, so you have given up?


Now this is something I can say yes too. I have bought towels in the same color. I always seem to lose them.. dunno where they go either....


Do you only care about what a guest may see?


No offense to anyone but if my guests only care about what they see in my house then I don't want them in my house. That said, I do care that my house looks neat and clean, not that it looks like something out of a magazine.


Do you match things to the up most extent that even hand soap color matters?


Hand soap? With kids? Hand soap here consists of dish soap in the kitchen or soap you grab from the shower! :) I have tried the whole hand soap thing. They play with it! :D

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My plates that we eat off are all white, that is the only thing they have in common, there are at least 7 different sizes. Some have gold trim, some have crinkly edges, some have tiny flowers around the edge.



I know you said you're just being practical about it, but this sounds like it would make such a pretty table!

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This is such an interesting thread! Not all of my stuff matches. But a lot of it does, because it was purchased as a set. Honestly, it would never have occurred to me that silverware wouldn't match- because you have to buy it all together. BUT I'm not too anal about it- I have 2 sets of dishes- they don't match each other at all, but they're both gorgeous. Since I couldn't decide which to use, I have half of each set in the cupboard! The rest are packed away in the basement....I don't have enough room for all of them. One time someone on here mentioned rotating dish sets.....and I have to admit- I thought that was GENIUS! I had never considered using one set for awhile and then switching them out. We're going to be moving in the not-too-distant future and that's what I'll do when we move.


Generally, by sheets, bedspread, curtains all match- the kids' do too- again purchased as a set. But my mil gave us this huge, really soft, really warm, really, really wonderful- ugly as sin blanket. It has a huge tiger face on it. But we use it anyway (in the winter) because it is so incredibly soft and warm.


We have old towels (that match each other) and new towels (that match each other)....the old towels only get pulled out if the others are all dirty (which happens more often than it should!)


After visiting someone else's house, there is no way I would be able to tell you if their stuff matched or not. It doesn't register on my radar at all. Although I would be able to tell you if their dishes were pretty or not!

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Well, all my towels are white because colors fade and white is easy to bleach when they get that mildewy smell they sometimes get. I only have one set of dishes (white) and one set of silverware. So, I guess things sort of match by default rather than by design. :)

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Well, my towels match each other but not necessarily the bathroom they are assigned to. One bathroom has the blue towels, one the red and one the tan. That's just out of convenience. I didn't want to walk around with clean towels checking who needed more. I'd love every towel and sheet and blanket to match every room but I just don't see me doing that.


I do like my dishes, glasses and silverware to all be the same sets. Mish-mashed silverware or glasses at a dinner in my house really bugs me. Everything being and staying clean is what matters most to me. I would absolutely love it to all be perfectly decorated and coordinated but I don't see that happening any time soon.

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After visiting someone else's house' date=' there is no way I would be able to tell you if their stuff matched or not. It doesn't register on my radar at all. Although I would be able to tell you if their dishes were pretty or not![/quote']


I was thinking the same thing. And I suspect I would be more likely to notice they were pretty if there was something creative about how they were put together, rather than if they are just a nice set.

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Bathroom towels are whilte with a color stripe for each family member. Sheets are white, too. Dish close are white. They all need to be able to be bleached in hot water. Comforters are whatever color that was on sale. The girls' are purple, on clearance at wm. Mine is a duvet that is a tan color, on clearance at amazon.


Hand towels in the bathroom are assorted colors, since we got them as a gift from our foreign exchange student. I love them, and since our bathroom doesn't have a color scheme, it fits nicely. Other than the Nebraska huskers shower curtain, that is the only thing that has colors. That, and the assorted stripe on the bath towels ;)


Kitchen is where it starts to get picky! Dh got his kitchen when we bought is house. Stainless steel appliances with black. So, the towels in the kitchen are black/white stripe or black/white plaid. My stand mixer is white, so he bought a black cover for it lol! Dishes are white that we bought for $20 at sears. Glasses are from walmart, but they keep breaking, so we also have the free coca cola glasses from steak n shake!


Since the kids decided to not take care of their dishes, we bought them a cheap set, in their own colors. They have one bowl, cup and plate. They have to wash it every time they eat. But, that is another topic altogether ;)


The only other room that has matching stuff is dh's theater room. The walks and ceiling are painted black, there is a black rug in there and he covered the tv stand in black. There is a black sheet on the recliner, and if we can afford it, someday there will be black furniture covers on the rest of the furniture.


Basically, I'm saying that dh is the only one who gives a care, and that we would do more with the matching if we could afford it!

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Oh yeah, I just wanted to add that my great deal on dishes ended up being a winter theme. I didn't notice for almost a year after I bought them, that there is a pattern of snowflakes on them. It is not noticeable, and it doesn't even really look like a snowflake!

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