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The word "primer"

How do you pronounce the word "Primer"?  

  1. 1. How do you pronounce the word "Primer"?

    • short /i/ sound
    • long /i/ sound
    • not sure

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I forgot to ask if you would mind explaining why you voted the way you did. I always thought it was a long /i/ because the way I understand the phonics rule it would need to have 2 Ms in order for it to be a short /i/. If you voted short /i/ would you mind explaining why it's short and not long? I'm wondering if there's some phonics rule that I'm missing. Thanks!

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Since I started homeschooling I have only heard it pronounced with a short i. I rebel against that, though. It only makes sense to use a long i. First of all, it comes from the Latin word prīmārium (long i). Secondly, it basically has the same basic meaning as paint primer, as in--what comes first, before you do what's next. So I prefer to say it with the long i.

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I'm American, and I learned to pronounce the word as a child from American teachers. Therefore, I say it with a short i, even though I have considered it an exception to the rules of phonics ever since I learned it. I have such respect for the people who taught me to pronounce it that I have always cringed when I heard it pronounced with a long i--- as one would to hear someone pronounce vineyard with a long i. It felt as if the person I was hearing had read the word without experiencing its meaning or having it introduced by a professional.

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According to Webster, primer with a short i is a small prayer or text- book, while primer with a long i is a material used for priming.


This is how I've always used the word. Two different pronunciations mean two different things.


ETA: My OED says the same thing: short i for textbook; long i for stuff you use to prepare items for painting.

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This is how I've always used the word. Two different pronunciations mean two different things.


ETA: My OED says the same thing: short i for textbook; long i for stuff you use to prepare items for painting.


Yes, this exactly.


Disclaimer # 1: I did not grow up in the U.S., so possibly pronounce a lot of words in my own special way.


Disclaimer # 2: Even if I pronounced it prymer instead of primmer, I would immediately begin pronouncing it primmer now, because I have never dared argue with the OED.

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According to Webster, primer with a short i is a small prayer or text- book, while primer with a long i is a material used for priming.


Short i if used as a reader. Long i if used as a base coat of paint.:D

:iagree: I read a primer during school, while my dh puts primer on the walls.



But then why is it not spelled: primmer? :confused:


Because it's English. :glare: My ds has decided we should all speak Latin, it's easier.

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I say it with a long i (American), but it's rare that I hear the word pronounced.


Once in the past year I heard it pronounced with a short i on TV and it took me several minutes to get my head around that. I assumed the guy was wrong :tongue_smilie:

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I say primer with a short "i" in regards to books/text. I say the long "i" when talking about paint? That is really weird when I think about it.



It is kind of weird, but not any weirder than when we say in'valid for an incapacitated person or inval'id for not valid; read with a long e for present tense and read with a short e for past tense; etc.

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