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I've been awake since 0220, with contractions every 4 minutes. DH went to bed about the time I woke up, so I'm letting him sleep. I called the midwife and gave her a heads up at about 3, and my mom about 4. DD woke up half an hour ago, at 0430, and so I'm lying down with her to get her to go back to sleep. I'm recording my contractions on the computer. Anyone who wants to play virtual doula awhile is welcome to keep me company.:D

Edited by Ravin
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I remember being in early labor all day long with my small girl. It started about 9am and we finally arrived at the hospital about 7pm-ish. I was 5 cm dialated by then! My dh, who was working overnight then, was sleeping all day so my big girl and I hung out with my mom!

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DD woke up at 4:30, so she watched the end of "Pregnant in America" with me and then we went back to bed at 5. I got 3 more hours' sleep, though I woke a couple of times during it. Time to start timing contractions again...and to find something else on Netflix to watch.

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DD woke up at 4:30, so she watched the end of "Pregnant in America" with me and then we went back to bed at 5. I got 3 more hours' sleep, though I woke a couple of times during it. Time to start timing contractions again...and to find something else on Netflix to watch.


Are you having this baby at home? I'm glad that you're getting some rest.

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He's not here yet. Left the 'puter to go take a shower and then a walk around the block. The shower felt good. The walk was bracing and unpleasant. Now I'm back to just chilling for a while, tracking contractions and kicks. And shortly I'll be looking for something else to watch on Netflix, and probably something to eat.


I don't expect this to be a short labor.

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He's not here yet. Left the 'puter to go take a shower and then a walk around the block. The shower felt good. The walk was bracing and unpleasant. Now I'm back to just chilling for a while, tracking contractions and kicks. And shortly I'll be looking for something else to watch on Netflix, and probably something to eat.


I don't expect this to be a short labor.


:grouphug: Lots of babies (including some of mine) don't like to come out until it's dark outside. :tongue_smilie:

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He's not here yet. Left the 'puter to go take a shower and then a walk around the block. The shower felt good. The walk was bracing and unpleasant. Now I'm back to just chilling for a while, tracking contractions and kicks. And shortly I'll be looking for something else to watch on Netflix, and probably something to eat.


I don't expect this to be a short labor.

I'm thinking of you. I hope your little one is in your arms very soon!

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I think the popcorn is appropriate--earlier when I went to get some lunch, I almost made some. I might here soon. I fell asleep about 3/4 of the way through Freakonomics and slept for about an hour on the couch, then moved to the bed to try and sleep more comfortably and slept maybe 20 more minutes (I kept asking DH what time it was and he didn't laugh at me, but I could tell he maybe wanted to because I only lasting 5-10 minutes of catnapping at a time).


I grabbed another quick rinse in the shower, and now I'm back on the couch, timing contractions, drinking water, and looking for something to watch on Netflix...I may go back in and re-watch the end of Freakonomics, though, because it was really interesting.

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Update: The contractions have gotten stronger (yay!). My midwife is on her way over to check on me; once she assesses how things are progressing we'll figure out whether she'll need to stay yet or not. We had dinner (DH made a casserole) and got DD tucked into bed. I took another short walk before dinner to fetch her when she didn't come home when she was supposed to from her friend's up the block. That was less unpleasant, and it was afterward that the contractions got stronger, so I may do it again in a bit.

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Well, I'm about 2 cm dialated, and the baby's turned a little bit (not all the way posterior, but somewhat that way). His heart rate is good, so is my blood pressure. The midwife prescribed some homeopathics and suggested some positions and exercises to encourage him to turn around and engage better. So I'm watching Bill Ingvall doing stand-up and doing spurts of hands-and-knees and lunges. I'll probably take another nap here soon.

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Well, I'm about 2 cm dialated, and the baby's turned a little bit (not all the way posterior, but somewhat that way). His heart rate is good, so is my blood pressure. The midwife prescribed some homeopathics and suggested some positions and exercises to encourage him to turn around and engage better. So I'm watching Bill Ingvall doing stand-up and doing spurts of hands-and-knees and lunges. I'll probably take another nap here soon.


Turn, baby, turn! :)

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