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D*** you autocorrect! I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying...

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I thought it was funny when the ipad auto corrected my son's favorite forum and called it "Nerd Haven" Then he explained that members can be banned for incorrect spelling, capitalization and punctuation.


I told him that it really was Nerd Haven.

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:lol: Oh, I shouldn't have had a big gulp of coffee right when I started reading. I almost choked. Thanks for posting that site.


Back in the old days (before texting), when I was working & had to type memos & such using Word, Word would always correct my boss' name, Marbo, to be 'marbles'. It made me laugh every time. (I was always sure to correct it before sending or printing it, though. At least... I think I was. :001_huh::lol:)

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I had to quit looking because I was gasping for breath!


I once knew a professor who was frequently called Dr. Doom by his students. After several months of trying to figure out how this name fit him, I finally asked him. I turned out that one of his lazy students let Microsoft Word auto correct the spelling in a paper that he handed in. Thus, Dr. Odom became Dr. Doom! He found it so amusing that he decided to keep his new name.

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Truly one of the funniest things I've ever seen. DH and I were in tears, and he even had to just sit on the floor a minute, he was laughing too hard to stand!


Shared it on Facebook, too. Thanks so much for posting this. I really needed that kind of aerobic laughter tonight!

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