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Today was our last day of homeschooling.....

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after 7.5 years. My kids have gone from little kids to almost adults.

Not that we have been doing much the last couple of weeks. Dd16 finished her online course. The books I wanted them both to finish are ...well, mostly finished. Bits and pieces we were finishing up are done. And we havent really been doing much school for a few weeks.....but today was the last official day. (end of school year here- summer holidays).

I was thinking to take them somewhere special to mark our last day- a movie, lunch... But my rather extremely socialised teens are too busy with their friends...they would be doing it just for me and I don't want to do that. Instead I am thinking of making a scrap book of our homeschooling years. I think I am getting sentimental.

Partly its because...now what am I? I have been "a homeschooling mum" for all these years. It's such a strong identity. WHen people ask "what do you do?" I have had an answer...an interesting answer that provokes interesting conversation.

I am enjoying the freedom and time to myself already since my kids are out so much.

But the next passion hasnt come yet...I am very lucky...many things I could do...but I dont know what, yet. So, I am taking holidays and ...probably decluttering the house and going to the beach regularly and seeing my friends a bit more. My kids are growing up. But they still need feeding and hugs and ...boundaries!

I will hang around here though.

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:grouphug: What a wonderful accomplishment your family has done!


I felt my heart strings tugging as I read your post...because I know this day will come for me and I'm sure for a little while I'll enjoy the "freedom" but I will long for something to keep me busy when we'd usually start schooling. I have many many years to go before I'm there but I wanted you to know I read your post and my heart ached for you.....a bitter-sweet ache though :)

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I have nothing to say. I just wanted you to know I read your post.







Peela, glad you are going to hang around and offer wisdom to those of us still plugging away. I'll be at that point in about 2 1/2 yrs, so I'll be following your "after" adventures closely! :D

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Just wanted to give you a hug.:grouphug: How about writing a book about your adventure? You could complie all your WTM posts - that would be an interesting way to convey all you've learned along the way - kind of like an epistolary novel, only instead of letters it could be exchanges on an internet message board. So many people would benefit from your insights, Peela.

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Congratulations! One thing I found when my older two graduated was that I had more time to focus on our friendship/relationship without having to be the teacher (did you finish your assignment, why aren't you reading your book, do you really think you should be on the computer when your math isn't finished....) In a way, it was a relief to let that go, and a pleasure to just be a mom and friend. Anyway, you've done a great job, and now you get to start on the next season of your life.

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Aw, Peela, every time I've seen your sig line in the past couple of months, I've wondered when the exact day would come! Of course it feels bittersweet. But all shall be well...


So, you are now free to go on Jeopardy. After all those years providing an excellent education, you'd be a real contender!


I truly look forward to hearing what's next for you. But do enjoy your summer as a Recovering Home School Mum.


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Wow! Exciting!! And I'm a little jealous that you're visiting the beach... and we're getting rained on... and tornados in the area for the first time I can remember!!

Enjoy the season... let us know what other activities and passions we'll be having the opportunity to partake in... once our children are in their new stages of life!!


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Congratulations! I've spent a lot of time in the year and a half since my son graduated catching up on all the stuff I'd put aside because homeschooling kept us so busy. I'm enjoying the freedom to have coffee with friends more often, too, but can sympathize about the change in identity. --Martha

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Just wanted to give you a hug.:grouphug: How about writing a book about your adventure? You could complie all your WTM posts - that would be an interesting way to convey all you've learned along the way - kind of like an epistolary novel, only instead of letters it could be exchanges on an internet message board. So many people would benefit from your insights, Peela.



Congratulations and :grouphug: to you, Peela. I'm so glad you'll be sticking around, I love the unique perspective and wisdom you bring to the boards.



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But the next passion hasnt come yet...I am very lucky...many things I could do...but I dont know what, yet. So, I am taking holidays and ...probably decluttering the house and going to the beach regularly and seeing my friends a bit more.


I am sure you will figure something out - you seem to have your hand in many pots. And I'm glad you will be sticking around here, cuz I always like to read your perspectives.

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Got a question though, how did you manage to get both of them to graduate the same year? I know it can be done, but how did the kids react when they realised the youngest would graduate with the oldest?



The youngest isn't graduating, he's off to school. I'm not sure if eldest is 18 yet, but she'll be full time at TAFE (like your CC.)



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Wow everyone...thanks so much for your well wishing! 4 pages of it when I got up this morning. I have been talking with dh about what's next. I was talking about how I would love to do something in service...to give ....and he berated me saying I have been giving and giving and giving for years now- to the kids, to him, to his work...I have been in service...give myself a break! :) He loves me.



Got a question though, how did you manage to get both of them to graduate the same year? I know it can be done, but how did the kids react when they realised the youngest would graduate with the oldest?


As Rosie says....they are not really graduating from their education, just from me.

My oldest is going into a full time TAFE Diploma course in Mass Communications (journalism, film, photography)- I am not sure what the equivalent is in the U.S.- community college? TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education. This course leads into 2nd year university though, presuming she does ok. It's very hands on and practical (and expensive!). It's her equivalent of year 12, so yes, in a way she is graduating "school" early and going to the next level.


Ds15...he is off to school- year 10, though he could technically be year 11 here, we held him back and still think that's a good idea. It is time to be taught by someone other than mum- he fights me too much and after several big incidents in the last few months where I was left a blubbering mess, I realised...he needs school. Stimulation, specialised teachers, other kids to bounce off....he has got into a top public school with a very high academic standard- equivalent to the top private schools here...he also needs to see how he will do in school because he left in grade 2 feeling like a failure and that sense of failing school has never really left him. Fingers crossed, he has a good enough foundation to alow him to thrive.

And...I need him to realise that I am not such a monster having him do 4-5 hours of schoolwork a day at his age! School is much worse (particularly this school)- and he will have homework too....so there is a little bit of revenge in there too- I can't help it!

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after 7.5 years. My kids have gone from little kids to almost adults.

Not that we have been doing much the last couple of weeks. Dd16 finished her online course. The books I wanted them both to finish are ...well, mostly finished. Bits and pieces we were finishing up are done. And we havent really been doing much school for a few weeks.....but today was the last official day. (end of school year here- summer holidays).

I was thinking to take them somewhere special to mark our last day- a movie, lunch... But my rather extremely socialised teens are too busy with their friends...they would be doing it just for me and I don't want to do that. Instead I am thinking of making a scrap book of our homeschooling years. I think I am getting sentimental.

Partly its because...now what am I? I have been "a homeschooling mum" for all these years. It's such a strong identity. WHen people ask "what do you do?" I have had an answer...an interesting answer that provokes interesting conversation.

I am enjoying the freedom and time to myself already since my kids are out so much.

But the next passion hasnt come yet...I am very lucky...many things I could do...but I dont know what, yet. So, I am taking holidays and ...probably decluttering the house and going to the beach regularly and seeing my friends a bit more. My kids are growing up. But they still need feeding and hugs and ...boundaries!

I will hang around here though.


Congratulations!!! :001_smile:

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after 7.5 years. My kids have gone from little kids to almost adults.

Not that we have been doing much the last couple of weeks. Dd16 finished her online course. The books I wanted them both to finish are ...well, mostly finished. Bits and pieces we were finishing up are done. And we havent really been doing much school for a few weeks.....but today was the last official day. (end of school year here- summer holidays).

I was thinking to take them somewhere special to mark our last day- a movie, lunch... But my rather extremely socialised teens are too busy with their friends...they would be doing it just for me and I don't want to do that. Instead I am thinking of making a scrap book of our homeschooling years. I think I am getting sentimental.

Partly its because...now what am I? I have been "a homeschooling mum" for all these years. It's such a strong identity. WHen people ask "what do you do?" I have had an answer...an interesting answer that provokes interesting conversation.

I am enjoying the freedom and time to myself already since my kids are out so much.

But the next passion hasnt come yet...I am very lucky...many things I could do...but I dont know what, yet. So, I am taking holidays and ...probably decluttering the house and going to the beach regularly and seeing my friends a bit more. My kids are growing up. But they still need feeding and hugs and ...boundaries!

I will hang around here though.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I have had many things run through my mind to say but they all seem inadequate. Just lots of hugs.

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Peela, over the years I've watched your posts because our sons are the same age and we are of similar age (or at least going through the menopausal stage at the same time). I've noticed that you seem to have a myriad of interests and I wish you much joy in having the time to explore those interests.


I can thoroughly relate with not knowing what I want to do next, and I've already got a paid job, though I'd like something different. I certainly don't feel CALLED to do anything else as I felt called to homeschool. I can thoroughly relate to wanting to turn ds's education over to someone else. I am extricating myself more and more.


I wish you the best in your new endeavors.

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