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How do you eat leftover pie?

How do you eat leftover pie?  

  1. 1. How do you eat leftover pie?

    • Eat it for breakfast
    • Save it for everyone to eat later in the day
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After a minor disagreement with dh this morning, I wondered how other families eat their leftover pie. Is it great for breakfast? Do you save it for dessert again the next day? Is it fair game to just get yourself a piece whenever you feel like it, or do you wait and ask everyone if they would like a piece, too? I need to step back from what I think is right and get a little piece of pie perspective.

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After a minor disagreement with dh this morning, I wondered how other families eat their leftover pie. Is it great for breakfast? Do you save it for dessert again the next day? Is it fair game to just get yourself a piece whenever you feel like it, or do you wait and ask everyone if they would like a piece, too? I need to step back from what I think is right and get a little piece of pie perspective.


Leftover pie is fair game. Who could resist it?


And I LOVE pie for breakfast. :001_smile:

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My parents went on the health kick and did "Pumpkin Pie" with no crust. Unfortunately for me, pumpkin is my least favorite, and the pie crust is the only part I like. On the other hand, it's one of the things that even with my mom's fresh whole wheat... I just like White Pie crust....(not with whole wheat) so perhaps it wasn't more disappointing than just the whole... no pie thing. Oh well, perhaps I should bake my own pie! :)

Leftover pie sounds very good... for breakfast!! ;)

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After a minor disagreement with dh this morning, I wondered how other families eat their leftover pie. Is it great for breakfast? Do you save it for dessert again the next day? Is it fair game to just get yourself a piece whenever you feel like it, or do you wait and ask everyone if they would like a piece, too? I need to step back from what I think is right and get a little piece of pie perspective.

Well, dh and I make it for each other and the kids.............. actually I'm usually the one that everyone asks for pie (more so I'll serve it to them than anything else).


However, I say that except for the last piece (which etiquette would say to leave for someone else into perpetuity) knock yourself out and eat it whenever/however you want, as long as you clean up the mess.

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We split it 4 ways and eat it when we want it. Breakfast, sure. Snack later on, sure.


But the point is that it is split 4 ways! You can only eat your piece. Usually it works out perfect since a pie has 8 slices. Four for the main event. 4 for the next day.


The sugar content in pie isn't any worse than a donut or cinnamon roll so I figure pie once or twice a year for breakfast won't kill them.

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Depends what kind. Apple and pumpkin / sweet potato are good for breakfast, but I don't want lemon meringue too early in the morning. Then again, I made lemon pie without the meringue a few years ago and vastly preferred it. I also am not so into fresh fruit (single crust) pies for breakfast. :) But I do like to have them later in the day too.

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I am loving reading these responses. You all are definitely helping me to lighted up today. I LOVE having pie for breakfast. One of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving! It created a little bit of tension this morning when the kids and I were happily eating pumpkin pie and dh was thinking of saving it for dessert later in the day. We were raised a little bit differently. Pie is fair game all day long in my mind! I relate to the poster who mentioned evening up the edges until it is gone! :lol:

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If there is more than plenty leftover pie, IMO it's open season. If there is only enough for dessert again, save it. If there is a little more than would make a dessert for the family, but still not a lot, I would set some aside for the young kids to make sure they get some to enjoy, and the rest is up for grabs by those who are capable of getting their own.


That said, growing up, I had one extremely inconsiderate member of my family of origin who would take half a pie to his room all for himself and not ever think about leaving any for others. If I saw one of my kids going this way, there would be some very decisive and firm lessons in pie sharing etiquette. But I don't think it's inconsiderate at all for someone to take a moderate amount of pie whenever they want when there is plenty left over.

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After a minor disagreement with dh this morning, I wondered how other families eat their leftover pie. Is it great for breakfast? Do you save it for dessert again the next day? Is it fair game to just get yourself a piece whenever you feel like it, or do you wait and ask everyone if they would like a piece, too? I need to step back from what I think is right and get a little piece of pie perspective.


Any or all of the above. :lol:

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My kids might come up with the idea, but pie is dessert. We only eat it after a meal.


Why do I suddenly feel guilty and rigid for this stance.:confused:


That would be me, too.


We have a rule that you have to eat it after a meal...but that meal can be breakfast as long as you eat something with protein first. For example, a slice of ham or turkey followed by pie. It's much healthier that way. :tongue_smilie:


This I would be more inclined to do.


I've never heard of pie for breakfast. To me, it's dessert and the same way I wouldn't let my kids eat donuts for dessert-neither would I let them eat pie.


To each their own, though.

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Pie for brekky is a staple for me, from the time I was a tiny girl. I always make tons of pies at a time so there is enough for brekky, and for at least one other family dessert together. We have a huge quiche pan someone gave me years ago, so I use that, and up to 3 other regular pie pans. I made 3 pies on wed, and we are down to one, as we did just have pie for brekky.


The way I make pie, it is pretty healthy, and another way for me to get yellow veggies into my son, so I let them eat as much of it as they want, whenever they want. We make squash/punkin/sweet tater pies all fall and winter long, and yes, I server them for brekky all the time.

Edited by Needleroozer
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That said, growing up, I had one extremely inconsiderate member of my family of origin who would take half a pie to his room all for himself and not ever think about leaving any for others. If I saw one of my kids going this way, there would be some very decisive and firm lessons in pie sharing etiquette.

Oh my. This isn't what I mean at all. I am all for helping oneself whenever, but I do have an unspoken rule that one would also be thinking of others. So grabbing a large portion of pie (or anything for that matter!) would not be okay with me. Neither would be taking the last piece without offering it to everyone else first.


oh, and if Almanzo Wilder can have apple pie for breakfast, well, it's good enough for me! lol
I loved reading this!!!
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It created a little bit of tension this morning when the kids and I were happily eating pumpkin pie and dh was thinking of saving it for dessert later in the day. :lol:


So what's his problem? He should just save his piece and eat it for dessert later in the day. :D

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But the point is that it is split 4 ways! You can only eat your piece. Usually it works out perfect since a pie has 8 slices. Four for the main event. 4 for the next day.




No offense meant, but I'm glad I don't have to eat your pies, because our pies only serve 6 and occasionally only 5 :lol:.


As far as leftovers go, they are fair game for anyone over 18. Anyone under 18 has to wait until after a lunch or supper meal, ask permission, and be served it by an adult. This rule works well since there is never enough leftovers for each kid to have a second piece (I have 5 kids and then my sister has another 3 kids) so by follow the stated rules, there is never any pie left for the kids and we don't have any arguments about so and so got a second piece and I didn't. And the adults are all very happy.

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After a minor disagreement with dh this morning, I wondered how other families eat their leftover pie. Is it great for breakfast? Do you save it for dessert again the next day? Is it fair game to just get yourself a piece whenever you feel like it,


Yes. :D


or do you wait and ask everyone if they would like a piece, too?


No. :tongue_smilie:


Pie manners are for the other 11 months of the year. :lol:

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