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S/O of Kids Cooking Thread- What Common Dish Have You Never Cooked?

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Someone in the other thread mentioned not teaching her kids to make fried chicken. That got me thinking that in all the years I've been cooking, I've never once made true fried chicken. I do occasionally make oven-baked "fried" chicken (these days using whole wheat bread crumbs). But never the real thing.


So what common dish have you never cooked? :D

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Meatloaf. Ugh. Bad childhood memories :ack2:


I've done fried chicken although I didn't grow up with it- there was a great recipe in my favorite cookbook so I gave it a whirl...I've made it a few times in the past year or two but we don't eat the greasy fried food at home too often- we get it enough eating out :tongue_smilie:

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I don't fry anything, but I make the equivalent in baked. Baked fish, chicken, fries, etc.


I've never made homemade hamburgers (you know where you shape the meat). Blech. No way am I touching ground beef like that.


I've never cooked a steak.

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I don't fry anything, but I make the equivalent in baked. Baked fish, chicken, fries, etc.


I've never cooked a steak.


I've never deep fried anything or cooked a steak in any fashion. Or ribs (are those common?).


I've made a hamburger patty in my life, but not in recent memory. I think it must've been when I was still living at my parents' house (so decades ago).

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Ah! That's one I haven't made myself: Spaghetti sauce. I've made most of the basics and then some, even though my family isn't super adventurous. lol


However, all the talk about cooking as a skill that is being passed down less often has me thinking about things that my *mom* made a lot when we were kids and the only one I haven't done yet is crepes. We ate them a lot because they were cheap and easy. I used to love them with cottage cheese and cinnamon & sugar sprinkled on top. Most of my kids don't like cottage cheese and I'm not sure what other fillings to put in. Hmmm... (We used to eat crepes with grape jelly inside for lunch! LOL!!)

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Meatloaf. Ugh. Bad childhood memories :ack2:


I've done fried chicken although I didn't grow up with it- there was a great recipe in my favorite cookbook so I gave it a whirl...I've made it a few times in the past year or two but we don't eat the greasy fried food at home too often- we get it enough eating out :tongue_smilie:


This one is mine also. No bad memories, just can't stand the stuff.

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I read the thread title and couldn't think of ANYTHING common I hadn't cooked at least once. Then I read the whole post...and I've never made fried chicken either. :tongue_smilie:


HOWEVER, around here fried chicken is NOT a common food for people to make at home. I've never even had homemade fried chicken. Is it really so common? Everybody I know heads to KFC or Popeye's if they want fried chicken. :lol:

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I have never cooked a whole, T-day style turkey.


I have cooked everything else mentioned in the thread so far-fried chicken, crepes, meatloaf, fried okra, steak, seafood (mussels, fish, shrimp, linguine in clam sauce, crab cakes, just to name a few), etc. I make grits and spaghetti sauce ALL the time...err...not together or anything. ;)


A delicious filling for crepes? Nutella.

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I've never made donuts or fried okra either but I guess I don't really consider those common dishes (at least not where I grew up in New England nor where I live now in California). Grits I've made from a box but not from scratch (I'm assuming they can be made from scratch- if not, than that just shows what a Yankee I am, LOL! ;))


But I certainly have been to plenty of summer picnics/parties where I've been served homemade fried chicken so that's why I was thinking it was a fairly common dish for folks to make.


My mom never fried anything when I was growing up except for eggs, bacon, and hash browns. She'd make oven-baked chicken, fish sticks, and french fries. So I guess that was how I got used to making those dishes.

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I thought of something. I don't know how to make coffee in a percolator or a coffee maker. My parents drink instant. That is fairly simple. So I never had to learn growing up. Then as an adult I never drank the stuff so I never had to learn how to use a coffee maker. I can use dh's single-cup coffee maker with the K-cup thingies.

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Friend Chicken is not common in this area.


I've never made Chicken & Dumplings or Chicken Fried Steak, much to my dh's consternation, but I shall soon!


I think these have regional popularity. I've seen them on restaurant menus, but have never known anyone to serve them at home.


I have never made made many common dishes because (1) I am vegetarian and (2) I did not grow up in the midwest. I do not get the appeal of green bean casserole. Canned beans, canned soup, and canned onions? I prefer steamed green beans, no seasonings necessary.


I do know how make many of the popular dishes from the region in which I was raised. Including meatloaf, mac and cheese, halupkis, perogies, and wet -bottomed molasses pie.

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No fried chicken here either! I've also never cooked a steak, made Mac n cheese, made french toast, or made a sauce of any kind!


I don't make anything fried really. Well, with the exception of an occasional batch of fried pickles in our Fry Daddy:). Yummmmm....

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I can't think of anything common I haven't made, unless my definition of fried chicken is different from others. Once in a while, I do fry up some boneless, skinless chicken breasts on the stove, coated in breadcrumbs. Not exactly crunchy, deep fried legs and wings, but chicken that's been fried, none the less!


On the less common front, I've never cooked any meat other than the standard beef, chicken, or fish/seafood. No venison, lamb, or other animal that my psyche can't get passed.

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I have never cooked meatloaf, shellfish, or green bean casserole. I am allergic to shellfish. My husband and kids think all of it looks gross. I am with the previous poster who said they have never tried green bean casserole. Green beans are yucky enough on their own. Why add canned stuff to them???:ack2: Having said that, I am surprised by the number of people who do not fry chicken. Yes, it's messy, but I love to fry chicken because A.) I like fried chicken and home cooked is better than restaurants. B.) my family treats me like a queen for "working so hard in the kitchen".

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I have never made true fried chicken. I don't like to deep fry things. The grease just hangs in the air for days and fried chicken splatters all over the stove. I do make oven fried chicken.


I have never made sloppy joes. Although I may be showing my age here. I don't know if that is still a common meal.

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I've never made hamburger helper or green bean casserole or fried chicken. Or pork chops or steak or fish sticks. Or canned veggies or spaghettios or certain shellfish (allergic).


I love to cook, but HATE to bake, so I try to avoid it. Baking is usually a disaster. I think because I have to be exact in my measurements and I am much more of a loosey goosey girl! ;)

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Many fried things - chicken, fries, squash, okra, donuts, etc. I hate frying anything - too messy and I'm afraid I'll start a grease fire. :tongue_smilie:


Turkey in any shape or form. Dh has always done that, when we ate meat. 3rd ds has decided to make one for Thanksgiving this year (dh is in Wales for the week, working). Ds says he just never knows when he might need to know how to cook a turkey. :001_huh: Oh, and I've never, ever tasted a turkey that wasn't dry and tough. Dh's included. I suspect the wild critters out back will be feasting this weekend ...


Ham in any shape or form. Never really cared for it.


At the age of 42 I've only recently started frying! I *did* start a grease fire when I was home alone sick from school at the age of 11. I was craving my dad's fried potatoes so I tried to make them myself. When the pan caught fire, I called the fire department...not because I thought I needed a fire engine, but because I knew I wasn't supposed to put water on the fire and wanted to know what to use instead.


Needless to say, when they figured out I was a child at home alone they ordered me out of the house and sent two engines. Of course the fire had burnt itself out by the time they arrived. It was all really mortifying. Fortunately the only damage was some smoke damage to the ceiling, which my dad cleaned and repainted that weekend.


Besides that experience, I only have one working eye (I'm blind in my left eye due to a football injury when I was 5), and I've always been afraid I'd end up with grease spattering and blinding my one good eye.


But then, a couple of months ago I got my Cook's Illustrated in the mail and they had a recipe for the perfect fried chicken. I had to try it (and it was really freaking good). So now I fry.

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I've made fried chicken a couple of times, but it wasn't really good, so I haven't done it again. I've never made fish, though. Dh doesn't like it, and I'm very intimidated by it, so I've never tried to cook it. And I had never made poached eggs until a couple of years ago. Neither dh nor I like them, so I never made them. Ds asked me to make them, so I had to learn, and now all the kids really like them.

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Someone in the other thread mentioned not teaching her kids to make fried chicken. That got me thinking that in all the years I've been cooking, I've never once made true fried chicken. I do occasionally make oven-baked "fried" chicken (these days using whole wheat bread crumbs). But never the real thing.


So what common dish have you never cooked? :D


I too have never fried chicken. I've also not yet made a lasagna or a souffle and I was stunned one day to realize that I've never served my kids fish sticks. I don't think they have ever had them. Not because I'm anti fish stick or anything, just never thought to buy or serve them.

My oldest dd (15) has made home fried chicken, she's quite the cook and wanted to try it, so she just asked grandma how to do it, and did it! It was pretty good too. :)

Edited by JustGin
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Just about any meat dish and also hamburger helper.


My mom was a working mom, she could cook, but she was often too tired. Most of the time we had boxed stuff like hamburger helper, mac n cheese, or quick stuff like fish sticks, hot dogs, and ramen. When mom did cook (and she could cook very well!) we had all sorts of meat and veggies.


But I am now a vegetarian, and have been pretty much since college. I never cooked meat (other than helping with the boxed stuff as a child) for myself. I honestly do not know how to cook meat! I am a very good cook though. I can make all sorts of yummy, whole food, good for ya, vegetarian meals, and of course a ton of not so good for ya baked desserts. I love baking!

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I am with the previous poster who said they have never tried green bean casserole. Green beans are yucky enough on their own. Why add canned stuff to them???:ack2:


Green beans from a can are gross, as is canned cream of mushroom soup. However, try fresh steamed green beans and cream of mushroom soup made from scratch. Yum.



I've never made or eaten okra or grits...though those wouldn't be common foods around here. I haven't made mussels, oysters, crab, or lobster but those aren't all that common homemade either, nor do I like them.


I gave up on the time and mess of fried chicken. I now make popcorn chicken instead. Less oil, less mess, less time.

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