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We received the call.

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It is PARP Inhibitor!!!!!! Thank you Jesus! We are all so excited!


It took forever to get the news. After the call we started to say prayers in thanksgiving. Then we called my brother and now I am posting to the Hive!!!!!!

Thank you for all your prayers. You have lifted me and my family up. People keep commenting on how "good" I look and sound and seem.


It is only through my faith and all the prayers that I am not a basket case 24/7.


I start my chemo on Monday at 10:30 am ET. I'm not sure how long it will take each day but it will be once a week for 12 weeks followed by 4 treatments every other week.


Thank you hive!




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It is PARP Inhibitor!!!!!! Thank you Jesus! We are all so excited!


It took forever to get the news. After the call we started to say prayers in thanksgiving. Then we called my brother and now I am posting to the Hive!!!!!!

Thank you for all your prayers. You have lifted me and my family up. People keep commenting on how "good" I look and sound and seem.


It is only through my faith and all the prayers that I am not a basket case 24/7.


I start my chemo on Monday at 10:30 am ET. I'm not sure how long it will take each day but it will be once a week for 12 weeks followed by 4 treatments every other week.


Thank you hive!






I will keep praying for you and your family. Keep us updated on your progress. I am believing for a full recovery, peace in your heart and healing in your body.




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I'm so happy for you, Christine! :party:


I highly recommend a book called Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients, by an MD named Russell Blaylock. It's all about utilizing nutrition and supplements to boost your body's immune system and help minimize the side-effects of chemo. If you PM me your mailing address I will order a copy for you from Amazon and have it sent right out to you. I have had many family members go through cancer treatment. :grouphug:



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Praise God :)


Christine I will continue to lift you up in my prayers, thank you so much for the praise report :D



May I just say, we all the see scary things going on, the prayer requests in here are coming (it seems to me) fast and furious. The greatest part is seeing the glory to God that comes from it. It's so great to see prayer work.




Thank you for being a testimony to me.

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I have goosebumps reading all of these joyous responses.


My heart is so happy. I pray that this happy feeling will sustain me through the whole treatment and that I never feel discouraged.


I misspoke my chemo time. It will be 10:30 Central time not ET.


Thanks everyone. Sweet dreams!



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