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Question for those of you who text

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I don't. I find it silly. But one of my best friends uses text speak as if she were a 13yo. Totally cracks me up. I wonder if she sits waiting for my responses drumming her fingers impatiently because she knows I have to type all the words out as opposed to abbreviating everything. :p And yep, I even capitalize and use punctuation. And smilies. :)

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I never do. I text with my friends who don't, my sisters who do not, and my oldest son who does not. My dh has only been texting for about a year, and his texts are loooooong.


My 18 and 16 yr olds do use U and R. Otherwise, they write it out. My kids are fast typists and good spellers, so yk. ;)


I have found myself thinking about abbreviations, however. Texting is an amazing tool and I need to simplify.

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I can't. I just can't. It feels awful. I must type properly... :D Any mistakes are mistakes, not short-cuts.


I know people who don't use capitalization or punctuation in email, even. It drives me nuts. I am on other boards. There are people who consistently post in "text speak." I skip those posts. They are as annoying (to me) as reading horribly written posts by people who never took a language arts class... <ducking now>

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do you type in text speak when you text? I know teens/tweens do, and probably college students. I'm just wondering if most adults use text speak.


I don't text a lot -- maybe if I did, I'd feel differently. But other than basic accepted internet-ese (e.g. "lol") I can't bring myself to type "R U" anything instead of "are you." It makes me feel illiterate.

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I can't. I just can't. It feels awful. I must type properly... :D Any mistakes are mistakes, not short-cuts.


I know people who don't use capitalization or punctuation in email, even. It drives me nuts. I am on other boards. There are people who consistently post in "text speak." I skip those posts. They are as annoying (to me) as reading horribly written posts by people who never took a language arts class... <ducking now>




I can't stand to get a text from my niece and nephew because of the "textspeak". ugh


My few friends who text are all well-educated and none of them use textspeak, thank goodness. :)

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do you type in text speak when you text? I know teens/tweens do, and probably college students. I'm just wondering if most adults use text speak.


I do not. My kids don't either (a 10th grader & a college student), and as far as I know, their friends don't either. We find textspeak irritating. Middle school age kids seem to think it's cool though. And I know a few adults who do it, apparently because they think it's "cool" too.

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do you type in text speak when you text? I know teens/tweens do, and probably college students. I'm just wondering if most adults use text speak.


My eldest child says most of her homeschooled friends use proper grammar in their texts. I have used a semicolon in a text. :) I do use abbreviations, such as the common ones found on this board: omg, lol, etc.

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I do some, entirely because I have a cheap phone and have to use the number pad for texting.


When I had a phone with a full qwerty keypad, I used proper words and punctuation.


Sometimes I get lazy with punctuation when IM'ing, but not spelling.

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We all have qwerty keyboards for our phones, so I use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar with the exception of an occasional abbreviation (like v. for very). I told the teens that I wouldn't read anything sent from them written in text speech :D


Dd15 also doubles some letters like a pp mentioned which is a function of her very fast texting combined with not looking at the keyboard :eek:

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No, no, no, no, no. I cannot stand text speak! I capitalize, use punctuation, and spell out words. Occasionally I will use (common) abbreviations such as Mon. for Monday, but I do not consider that text speak.


And for some reason, teenagers have begun adding letterssss to theirrr wordss like thisss. It drivess meeee bonkers!

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I do not use text speak, and only (properly) abbreviate if it's absolutely necessary to fit in 180 characters.


I haven't even been able to break the habit of double spacing between sentences. :tongue_smilie:


I love texting with my aunt, but I can't stand seeing "R u gonna b ther" from a 50yo woman. YOU HAVE 180 CHARACTERS!!!! But she makes fun of me in return, for being so "proper".


I am related to a TEACHER who admits he has to work to switch his brain from internet speak to proper English when emailing parents. :001_huh:


ETA: My kids (the 12, 8 and 7yos) have gotten into IM'ing with family, and have been instructed to use real English. I only allow spelling issues to slide!

Edited by Carrie1234
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yes, i use text talk all of the time....some words i even make up myself, as i'm not savvy enough to know the correct "text" abbreviations. i have limited space before my phone cuts me off, and using abbreviations and incorrect spelling to shorten a word helps a great deal. plus it's just easy. i can say what i want too fast. i'm sure my husband & my handful of friends that i actually text though could care less. i suppose i'd use proper spelling & grammar if i were texting a new friend or someone i didn't know well. my texting social life is rather limited at 39, though, lol. i never use caps or proper grammar in forums either...i just type as i think & don't concern myself with it.

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I'm a teen, but I've never used text speak. I think I tried a few times but I really can't stand it. I use lol, but that's it.


I use proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. (I try my hardest for the grammar part anyways).


Then again, I don't text non-stop. Maybe 20-50 times a day, so I'm not to the point where I'm drowning in text messages and need to get rid of them faster by using text speak.


So, there are a rare few teens who don't use it ;)

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I don't use U or R but I don't see anything wrong with abbreviating anything that you say often.


For example: TTYL for talk to you later. What's the difference between that and stating I use OPGTR instead of always typing the words out?


excellent point ~ those of you who are saying that you hate the shorthand.. do you type out in full everything listed here? ;)



as for me ~ i use both...depends what i'm saying and who is getting the text.

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I don't use U or R but I don't see anything wrong with abbreviating anything that you say often.


For example: TTYL for talk to you later. What's the difference between that and stating I use OPGTR instead of always typing the words out?


:iagree: I also tend to shorten words like def for definitely, abt for about, that sort of thing..... but I am texting on a $10 phone with zero features, and it would save time to just call if I actually typed everything out and used proper capitalization and punctuation. I can't bring myself to use single letters or numbers in place of words, though.

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