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When you hear/see the name "Ephraim"

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Yes, I would automatically think religious and Bible.


However, I wouldn't automatically think that the parents were religiously conservative, given the resurgence in older names. (My preschooler has an Omri in his class, and other things I know about the family situation have me pretty convinced they are not religiously conservative.)

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The only Ephraim I know is from a bi-racial, strong Christian but not overly conservative homeschooling family. So, my first impulse would be to assume the family is religious to a certain extent (at least enough to motivate the name choice), but would make no further assumptions.


BTW, they pronounce it "E-frame", which I found a little odd, although I'm not sure how else to pronounce it.

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No. I also think of Everwood... and it was my great-great grandfather's name. He was from southern Georgia - I'm sure he was Christian, but not Amish, Mennonite or LDS. It's an old fashioned name, and there is a biblical association, but the idea that it's old-fashioned strikes me before the conservative Christian association. I have crossed paths with a couple little kids with this name (or, a variation) and I have a feeling that, like many old-fashioned names - it's going to shake its associations and become a little more popular. Just a feeling.

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do you automatically think "religious" or "Bible?" Would you assume a child with this name had a conservative religious family?


No, I think of a Jewish boy because there are lots of little Ephraim's running around in my old neighborhood. It is such a cute name!


So, maybe conservative or orthodox Jewish...yes, Christian... not so much.



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Ephraim and Manasseh were Joseph (of Egypt)'s two sons. They are two of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.


Yep, I would think the family is pretty religious, possibly Jewish, Amish, or LDS but not definitely. Don't think I've ever actually known a Mormon Ephraim, but I might have. (I'm LDS.)

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Oh, duh, of course! Thanks, Dangermom.

I need to review my bible memorization--dd was supposed to memorize the 12 tribes but I didn't get to it. :D

Oh, that's easy. Just listen to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat about a zillion times....Rueben was the eldest of the children of Israel, with Simeon and Levi the next in line...Naphtali and Issachar with Asher and Dan, Zebulun and Gad took the total to nine...Jacob! Jacob and Sons!...Benjamin and Judah, which leaves only one...Jacob! Jacob and Sons! Joseph, Jacob's favorite son... Then strike out Reuben and add in Joseph's sons. :D
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Nope, the thing I think first is to finish the name with Zimbalist, Jr.


Yes, unless they were an addict of '60's TV ("dun-duN-DUNNNNNNN...the ef-bee-eye").


(Well, not "assume", but be on my toes for.)


My first thought, too. My second thought is of Hispanic/Latino roots as the only Ephraim I've known was Hispanic.



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Nope, the thing I think first is to finish the name with Zimbalist, Jr.



Same here. The natural progression went something like this:


Ephraim=Zimbalist, Jr.=Stephanie Zimbalist=Remington Steele=Pierce Brosnan, oh, Pierce Brosnan :001_wub:=Mamma Mia="Wow, I could really go for hearing 'Dancing Queen' right about now." But that's just me :D.


I love the name Ephraim. I do think of it as a biblical name, but to me, it doesn't reflect on the beliefs of the parents/family. I'm sure this is because our son also has what is considered an old, biblical name and we are neither conservative, nor particularly religious.

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I love the name Ephraim, but I've never been able to get DH into it. I've never met a real life Ephraim, so I don't really have preconceptions. I have an Ari with a very Jewish last name who's not Jewish (his grandfather is; he's named after his great-grandfather...sort of), though, so I guess I'm less inclined to make assumptions about religion based on names than I might be otherwise.

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