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How old is your child and what was the last book he/she read?

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DD the Elder is 8 and most recently read Verdigris Deep (inexplicably released as Well Witched in the US... what a horrible title). It's kinda creepy, but she usually isn't bothered too much that way with books.

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Daughter (17) is reading The Historian, recently finished Bram Stoker's Dracula (see a pattern? :))


Son (14) is reading To Kill a Mockingbird, recently finished Tales of Edgar Allan Poe and The Outsiders.


I (50) am trying (desperately) to read Atlas Shrugged.

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Nik is 6 and spends hours every day reading Calvin and Hobbes comic collections.


I don't know what the last book he read on his own was. :blushing:(I think it was a Magic Treehouse book.) By the time he's over his Calvin & Hobbes obsession I think he'll have all five of the comic collection books memorized! :lol:


However, we read a lot to him. I think that counts at this young age, right? :D Our last read-aloud was The Tale of Despereax. We just started Little House in the Big Woods. Plus all of the living books we read as part of our "schoolwork." Daddy reads to them every night, as well; they recently finished the Peter and the Starcatchers series. Now they are on to the first few books in the Harry Potter series. They love to listen to adventures before bed!

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Ds 17: The Art of War


Dd 15: hmmm she reads constantly, usually 3 books at a time. In the past few days I've seen her with Pride and Prejudice, her complete works of Shakespeare, a vampire young adult book, and her alg 2 text for the fall!


Dd 10: currently one of the gigantic Cross-Sections books but last night she read the latest Warriors book (library request finally came in)


Dh: The Art of War


me: Write These Laws on Your Children: Inside the World of Conservative Christian Homeschooling by Robert Kunzman (it was on a "new" shelf in the library yesterday---very intestesting read for this to-be secular homeschooler)

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DD9 just started "The Name of this Book is Secret" but she's also mid-way through "Princess Academy". I also recently got 2 new book sets that were rec on threads here ... Young Folks Shelf of Books and My Book House, so she also has a couple of these in her room and is picking out stories here and there to read from them.


DS5 is not reading yet, so we do tons of read alouds from library picture books. He has 2 huge Star Wars books he's loving right now.


For "school" we are touring through some ancients this summer, just for fun, so I have been reading Roman Diary, Greek Diary, and Egyptian Diary aloud.

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My daughter (14) just completed Don Quixote (which, btw, I've been trying to finish for the last several years....:glare:).


My son (11) just read The Battle of the Labyrinth for the FOURTH time.


Little daughter (6) read Harry the Dirty Dog yesterday.

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Son, just turned 11 finished Mossflower by Brian Jacques yesterday. Then I found out he hadn't finished Eagle of the Ninth (Rosemary Sutcliff) from the last week of school. :glare: So that is next!


Son 7 - Childhood of Famous Americans, Buffalo Bill

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Interesting to see all the different books being read!!


DS5 just read a few Magic School Bus books and for a series he's reading Secrets of Droon - I can't keep track of which ones he's read lately


DD4 rereads her lvl 1/2 books constantly but her new read is Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink - she only had trouble with 3 words I was amazed!

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DD5- Something Roald Dahl...can't remember which one it was though... And a Magic Tree house book, and My Fathers Dragon and a fairy book of some kind. She has this weird thing going where she stacks 4-5 books next to her and she reads a chapter from each (in a specific rotation) until they are all done:lol:.


DS3, DS1 and I read Angus and the Ducks last.

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17 y.o. I have completely forgotten, and we were just talking about it. Something for school.


14 y.o. has autism and rarely reads for pleasure. She read The Fellowship of the Ring for her freshman English class.


9 y.o. is sitting on the couch reading a Hardy Boys book he checked out from the library. Or do you mean the last book he finished? Frindle.


7 y.o. is almost finished with his free summer reading book, a Magic Treehouse guide...Mummies and Pyramids, I think it's called.


5 y.o. read Yertle the Turtle last night.


I love book threads.



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15 Woods Runner (she likes to read younger books for fun, but she's also reading The Iliad for school & reads y/a novels. I only put this book down because you asked for the LAST book she'd read, and she found this when she had nothing else fun to read yesterday. She also sometimes sneaks books off my shelf such as Eats Shoots & Leaves.)


12 Football Hero (but she also reads some very literary books--she loves lit, and reads books like the one I named at the library as a "fluff" book.)


10 is reading Hatchet and the second book in the Ordinary Boy trilogy. He mainly reads nonfiction books about science & airplanes, though.

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Dd9 is reading through the Warriors series (there's a cat on the cover, is all I know... I haven't read them yet myself.) Dd7 is re-reading all the Ramona books. Their library stacks also include Star Wars books, American Girl series books and some Nancy Drew.

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ds17 - 1984 by Orwell (because he wanted to)

ds15 - Othello (because he had to) (current recreational reading: Caveman Chemistry; Chemistry texts; chemistry videos on YouTube, chemistry websites)

ds14 - Lord of the Rings vol. 3 (don't remember the name of that one)(because he wanted to)


We're all beginning Do Hard Things - because I'm making them!

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Ds aged 7 is reading Blastoff, a short chapter book about (of course) a kid who wants to be an astronaut.


Dd aged 5 is temporarily off books as we're working on OPGTR at the moment.


I'm reading The Map that Changed the World, a biography of William Smith. And dh is between books, having just finished the Harry Potter series.


And, this being a board full of very advanced kids, I probably have to point out that my 1yo isn't reading yet. :lol:

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My 9 year old son just finished How To Train Your Dragon and just started How To Be a Pirate.


My 7 1/2 year old daughter is attempting to read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.


My not quite 3 year old insists he is reading How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors, but really he's just identifying all the dinosaurs in the book. He gets angry if you tell him that though.

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