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Long-timers: How did you find the WTM board?

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Read the book in '99. I don't remember how I found the boards, but I know that I remember when SWB answered almost ALL of the posts:001_huh:

I began when ds was in 2nd grade and dd in 1st, and now one is a sr and the other a jr-where did the time go?:sad:

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When I first started posting (before there were registered usernames) I posted as "Colleen" because that is what I had been on other boards. Then the real "Colleen" replied to inform me that name was already taken


Do you know, Colleen, I remember that exact exchange! Glad you hung around. Sorry she didn't. I miss her. And all the trouble that followed her. :)

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When I considered homeschooling in 6th grade, I looked around online for homeschooling articles and came upon the Well Trained Mind. I immediately liked what I saw, especially encouraging Latin because I had to learn it back in Europe and knew the many benefits of it.


For the first year or so, I never even looked at the "board". I just stuck to the curriculum suggestions and evaluations on the website. I bought the book and immersed myself. Then one fine day, when ds was in his first year of High School, I discovered the HS board. Again, it took me several more months to check out the General Board because back then it was titled in such a way that led me to believe it was for parents of younger children.


My first post on the General Board (this was the old board before January 2008) was immediately labeled "SPAM" and I spent the next couple of days convincing the hive that I was not a spammer because my (then) AOL connection showed different IP addresses. Someone checked the HS board and found several of my posts there and I was "welcomed" to this board.


This was such a traumatic experience that off and on I have to relive it and purge myself of the pain once again. :lol:


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I read the book, then went up to the website, and followed the link :)


Me too. Such fond memories. The kids were toddlers, and we were so poor. Our major fun was going to the bookstore at the mall. We found the book there, bought it(which was a major purchase for us) and found the link to the website in the book. The kids were two and three....now they are 12 and 13....been here pretty much ever since. Thanks Susan and all who share their hearts here.

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I'm not a "long timer" but I used to lurk on the old-board after reading TWTM when my son was in utero. I plan ahead, what can I tell you? :tongue_smilie:



Mmm. I did the same. It's my inner Capricorn. It likes to plan ahead. I posted a few times on the old board, but I like this format better, as you can tell from my post count... I think I found the board before I read the book. I can't remember.



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Yahoo search after I first read the book in 1999....probably first posted on the old board in late 2000. I am not a big poster at all and I often take several months off at a time, but I am so glad the board is here when I need it!

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Patty Johanna also told me :D


OK, not really.


I'm not a "long timer" but I used to lurk on the old-board after reading TWTM when my son was in utero. I plan ahead, what can I tell you? :tongue_smilie:




I remember being about six months pregnant and reading books about homeschooling while I rested in the afternoon! I'm not a "long timer" either, but I did post on the old boards for a few years before the big switch occured. Unfortunately I didn't find TWTM untill dd was four, and after I read the book I found the boards.

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I can't remember how I found TWTM and the boards.


I was looking into homeschooling and a couple of the cloth diaper sites I visited had homeschooling forums. Unschooling didn't sound like what I wanted, but I was intrigued by Charlotte Mason. That led me to Classical and somehow led me here. :tongue_smilie:

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I really don't remember. . .I never posted a lot on the old boards, but have been around for probably 9 years. I was also on the old SL boards at that time, so maybe someone mentioned the WTM forums.

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In 1999 (winter of 99-00?) a friend handed me a copy of the first edition. Spring of 2000 I heard Jesse & Susan speak at a conference and mention the boards, I think it was then that I started visiting. I have taken time away during the decade, even a year or two at a time. I have fewer schooling related questions now that I have been home schooling for many years, but I do appreciate the comeraderie of those in the trenches with me.


Thanks, Susan and crew, for your long-term commitment and patience!


PS I also remember the Colleen-screen-name episode!

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I have a habit of looking for more information about the books/authors I read, so I found the site after reading TWTM a second time.


The first time I read the book I was terribly intimidated, so I put it on a shelf and tried to ignore it.

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I found my way here through the book. I'd lurked on the old boards, maybe asked a question or two. The old format always through me off. Once I noticed the boards changed I started participating more.


Hey what's with the new avatar. You're messing me up.






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I used to be on Vegsource and when they started having everyone log in, I never got an approval :confused:.


I wandered here and lurked on the K-8 board for quite a while. I was pretty new to homeschooling back then and didn't feel like I had advice to offer. I finally started posting. I did a name change at one point but have been Tap for many years now.

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I don't consider myself a newbie, but I also don't consider myself a long-timer by any means, so where does that leave me? :tongue_smilie:


I found this site when searching the net for anything and everything homeschool related over four years ago when I was trying to convince dh to let me try homeschooling the kids. Ps was awful, and I didn't even want to think about private school costs. I somehow surfed into this site not knowing that the book that had 'grabbed' me actually had such a great site! I lurked/read for several months (that's how long it took me to read through all the posts on the K-8, High School, and General boards). Once I got through that, I started to post.


As I said, I don't consider myself a newbie, but I don't think I'm a long-timer, either, so I guess I'll just call myself a 'wannabe'. :lol:

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I don't remember. I found it about 6 years ago and have been addicted ever since! I do know that essentially everything that we have achieved in our homeschool is a direct result of advice I've gotten here.

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I agree. My friend Patty Joanna rocks:D

Back in 2000 I came across an interview that Debra Bell had done with SWB and what she said resonated with me so I ordered the first edition of WTM, found the WTM boards and have not looked back. Ds was still young so I mostly lurked. It took me a couple of years before I plucked up the courage to post on the old board. I was literally sweating bullets when I typed up my first post. I had never posted anything online ever before. I'm still not a very active poster much to my son's dismay. He keeps track of my "bee level" and cheers when I move up ;)




Patty Joanna is the one who told me about it. :)
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It was called WellTrainedMindDscn and I don't think it exists anymore. I was actively involved in that group for about a year when I first started lurking on the boards after hearing members of the yahoo group talk about them. It was about 2001, maybe early 2002. Most of my posts have been done in the later half of those years, but I don't post nearly as often as some here do.

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It was called WellTrainedMindDscn and I don't think it exists anymore. I was actively involved in that group for about a year when I first started lurking on the boards after hearing members of the yahoo group talk about them. It was about 2001, maybe early 2002. Most of my posts have been done in the later half of those years, but I don't post nearly as often as some here do.


It's still around...

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WellTrainedMindDscn/ just not active !

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I have a habit of looking for more information about the books/authors I read, so I found the site after reading TWTM a second time.


The first time I read the book I was terribly intimidated, so I put it on a shelf and tried to ignore it.


This describes me also, except *because* I was a tad intimidated, it made me want to find out more about SWB. My immediate thought was, "I wonder if she has a website?" And lo and behold...


I was more intimidated by the message boards, to be honest. It was my first time ever using a message board. It was weird, but apparently I've warmed up to it! *wink*

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