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Long-timers: How did you find the WTM board?

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For the life of me, I can't remember. I've been trying to figure it out since seeing the other thread...


I *think* it was from a founding teacher at the classical school my kids went to for those first few months of first grade before we pulled them out. She knew we were considering homeschooling before we enrolled them "to see how it went". But I'm not positive about it being her.


Oh. Wait. Can you define "long timer"?

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I started lurking on the old board shortly after reading WTM for the first time. I was either not yet pregnant or just barely pregnant, and I had a job in a computer lab. I spent my time there exploring the internet, so naturally I decided to see if this book I'd just read had a website. :)

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Guest Katia

I was an original member at the Swap, and heard about the book TWTM over there. So, I bought it and read it, and heard the gals over there talking about the forums here, so I popped over and started reading them.....a little over 10 years ago! Once in a while, I'd jump in and post (you didn't have to be registered on the old boards) thinking that since I didn't 'belong' I'd be ignored; however, everyone welcomed me even if I only posted once every two or three months!


Eventually, I started spending all my time at the WTM boards and less and less at the Swap. Now, I just pop in at The Swap once every couple of months, but they've changed their boards several times and I never did re-register there. I thought I did good to sort-of figure out how to register and navigate these new boards! TWTM boards are enough for me. :D

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Tagmax listserve back in 1999. David Albert of "And the Skylark Sings with Me: Adventures in Homeschooling and Community-Based Education" used the forum to trash Classical Ed. in general and Susan and Jesse in particular. Since David wasn't my favorite poster, I decided to have a look at what had stoked his ire. The WTM board led me to the book, and the book turned out to be exactly what I was searching for. Who knew it was what SO MANY others were also searching for?



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My best friend, an afterschooler and longtime lurker (and occasional poster!), turned me onto the old boards about five years ago, when I was first fantasizing about HSing. I immediately got sucked in, and that was all she wrote :D

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For the life of me, I can't remember. I've been trying to figure it out since seeing the other thread...


I *think* it was from a founding teacher at the classical school my kids went to for those first few months of first grade before we pulled them out. She knew we were considering homeschooling before we enrolled them "to see how it went". But I'm not positive about it being her.


Oh. Wait. Can you define "long timer"?


No I will not define "long timer" - if you think you're not a newbie (unless you are Newbie) then you are a long-timer:D


It was your post on the other thread that sparked this thread!

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Tagmax listserve back in 1999. David Albert of "And the Skylark Sings with Me: Adventures in Homeschooling and Community-Based Education" used the forum to trash Classical Ed. in general and Susan and Jesse in particular. Since David wasn't my favorite poster, I decided to have a look at what had stoked his ire. The WTM board led me to the book, and the book turned out to be exactly what I was searching for. Who knew it was what SO MANY others were also searching for?




That is really interesting since I found out about his book - on the WTM board!

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Like others, I used to be on Vegsource back when my now 6th grader was just an infant. Something went wrong on Vegsource; and, honestly, I don't remember exactly what it was. It seems there were numerous technical and personal issues -- whole groups of people were blocked without explanation, stuff like that. Quite a few of us abandoned Vegsource for the old WTM "active board" at that time. And I've been here ever since.


I don't post so much in this new format. I've never felt quite as homey with this setup. But I do still consider this my forum. I lurk, I come here to look for specific topics, I answer certain kinds of questions, I quote you guys all the time, and I frequently recommend the board to others.

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Like others, I used to be on Vegsource back when my now 6th grader was just an infant. Something went wrong on Vegsource; and, honestly, I don't remember exactly what it was. It seems there were numerous technical and personal issues -- whole groups of people were blocked without explanation, stuff like that. Quite a few of us abandoned Vegsource for the old WTM "active board" at that time. And I've been here ever since.


I don't post so much in this new format. I've never felt quite as homey with this setup. But I do still consider this my forum. I lurk, I come here to look for specific topics, I answer certain kinds of questions, I quote you guys all the time, and I frequently recommend the board to others.


yep. I am pretty sure this is what happened to me too.

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I borrowed a copy of TWTM from my local library a few years ago (and a few years into our homeschooling experience) and that led me to these boards. I've been coming here for two years maybe? So I'm not newbie but I haven't been around nearly as long as some of you. I did go through some of the 'old boards' via TWTM website I believe. I'm glad we have this format now!

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Oh my gosh!!! I really do not remember. Maybe, I found it through vegsource, which used to be the happenin' place. Haven't been there in years because of the pop-ups.



Ugh the popups ruined that site. I went back when I was pregnant with my youngest son, and it is NOT the same !

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For the record, I'm not as long-time here as some of you. I think it was around 2000 that I started on the old board. I hung out almost exclusively on the accelerated learning board, then I moved to the curriculum board, now I'm almost exclusively (but not totally) on the general board and will soon start to spend more and more time on the high school board. As my needs change, my focus changes too. . .

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I kept reading all this negative stuff on Charlotte Mason/Ambleside message groups, about Classical Homeschooling and TWTM in particular. About how dry, extreme etc Classical was. That was my introduction. Eventually, I was linked to the boards by someone over there and once I found them, and read TWTM, I was completely hooked.

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remarkably enough, a crazy person told me about it. Now, whether I'm a long-timer or not . . . I'm not sure I'd call a wee bit over two years a long-timer but not a newbie either.


I've been around long enough to know what tea and bean dip are and to know better than to ask if it's okay to request that guests remove their shoes upon entering my house.:tongue_smilie:


But for the newbies who may be reading . . . I had to ask about bean dip. Maybe someone should start a thread explaining wtm memes and traditions.


Of course, it may be funnier to let them wonder. I do recall explaining step by step how to make tea in a tea thread. When I figured it out I chuckled a good long while. I didnt dare make the same mistake with bean dip, so I asked.:lol:

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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You know, Jean, I used to be on the old boards, and I believe I found this place when I started my homeschool journey 12 years ago. Actually, make that 11. I used a boxed curriculum at first..... you know, because some of us aren't confident when they start out. ESPECIALLY if you never intended to homeschool.


I found this place while doing a curriculum search, probably 10 - 11 years ago. I only went on the curriculum board. I took a break when life didn't allow me to homeschool for 1.5 years, but there's no getting rid of me now.:tongue_smilie:


I found WTM doing a google search..... or what ever search engine was used at the time.

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We picked up TWTM in 2002 at the library, well before having children. Dual military with sea duty assignments.


My husband found the boards and he was lurking before I really started checking out the boards.


It fit so perfectly with what we wanted in a family that we haven't pursued any other options!

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You know, Jean, I used to be on the old boards, and I believe I found this place when I started my homeschool journey 12 years ago. Actually, make that 11. I used a boxed curriculum at first..... you know, because some of us aren't confident when they start out. ESPECIALLY if you never intended to homeschool.


I found this place while doing a curriculum search, probably 10 - 11 years ago. I only went on the curriculum board. I took a break when life didn't allow me to homeschool for 1.5 years, but there's no getting rid of me now.:tongue_smilie:


I found WTM doing a google search..... or what ever search engine was used at the time.


That was probably Dogpile.com it was the search engine I lived on. :lol:

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I found the boards in early 2003, when I had 1 boy and was horrified that my dear friend was starting to homeschool her children. I began researching homeschooling so I could convince her otherwise, and stumbled upon the WTM book. I didn't realize there was actually a BOOK on how to homeschool, so I bought it out of curiosity. My hubby saw me reading and commented it would be great to homeschool because he had a lousy experience going through school, and by the end of the book I was convinced.


I did an online search and found the message boards, and I have been hanging around here ever since (though I don't post a lot).


When I first started posting (before there were registered usernames) I posted as "Colleen" because that is what I had been on other boards. Then the real "Colleen" replied to inform me that name was already taken (and of course I had some sort of reaction to her having so many boys LOL!!). I then tried Colleen in VA (also already taken), and ended up with Colleen in SEVA. I have since added 4 more boys.

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I'm not sure what qualifies a person as an old-timer. I think of myself as a newbie, but I found the old boards...in 2000, maybe? Not long after the 1st ed was published & I think before ds was born in '01. Definitely before he turned 1. But I was scared to post because I wasn't hs'ing yet & the boards were hard to follow.


Then I joined the Yahoo WTM group, & at a park day, I met Jami, & she was talking about the boards. I decided to give them another try, & boy. Once I got the hang of them, the old boards were quite addictive. That would have been 2005. Maybe '06...the yrs run together, lol! But I've really been posting since then. So...4-5yrs.


We should make a poll, so we'll know if we're newbies or oldies or in-betweenies. We could get middle child complexes & do each others' nails. :D

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I've been on the boards for 9 years. I think I found it by looking up the Well Trained Mind on the web after I read the book. It's been so long. When I started using ideas that I read about in the book my now 16 year old was going to be starting 2nd grade. That seems so long ago.


I know a lot of people like the format of the old board, but I prefer this format. I find it easier to keep up with. I'm not sure why, but it seems easier.

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My website stats!


Several people here linked to my website, I read a few posts and got hooked!!


About half of what I am using now I heard about here. I was already homeschooling classically and had read TWTM when this place found me.

Edited by ElizabethB
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I found the boards while reading TWTM a little over 9 years ago. I was about to start homeschooling my oldest dd (kindergarten at the time) and was scared out of my mind! I was interested in classical education, and a friend recommended TWTM. Kindergarten turned out to be a great year, so we kept homeschooling. Now we are approaching high school next year, and I am scared out of my mind again!


I don't post a lot, but I am here often. I have learned so much from the boards over the years.

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