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Are you done with the school year yet?

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My ds will continue to practice reading until he can read fluently and DD will continue, gently, with phonics throughout the summer.


My 1st grade curriculum is done early!

Right Start B = done!

WWE1 = done

SOTW1 = done (well, read but not the AG... maybe I'll go back and do some fun projects)

ABeCeDarian B = done (ds needs to work on reading FASTER!)

CCD = Over!!


Science/Art = ummm, ok, I didn't have a curriculum and we just did (not often enough) kits/books/videos for science and free painting/drawing for art.


For K, my dd only is doing phonics and she is doing great.


**My kids have been outside playing all day all week and the neighbors have noticed! ;) Someone actually asked me if we were done for the year and I said... YUP! :w00t:


disclaimer: we will do a little bit of something educational all summer because I don't want them to forget anything! Math, writing and reading plus lots of library books will continue but not on a formal "school day" just a little each morning.

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Yep. We've been finished for about a month now and are mindlessly twiddling our thumbs. :glare: I have been ordering them to watch TV.


I think we are probably just going to start the next school year early (maybe next week) and drive into our next grade levels.


My kids never could handle not doing school throughout breaks...:confused:


What can I say...we're a Family of Nerds.

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5 days of English left for each of the younger boys plus a little geography and just a bit of Latin. We will have some fun with history this summer. This is very nice. Last year we weren't done until the first week of June.


The oldest, 13, has 7 math lessons left and about the same in English. That's it for him. We'd be done already but I needed to take the first week of May off in order to get some things done on the farm where I work in exchange for horse boarding.


We won't start new materials until some time in July and that will just be 1.5 hours per day three days per week. August is when we will begin full school weeks again.



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We finished a few weeks ago. I am busy filing away the old and prepping the new. DD keeps making off with her new books and ds has already colored in his new workbooks. :glare: So it's on me to get everything ready and get going with the new asap. My aim is for a June start (we do take time off thru the year so it won't be so bad to start early).

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Naw, we take July and August as our "summer months" - we still do some work, but different stuff, and on a reduced schedule.


Here, most schools/classes go Sept-June, so that makes the most sense. I'm always finding it odd that it seems a lot of others take of June/July and start back already in August.

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Yeah, we are pretty much done. Since I've decided that we are going with testing as assessment for the year we are taking a break until dd takes the test. I'll order it this weekend, spend a week in review before taking it and then the few days it takes to administer the test.


She has finished her math, history, science and assigned reading for the year. We will pick up everything we left in the fall.

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Yes and no. My 4th & 5th graders are almost done, but the 7th & 10th grader will be a while. We usually hs lite during summer anyway with atleast math and other subjects that needs extra attention. This summer 10 grader will get a summer job so he is motivated to get everything done as soon as he can.

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Done, done, done!!!


Plus I am so proud of myself for having already purchased ALL of my curriculum for 2010-2011 and it is sitting neatly in the cabinets. No more looking at a zillion different things. I'm happy, DS is happy and DH is estastic!

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Yes and no. My 4th & 5th graders are almost done, but the 7th & 10th grader will be a while. We usually hs lite during summer anyway with atleast math and other subjects that needs extra attention. This summer 10 grader will get a summer job so he is motivated to get everything done as soon as he can.


Your back! ummm, wait were you gone?? I feel like I've been missing you on the forums! :001_wub:

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We are limping along and I do mean limping. Older ds is home from college which makes 13 yo ds believe that it is just so wrong to continue when his brother is done. There's no way to tell when we were supposed to be done since we've had such a horrible year with my mom in and out of hospitals and nursing homes and then passing away. I feel guilty and yet I know my priorities were where they needed to be. We made it through a difficult time and that was a lesson in itself. When will be finished? By the end of May for sure. Then we'll just have to start again and plan to have a better year next fall.

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9 more days ...


at least for the official school district attendance report.


We'll still have 4-5 weeks of our science curriculum to finish (no big deal, will be fun for the kids), and we'll probably keep up with piano practice, art, math games, read-alouds and all the free reading/educational computer games they want.


And after about 2 weeks of that, we may have to go back to school out of sheer boredom! :p

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Subjects are dropping and I think the last day of this year will be sometime before the end of the month. THen we will start in June with 12th and ninth grades but at least my older will still be finishing two subjects- ALg. 2 and Biology. The younger will still be finishing Algebra. But they will get to drop some and not start some other until after our SUmmer vacation in August. So the plan is right now for summer- finish maths, sciences, continue with SPanish, and start and finish a short literature course.

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We'll be finishing up the first week of August. We don't take summer off 'cause it's just too hot here to be outside anyway. We have this week off for my ds10's birthday though. So I get a little break, then 4 weeks of full school, 6 weeks of light school.

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Dd and Ds will continue until they get their work done. They are almost done with their English and health, but still have quite a bit to do in world history and math.


I expect them to continue to end of June. Then they will have July and half of August off.


Younger two Ds's last day of ps is June 2nd (I think), they will do some light review over the summer.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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Almost! I've got this week to finish and next week to do, and then we'll be finished with OM4!


We'll be returning to SOTW over the summer, as well as checking out Times Tales to see if we can improve on the multiplication facts, and attempting to learn some basic Spanish using "I Can Read & Speak In Spanish" book and audio CD after we wrap up the last of Oak Meadow.


Then in the fall it will be OM5 and TT5 for my daughter and OMK for my son :)

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We are oh-so-happily done! This week & next are various field trips & testing to round out our final five days required for reporting to the state.


Dd has four books she's required to read over the summer, and she's "required" to do some math each day (this is clearly a hardship, since she takes workbooks on vacation and volunteered to start one of her books for next year early - "This looks like fun!"). She does a lot of day camps (generic outdoor, science, tennis, musical theatre), plus a week of resident camp.


Ds will continue doing math & phonics throughout the summer. He has just two weeks of generic half-day camp.

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We go year round. We have never had a "start" for the school year...ever. However I just got the Homeschool Tracker Plus software :hurray:. So I said our school year started May 1. We just work through everything and then go onto the next level when done.

Well if we finish. We have been doing a lot of switching in the last year so we haven't "finished" a subject in a long time. We have settled into our school stuff now though, the kids like most of it and I like all of it sooo....:D

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Looks like we might be the latest. We have about 60 lessons yet to go in most subjects. :glare:


I don't really mind. We always go year round, and somehow September's rolling around really motivates me to keep at it and try to finish!

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I'm done. My son is done. Sadly, our work is not done.


We are hoping to finish Math and LA's by June 4th. Science and History will continue in a relaxed form until we are finished with SOTW1 and any scientific rabbit trails that DS is following.

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Officially we follow the ps calendar and our last day will be the 26th.



We've dropped a few subjects and have picked up the pace in others. I've scheduled multiple field trips, one day of camping, nature study and two days for dd to work on a scrapbook of her year. History and math are still full speed ahead.

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Snort! Calvin has five high-school level exams to take (two subjects) and then we need to do some catch up in French, science and maths in preparation for bricks-and-mortar school in the autumn. I hope to give them both six weeks off plus a week for a family holiday. Hobbes is already on a light schedule.



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We are almost done with SL Core K, but we still have 20 lessons in math left. We'll just keep doing reading/phonics during that time. Then we'll do readers, flashmaster, and read-alouds during our summer break, which is really only a month, as we're moving to a year-round schedule.

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We are close, "officially", but we never really stop our schooling. Definitely continue math, reading, and writing at a lighter pace, but don't want them to forget everything over the summer break!

Also, I've found that with our boys if we don't do something structured (or have a "plan") each day, the days begin to just drag and I have wandering children around the house always looking for "something to do". I don't like spending the summer being the "activities coordinator" for my family, so we keep some schoolwork going to solve that dilemma and keep their brains sharp!

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We will be done next week for a while. But our work isn't done. I was going to keep going, but there is so much going on over the next 7 weeks that it just didn't make sense to try to fit school in. So we'll take a break and finish up after the 4th of July.


DD4 already finished MFW-K before Easter and is on week 6 of MP-K. DS6 is on week 26 of HOD-LHFHG but has already finished up SM-1a &b and is onto SM-2a, and he is 1 week away from finishing The Reading Lesson. So it's just the history/Bible that we're behind on because I didn't pull him out of school until mid-October so we got a late start.


Over our 7 week break I intend to keep up with reading and a bit of math, along with some fun science and art since we haven't done much with those 2 subjects since we finished MFW-K in April. And I'm not ready to pull out the new stuff until September.

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Exactly 14 days left out of our 180 required by PA. One of those will be a field trip to zoo/chocolate factory. Two weeks of time off to graduate DD from Christian school and then will continue with math, typing, reading, swimming and gardening for our "summer school".

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