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What will you be doing for Mother's Day?

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I will be spending it at home with my poor 4 yr old son who has hand, foot and mouth disease. I don't know where we got this from but it is no fun. My 3 year old started it about two weeks ago and ran through all the symptoms and now after 5 days of high fever my 4 yr old has moved on to the horribly painful ulcers everywhere in the mouth, on the tongue and tonsils part. Ugh! It's so frustrating being unable to make their hurt go away. I'm just hoping the other 4 kids don't get it. Snuggle time it is.

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Grilling and swimming in the backyard. I'm letting my son spend the night at a friend's house, so we are teasing that my mother's day present is spending a day without him.


I think he knows better.

Edited by amy g.
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I will be spending it at home with my poor 4 yr old son who has hand, foot and mouth disease. I don't know where we got this from but it is no fun. My 3 year old started it about two weeks ago and ran through all the symptoms and now after 5 days of high fever my 4 yr old has moved on to the horribly painful ulcers everywhere in the mouth, on the tongue and tonsils part. Ugh! It's so frustrating being unable to make their hurt go away. I'm just hoping the other 4 kids don't get it. Snuggle time it is.


Poor guy! This is SO hard! My boys each had it when they were young (under 2) and it was painful to "watch". Snuggle time on Mother's Day can be a great thing though! :)


I'll be hanging out around the house after attending and teaching at church. I told Dh I didn't want to cook, and he said he'd take care of me. A couple weeks ago, he sent me to Charleston, SC for two days with my sister, so that was my gift. I'll be content just laying low for the day. Oh, and if he'll vacuum for me! :D

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I will be hosting my MIL, FIL, and FIL's dd (grown). YAY. :( :( :( :( :(


You married into one of those families too? Their tradition was to get together at someone's house, meaning the moms do even more work than usual on Mother's Day. I put my foot down two years ago and insisted on carry-out but here I am again tonight baking because it's not at my house and I have no control.


Last year one of my kids got sick so I stayed home. My poor daughter was so distraught that I was missing the gathering that I had to let her in on the secret: I consider it Grandma's Mother's Day celebration because this sure is no fun for me.


Yes, I'm cranky. I'll get over it about this time tomorrow.

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I have very low expectations. I figure my focus should be on celebrating our moms, instead of looking to who will do something for me. Heard a sermon on that once and it hit home. So I will call my mom (1000's of miles away:crying:) and do my best to convey my thoughts. And we will take MIL to church with us (she's been recently widowed) and later out to dinner.


DH came home from an errand tonight with flowers. I guess he figured it'd be a bigger surprise tonight than tomorrow. I've been grumpy from days on end with too many kids and no breaks for even a quiet cup of tea. He's a man who recognizes trouble brewing. :tongue_smilie:


Tomorrow afternoon he is sending me to IKEA. Alone. With the debit card.:D I think I'll hit Starbucks on the way over there for a treat!


Happy Mother's Day friends!!

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I have very low expectations. I figure my focus should be on celebrating our moms, instead of looking to who will do something for me. !!


Honestly, I've never cared about gifts or what's in it for me. I'm not real keen on having extra work on plate on Mother's Day though.

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Our family, bil and family, mil and my mom are going out to lunch. Dh will pay for my mom's meal and his brother pays for their mom's meal.


After that probably nothing.


Oh and I got my our mom's each a card. I don't usually receive anything but that is fine with me.

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Honestly, I've never cared about gifts or what's in it for me. I'm not real keen on having extra work on plate on Mother's Day though.


I feel this way about it (my birthday too). DH thinks it's weird and gets so anxious when I say that he shouldn't get me anything (and I mean it!). Honestly, I recently quit my job, and I'm just so happy that I was finally able to do it that I don't want anything for the next 50 holidays, I swear! I'm so blissed out with our life right now that it's all good. And anyway, DH is working all day, so my plans for tomorrow are to plug the girls in (TV is only on weekends here) and read grown-up books ALL. DAY. LONG :D


My mom's preferred Mother's Day treat is to have the entire day to herself, so I'm off the hook there. I did buy her a nice box of gourmet chocolate-covered pretzels and a lovely card though.


...I think I'll hit Starbucks on the way over there for a treat!


However...THIS is a great idea! I've been dieting and have had visions of caramel frappuccinos dancing in my head :lol: This will be my Mother's Day treat to myself! Thanks for the idea, i.love.lucy!

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We will host a party for about 40 people.

Then we will clean up.

Then we will stop by another one of the confirmands' parties.


There is a rumor that we might go out to wild nature for a little hike after that, as that is what I always want to do on Mothers' Day when I have a choice. But I'm probably going to be a little tired, LOL!

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We have a very full day:


Mother's Day service, for which we have to be there at 9am because my dc are all in the children's choir and they have to practice. (No sleeping in for me!)




Iron Man 2


Lowe's to get a new mailbox and post because some reckless driver plowed mine over and didn't bother to leave their name/insurance co.


Finish building my 3'x12' garden bed and put dirt in it.


Plant stuff! What stuff? I haven't decided yet! :D

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Two of kids and husband are sick. When I put my 6 yo to be he said "I feel weird". Yay. There are soon to be three sick kids (one already recovered).


I planned to go see my mom and give her her gift and cards, but I don't want to risk sharing the germs I will no doubt be swimming in tomorrow. I'm doomed to be next. :glare:

Edited by darlasowders
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I'll spend it driving one son to the capitol where he will be paging, meeting up with oldest ds at his university to go to "mother's day dinner" and delivering to him his birth certificate so he can renew his driver's license which expired over 30 days ago :glare:

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Heading over to our favorite Italian restaurant for brunch (it is great even though we are in India!) They have an event for the kids to make crepes for the moms! Tonight we have a birthday party for a friend of ds at a swanky club - this is a party for a five year old! Should be a full day!

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After church, I'll be sitting out on the patio, under the umbrella, reading the paper or napping in the chaise lounge where my hubby and son will be grilling kabobs for my sister and myself. Very low key around here - as are most holidays for us.

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After church, ds and dh will take me out to lunch. I'm still trying to decide where I want to go; I feel conflicted because my top choices are not dh's favorites, and I feel torn between getting what I want because it's "my" day, and wanting everyone to enjoy their meal. (It's not that dh would hate his meal, it's just not his favorite.)


Then I'd like to just relax and hang out at the house. Do laundry. :glare: Read the new Amelia Peabody book I just got from the library.



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I secretly hate Mother's Day. Dh often tries to let the kids pick and they want to surprise me. Then I am stuck tring to act happy about it.


He knows I hate surprises!


I have asked him for specific things in the past like a day with everyone helping me in the yard, hoping he will steer the kids in that direction....nope, that year they took me to the zoo instead. We have a membership, and we used to spend time there almost weekly (we used to take a wagon and do school there under the trees). Mother's Day is a very, very busy zoo day....and I don't like crowds. :0(



Today, instead I took dd11 and she and I went to the Farmers Market. We ate lunch and listened to music. Then we went shopping and I bought new clothes for me, a bunch of spices at Penzy's, shoes for her, and some presents for upcoming birthdays. We had a LOVELY day and that was probably the best 'Mother's Day' I could have had. We were gone from 10am to 8pm.


I bought myself a gift from the kids :lol: A large Denby Oblong Dish

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Going to church. Coming home. Taking a nap. Going back to church. Coming Home. Bed. :)


That sounds like my typical Sunday! LOL


We're going to church, coming home and napping, then meeting up with Ds at EX's house for a Mother's Day dinner. Dd says she has a song to play for me as well as presents to give. Should be exciting! LOL

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Going to church. Coming home. Taking a nap. Going back to church. Coming Home. Bed. :)



Sounds about like my day! Though somewhere in there I have to make next weeks lesson plans. *sigh* We live in a little burg of a town (I mean TINY) and go an hour and a half for grocerys every two weeks, so we will celebrate it next weekend in the real town as my 4 year old calls it :lol:

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I phoned my mum for Mothers Day- she lives on the other side of Australia- and we chatted for an hour, which is unusual. She was actually happy and feeling good, which is very unusual. She thinks her fibromyalgia is gone (after many, many years of pain). She is overjoyed that she has energy.


For myself, I received a card from ds14 (it was a b'day card that he crossed out the b'day words from, but oh well, its the thought that counts!), a beautiful painting from dd15, and a basket of flowers from dh.


We also just visited MIL and that was good. She wasn't feeling well and we cheered her up.

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We are nearly at the end of Mother's Day here now. I'm supposed to be having a baby today for Mother's Day - but so far, baby has not seen fit to choose today to be born ;)


Anyway, the kid's made a beautiful breakfast table decorated with lavender sprigs and lighted candle, pancakes, and fruit salad in parfait glasses, served with cappucinos for dh and I. Very nice!!! Got some pressies and lovely cards.


Had a peaceful day, really. Played my new Wii Brain Box game (fun :) ) and ate dinner prepared by dd. Now we are about to play a family quiz game. I like my family-orientated Mother's Day. :001_smile:

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I will be sitting by the phone waiting for phone calls from our daughter and hubby. She made it to the states and just in time as the ash has reappeared.

I'm waiting on a call to pick up hubby from his deployment. Gosh..it's gonna be an exciting day!:D:D:D

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Anyway, the kid's made a beautiful breakfast table decorated with lavender sprigs and lighted candle, pancakes, and fruit salad in parfait glasses, served with cappucinos for dh and I.


That sounds nice. :)


I'm starting my special day out with "breakfast in bed". Loosely interpreted, that means the cat got me out of bed at 4:30 am so I could feed him breakfast. :tongue_smilie:

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We are nearly at the end of Mother's Day here now. I'm supposed to be having a baby today for Mother's Day - but so far, baby has not seen fit to choose today to be born ;)




Sending you best wishes Linda.

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Along with my children, I'll be in church praying hard for my beloved mother-in-law, age 92. Late last evening she was transferred from the rehab facility (she had broken her hip not long ago) back to the hospital with unstable heart. She is one of God's finest people, and everybody who meets her loves her dearly. DH left town at 11:30 P.M. to drive down there to be with her.

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I will be spending it at home with my poor 4 yr old son who has hand, foot and mouth disease. I don't know where we got this from but it is no fun. My 3 year old started it about two weeks ago and ran through all the symptoms and now after 5 days of high fever my 4 yr old has moved on to the horribly painful ulcers everywhere in the mouth, on the tongue and tonsils part. Ugh! It's so frustrating being unable to make their hurt go away. I'm just hoping the other 4 kids don't get it. Snuggle time it is.


Dd had this when she was 2. We didn't have a clue what it was as we were on vacation in FL. When we got back, the mom of her favorite playmate called to tell us he had it and the symptoms. We just thought that dd didn't like the beach.


I am sick today because my girls shared their cold germies with me. So I am home on the couch and they will be bringing lunch home after church.

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I will be cooking and cleaning so I can make a nice Mother's day for my Mother and my dh's step mother. My fil will be here too and prob sil and her kids. Somehow noone realizes that I am a mother too...even though I am the only one (other than sil) who has her own kids....




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I will be cooking and cleaning so I can make a nice Mother's day for my Mother and my dh's step mother. My fil will be here too and prob sil and her kids. Somehow noone realizes that I am a mother too...even though I am the only one (other than sil) who has her own kids....





:grouphug: I was just wondering how old we have to be before we can stand up and say, "Hey, this is not how I want to spend MY Mother's Day!" I'm completely fine with not getting gifts and flowers and special things for myself. I would NOT be fine with slaving to make everyone else's Mother's Day special (as much as I love them all!).

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God blessed us with perfect weather this weekend! We'll enjoy it by getting our first planting done. Then I'm cooking the dinner I want the way I want it cooked. DH could make it but he's likely to alter the recipe.


My kids have been told that their gift to me is putting in chore wars time, which is an especially good gift because I'm sick.

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:grouphug: I was just wondering how old we have to be before we can stand up and say, "Hey, this is not how I want to spend MY Mother's Day!" I'm completely fine with not getting gifts and flowers and special things for myself. I would NOT be fine with slaving to make everyone else's Mother's Day special (as much as I love them all!).


I've tried and I can't change it. However, I've let my kids off the hook in the future. My boys know that when the day comes they should take put their wives first.

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We went to church last night (dd's choir sang.) So we got to sleep in this morning for the first time in ages. Had a very relaxing morning. Will probably go to the cemetery for the first time since my mom died. I am a little apprehensive - I am afraid I will either be numb because of the kids or really lose it. The maybe a walk in the forest preserve and grilling at home and then an early night since ds16 has his AP Physics B exam tomorrow and we have NO idea how he will do. He seems to know the stuff, but he is bombing the practice tests.

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DH is on an extended business trip (has been gone for almost 2 weeks) so it's just me and the kiddos. DS and DD made Mother's Day cards for my mom this morning (complete with paint, glue, foam hearts, sparkle powder, etc. - the cards are cute but my kitchen is now a MESS with sparkles, etc. everywhere so I'm avoiding it right now). This afternoon, we'll head over to my mom's house for traditional German "Kaffee und Kuchen" - my aunt (mom's sister) is visiting from Germany, so that will make it an extra special time.


Later today, I'm looking forward to doing some planting in the garden (it's finally warm enough). It's a gorgeous day...


DH apparently ordered a birth stone necklace (DS and DD's birth stones) for me but told me last night that he just realized the company he ordered it from has it on backorder - so I should be receiving my Mother's Day gift in about 6 weeks. ;)


Happy Mother's Day! :)

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You married into one of those families too? Their tradition was to get together at someone's house, meaning the moms do even more work than usual on Mother's Day. I put my foot down two years ago and insisted on carry-out but here I am again tonight baking because it's not at my house and I have no control.


Last year one of my kids got sick so I stayed home. My poor daughter was so distraught that I was missing the gathering that I had to let her in on the secret: I consider it Grandma's Mother's Day celebration because this sure is no fun for me.


Yes, I'm cranky. I'll get over it about this time tomorrow.



I did! LOL Well, we were able to cut out the step-sister. Now it is just MIL and FIL and us. DH is cooking and cleaning and has dared me to lift a finger...and he even made me a cheesecake. It has turned out better than I expected. :) Kids made me cards too. :)

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